Farmers and consumers market bulletin, vol. 96 [i.e. 100], no. 5 (2013 March 6) (2024)

Mail to: Published by the Ga. Department of Agriculture Gary Black, Commissioner

Vol. 96, No. 5
Check Mailing Label
For Time to Renew
A large number of subscribers will be due for renewal between now and April 20, 2013. If you have an existing subscription and you are not sure when it is due to expire, look at your mailing address label (located in the bottom left corner of the front page of your Bulletin). The expiration date is printed to the right of the subscription number. Please send in your subscription renewal promptly to ensure you do not miss any issues of the Bulletin.
Subscriptions are available to Georgia residents at a cost of $10 per year; outstate-subscriptions are available for $20 per year. Out-of-state subscriptions must be within the United States or its territories.
To renew a current subscription online by credit or debit card (Visa, MasterCard only), visit the Bulletin website at Click on the link "Online Subscription Payment Form." Once the Online Subscription Form page has displayed, select the action "Renew Existing Market Bulletin Subscription." If your subscription has not
(Continued on Page 12)
Ad Deadline
for the April 3 issue
is noon, March 20

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Copyright 2013

Kelly Products Fills Business Needs in Agricultural Industry

Keith Kelly started Kelly Products to and produce. We also hope to develop our regulatory and licensing process for

provide agribusiness services in 1993 when own line of products that will be marketed pesticides and other products in different

he saw an opportunity to meet a need. through the Georgia Grown program."


Now he has become a Founder's Circle

Kelly was working for Pennington

"At that time, the early 1990s, the

member of Georgia Grown because he sees Seed, one of the largest manufacturers, regulatory process was laborious and time-

another business opportunity.

producers and distributors of lawn, garden consuming," says Kelly. "Companies had

"We believe in what Georgia Grown is and turf care products in the world, when to meet each state's requirements for

doing, promoting Georgia Grown he conceived the idea behind Kelly registration, packaging, fees, etc., for each

products--meats, produce, etc.--and we Products. At Pennington, Kelly was product. We created an online system to

support Georgia agriculture, and involved in various aspects of the business, automate the process."

agriculture in every state," says Kelly. "We from regulatory to product development to

At the same time, Kelly saw a need for

hope to form partnerships with other marketing and sales. He realized that a business that could manufacture

businesses who are also interested in companies like Pennington could be helped pesticides and other products for other

growing and selling Georgia Grown crops by a company that would automate the companies according to their

specifications. What made Kelly Products

Food Recalls: What You Need to Know

stand out from other manufacturers was the emphasis that the company put on quality

"FOOD RECALL" two words that have immediate consequences. Every day around the world, food products are recalled for a variety of different reasons. Here in Georgia, recalls can impact our

Agriculture (GDA), the Food Safety Division administers state laws, rules and regulations for all food processors, retail and wholesale grocery stores and retail seafood stores. These food establishments

control, and soon the company was adding customers who wanted the assurance of high quality manufacturing services. This focus on quality manufacturing led to
(Continued on Page 12)

state's food distribution system on a are all required to obtain an annual license.

wholesale level, retail level and even Within the division, program managers,

directly to the end user/consumer. Maybe a product is being recalled
because its label failed to include

inspectors and support staff all work together for Georgia residents to help ensure product recalls are addressed

Pick-Your-Own Strawberries

information about ingredients that could cause a harmful reaction in people with

quickly and efficiently. In fiscal year 2012, there were 114 food

See farm list - pg. 9

certain food allergies; maybe something

(Continued on Page 12)

happened during food production that

caused the product to become adulterated with a hard or sharp foreign object (such as

Leasing Possible Alternative

metal or glass); or maybe that ready-to-eat

product you grabbed for dinner last night was contaminated with a foodborne

To Purchasing Farmland in Ga.

pathogen (such as Salmonella or E.coli). Georgia's Food Safety Division At the Georgia Department of

Because of the lack of funds for purchasing land, some farmers may find it a viable alternative to rent or lease needed

to consult an attorney to ensure the clarity and thoroughness of the agreement.
The lease should contain at least some


of the following:

Farm Front

Agricultural economists at the UGA Cooperative Extension Service

names and addresses of both parties description of the property

recommend that a written contract, rather

an outline of the property rights of

The Georgia Cotton Commission

than an oral agreement, should be entered each party

conducted officer elections at its board

into when leasing such property because

limitations on subletting the property

meeting January 30, 2013, in Tifton.

by the tenant, along with limitations on

Mike Lucas, a cotton producer from Chester and Commission member since

Special Spring

other farming interests he/she is engaged in.

2003, was elected chairman. Wavell Robinson, of Pavo, and a member since

Farmland Edition

provisions for the protection of each party in case of death, mental or physical

2007, was elected vice-chairman. Chairman Lucas succeeds former

See ads - pgs. 2-4

incapacity, foreclosure, bankruptcy, property transfer by the landlord or

chairman, Louie Perry, of Moultrie,

assignment of rights to other persons

whose term on the Commission ended in

both parties can review terms in case of a

a mutually agreeable procedure for

2012. During the meeting the

dispute or misunderstanding.

ending or renewing the lease, and an

Commission welcomed newly appointed

If something should happen to the established procedure for settling

board member Henry Bart Davis Jr. of

tenant, the written contract would protect differences not covered precisely by the


his family, and, if something should agreement.

The Georgia/Florida Soybean

happen to the landlord, the heirs would

who is responsible for credit

Association met January 24 to elect

know the terms of the agreement.

arrangements for operating expenses and

officers and board members for 2013.

For someone who's never leased debts against the property, and who is

The elected officers are: Walter Godwin,

farmland, it would be prudent to study responsible for keeping records

of Pelham, President; Joe Moore, of

other agreements covering farm operations

land use practices such as

(Continued on Page 12)

before drafting a lease document. Sometimes, the parties involved may want

conservation rotations, land clearing, and fertilizer and liming practices.

Page 2


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Advertising Guidelines Bulletin Publishes Every Other Week

All advertisements published in the Market Bulletin must relate to the farming/agricultural industry or be a part thereof; any and all item(s) submitted for sale through the BULLETIN must meet at least one of the following criteria: 1) must be produced by the advertiser on his/her own farming operation, 2) must be made by the advertiser from materials on his/her own farming operation, 3) must be owned and used by the advertiser on his/her own farming operation for a period of at least 90 days prior to offering for sale through the BULLETIN. Businesses, corporations, dealerships or other commercial enterprises are not allowed to place classified advertisements in the MARKET BULLETIN. Commercial is defined as intended for mass market; handling large quantities of product for distribution (i.e., more than normal household or farm quantities); supported by advertisement (I.e., advertisement in publications other than the BULLETIN; listed as "business" in telephone directories or "yellow pages", etc.). Other indicators include, but are not limited to, holding business licenses and holding regulatory licenses/permits/registrations. Georgia residents only may advertise in the Market Bulletin with the following exception: out-of-state residents may advertise only in the Out-of-State Wanted category. The editor has the authority to designate the length of ads and the number of ads that may be placed by a family unit in any issue of the BULLETIN. Currently, only one (1) notice may be placed by any family unit in any issue of the BULLETIN. Family unit refers to all individuals sharing the same residence, address or telephone number. Ads must be received no later than designated deadline in order to appear in the following issue. Ads submitted via our website will be scheduled automatically for the next available issue. Ads will be published only once each time submitted unless the advertiser specifies on the notice that the ad is to be published more than once. Ads may be published for two (2) consecutive issues. A new notice must be submitted if the advertiser wants the advertisement to continue more than two issues. Note: Some ad categories are published infrequently and are published only once per submission. Please check ad category headings for publication frequency prior to submitting notice. There is a 20-word limit for advertisements except as noted under category headings (special categories that are published only monthly, quarterly or bi-annually, have a 30word limit). Advertiser's name, town, phone number or name and complete address must be included within the word limit. The Market Bulletin reserves the right to edit notices. Most advertisers include a telephone number in their ads, but mailing address may be published in lieu of phone number. However, it is important that advertisers provide a phone number when submitting ads in the event Bulletin ad personnel need to contact them concerning their ads. Advertisers who do not want a telephone number printed in their ads should note this fact when submitting the notice to the Bulletin. Each notice submitted for publication must be in writing; ads cannot be taken by telephone. Notices may be submitted by U.S. mail, facsimile transmission, or via the Internet through the Market Bulletin website.

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MARKET BULLETIN Georgia Department of Agriculture 19 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive SW Atlanta, GA 30334-4250 Fax: (404) 463-4389, 404-656-9380
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Following are advertisements for the Market Bulletin's Farmland Edition. Ads are listed alphabetically by county according to geographical regions. The map and legend on page 3 may be helpful in locating land advertisements. Ads are limited to describing farmland or farm structures; detailed descriptions of nonfarm structures are not included in these avertisements.
Farmland Northeast
If you have questions about ads in this category, call at 404-651-9081.
Banks 25 Acres with old farm house, located @ Garrison Shoals Road, $200,000. Doris Reed Lula 770-983-9388
Banks 26 A. on wells road, $8,000 per acre. Neal Smith Carnesville 706-677-3619
Banks 28 + acres; 200 ft. paved road, county water, $9,000 per acre. Burton Brown Gainesville 770-532-3788
Banks 60 A., 20 year old pines, Bushville Road; with 5% down, $5,400/acre. Dean Long Lawrenceville 770-962-6345 678-2940527
Dawson 437, plus minus acres; three miles west of Dawson County Courthouse on Highway 53, great residential development or investment property, $3000 per acre. Dennis Barron Carnesville 770-265-7630
Please include area codes with phone numbers in advertisements.

Fannin 11.3 acres; beautiful mountain land, mature, wooded, water, private, paved road, joins national forest service, 15 miles to Blue Ridge and Blairsville; possible owner financing, $105,000. Vincent Demsky Jr. PO Box 115 Morganton 30560 706-633-0822 706-374-6606
Fannin 24.14 A.; house, pond, streams, wooded, view, out buildings, 2 road frontages, $850,000. Thomas Twitty 76 Moss Lane Blue Ridge 30513 706-632-3914
Fannin 6.1 acres; Coopers Creek-Suches area, beautiful large harwoods, springheads, 2 miles off Hwy. 60; utilities, paved road frontage, $49,000. E. Rowsey Young Harris 706-400-8274
Gilmer 67 acres, 1/2 pasture w/trout stream, joins USFS, paved rd., $12,500/acre, will divide, owner financing; also, 15 acres, $6,500/acre. B.J. Reece Ellijay 706-889-0763
Gilmer 67a., 1/2 pasture w/trout stream, joins US75, paved rd, $12,500/acre, will divide, owner financing, also 15 acre, $6,500/acre. B.J. Reece Ellijay 404-656-3722
Habersham 11 A.; pasture, fenced barn, shop, fruit and nut trees, well, spring in woods, long road frontage, $195,000. Connie Quarles Demorest 706-778-5184
Habersham 12Ac.; river property on Chattahoochee river; 8 acres/hay, river front, $25,000 per acre, neg.; will finance. Bobby Wallace Cumming 770-887-2964
Habersham 32.89 A., has 2 hay barns; 20 ac. in pastures, pond, house trailer, will divide land, $9,500 per acre; financing available. Tony Tipton Clarkesville 706-754-4621 706499-8528

Hall 11.7/A. of land for sale; on Highway, 283; paved road, in Notth Hall Co., 2 miles of North Hall High School & 1 1/2 miles of Mt. Vernon Baptist Church, $15,000/acre. Frances L Sullens Murrayville 770-983-1404
Hall 17 Acre road through property, 3000 feet creek frontage, bottom land, 8 miles NE Gainesville, 6 miles to 985, Septic tank, city water, natural gas, $225,000. Patsy Strickland Gillsville 770-869-7575
Hall 51.14 acre farm, gentle to rolling terrain, 700 ft. road frontage, two streams, ideal horse, cattle, or poultry farm, price reduced. Wendell Sullens Alto 706-499-6934
Hall 68 acres near Gainesville, about 1/3 cleared for house and pasture, adjoins Lake Lanier; asking $12,500/ac. Jerry Gainesville 770-540-6788
Hall For sale; 20 + ac. with 19th century log cabin; Yellow Creek Rd., Murrayville, Ga. Mary hall Lavonia 706-356-5898
Lumpkin 3 A., cleared for pasture with some hardwods, also small stream; socated on Mill Creek Road, in Dahlonega. Kenny Sutton Cumming 770-887-8412
Pickens 10 acres, fenced, cross-fenced, mostly pasture, house, barn, large shop, sale or rent, $1,400/mo. rent; $325,000/sale. John Turner Canton 404-386-9545
Pickens 11.1 A; 3.5 acre fenced, blacktop driveway, creek fed pond, house foundation ready to build, all utilities, barn, 1 mile to new Wal-Mart, 320' road frontage, $85,000, Pickens County. Jimmy Allen Jasper 770595-4212 706-698-9205
Pickens 29.5 A., wooded w/roads cut throughout, creek, much more, Floyd/Bartow, not far from Barnsley Garden, $4000/A. Robert Burton Ranger 706-299-3295
Rabun 55 + acres; stream, joins U.S. Forest Service, located on Marcus Circle, off Bridge Creek Road, Tiger Old Home Place, $8,000/acre. Lotha Gipson Lakemont 706782-5773 706-754-2873
Stephens 30 A.; beautiful wooded homesite, some bottom land, near creek; 3 miles from Lake Hartwell. Bruce Simmons Toccoa 706-491-8182 706-886-6938
Stephens For sale; 25 A. farm, property has house, well, also has high tunnel with rollup sides and end doors, acreage is mostlly cleared with grass sowed. Daniel Keener Toccoa 706-779-2749
Towns 20 + A., creek, hardwood lake access. R Haigler Hiawassee 706-835-5222
Union 48.20 ac.; Lg. straight 300 ft. storage shed, joins U.S.F.S., fabulous mtn. view; near T.V.A. lake, privacy; deer, wild turkeys, apple trees, chestnut tree, orchard, much more, $12,500 per acre. Buck Dills Blairsville 706897-1235
Union 6.47 A, beautifully wooded and open, Hwy. 515 frontage, easy access from Cook Lane, excellent topography, utilities, located between Blairsville and Blue Ridge, $49,000. W Rowsey Blairsville 850-267-2200
Union Handicapped accessible home; 10 fenced acres, pasture, pond, creek, 24x36' barn w/electric, water; owner financing 4.75%, 30yrs.; $20K down; north of Blairsville. Carol Lakics Butler 478-8629733
White 20 A., close to 384 and 115; private road, mountain view at top, creeks and spring at bottom; ATV trails, abundant wildlife, $15,000/acre. Earl Warren Cumming 770205-9246
White 3 - 40x500 operating broiler houses,7 year old; 15 ac., barn, shop, hayshed, equipment shed, stack house, equipment, greenhouse, gardens, pasture, $1,100,000. Debbie Helton Cleveland 706-892-8581
Farmland Northeast Central
If you have questions regarding this ad category, call at 404-651-9081.
Barrow 30 A.; Winder, Ga. for lease, mostly pasture, fenced, house, 5 stall barn, tac and feed room, office and efficiency apt., storage bldg., county water,paved road frontage. Kenroy Crruickshank Hoschton 678-963-2274
Barrow 44 + acres, farm house, out buildings, located on Smith Mill Rd, Bethelhem $14,000 per acre. Bob Smith Hoschton 770-867-3850
Elbert 170 to 550 acres of beautiful fully stocked timberland with all merchantable timber, no cut over, loaded with mature oaks, streams, ideal hunting/investment, $1,686 per acre. Brad Collins Macon 478-951-8600
Elbert 22.77 acres fenced and cross fenced, barn, pond and corral with sweep and chute bermuda, orchard grass and ryegrass mixed; very good soil, $90,000. L. Partain Elberton 706-283-5058
Elbert 23.9 acres, road frontage with stream in back; partial cleared with hardwoods, $3,500 an acre. Marjorie Morrow Elberton 706-678-7179
Elbert Bowman 15 acres, creek, pond $80,000, Elberton, 72 acres/creek, trails, timber, wildlife plots,1/2 mile paved road frontage; will divide, from $2350 acre, owner finance. Robert George Lavonia 706-356-1420
Franklin 150 acres, lake broad river frontage, exllecent hunting, fishing; house, well, barns, pasture, private timber; value, $2990 per acre, possible owner financing. Billy Schultz Atlanta 770-527-0903
Franklin 46 A., paved road frontage, 1300 ft. on large ceek, one mile from Highland Walk Golf Course, possible owner finance; 2750/A. Lee McFarlin Martin 706-491-0750
Franklin 15.23 acres old farm place w/pasture, small house, out buildings, 185 frontage w/overpass & potential future commercial; 633 Neal Little Road 30521; $89,900. Michael Payne Madison 706-3428768

Franklin 44 acres w/2 houses located in city limits of Franklin Springs, Ga. 30639; good pasture, 2 springs & 800 ft. frontage on Hwy. 29. Kenneth Shealy Winterville 706296-1532
Franklin Beautiful mini farm, 7.39 acres, rolling hills, located within several miles of 4 small towns, lovely brick home. Gail Auer Flowery Branch 678-828-8115
Greene 772 A., Lake Oconee area, cattle operations with 2 story barn, living quarters, extravagant improvements, $1.85 million. Olin Wooten Hazlehurst 912375-6016 828-898-7296
Greene Union Point, 21.28 acres, Washington Hwy. rd. frontage, fenced, crossfenced, some woods, $4,500/acre. David Smith Madison 770-856-4855 RC1copter@
Hart 115.72 A., road access on Hwy 51, Bowersville Hwy., ready for development, tree farm or pasture; near good school, town, Lake Hartwell and I-285. George Wallace Elberton 706-213-0698
Hart 117 acres, 3 bedroom house, streams, pastures, beautiful old trees; owner financing, $5000/acres. Rhonda Parks Loganville 678300-0104
Hart 149.1/ac, $3,600/ac, 3 trats will divide, on raod frontage 93.8/ac, open field with small pond, 16.2/ac, mature pines, 39.1/ac. with mixed tree coverage, 3.7/miles from Hartwell. Bill Mayes Atlanta 770-313-7535
Hart 33.38 acres, farmland 50/50, pasture/ wooded, 2/wells, 1/septic tank, small stream, paved county road, 3 miles from I-85, $5000 per acre. Sandra Bailey Hartwell 706-3764537
Hart 51 acres, 50/50 pasture/wooded, 600' road frontage, Highway 77, 4 miles from I-85, small pond, $8000 per acre. Dan M Johnson Lavonia 706-491-1144
Hart 60 acres with modern brick home; half fenced pasture, woods with creek and wildlife; storage buildings with cattle, working system, $485K; appointment only. Betty Fowler 500 Freedom Church Rd Royston 30662 706245-9090
Hart 79 A., improved pasture; fenced and cross fenced, lake, stream, well, electricity; convenient to I-85, offer welcome. Max Brand Powder Springs 770-655-9048
Jackson 15+ acres, located in west Jackson County; paved road frontage, county water and creek on property, convenient to I85. F Wilkins Hoschton 706-658-6928
Madison 180 acre dairy farm, double 6 herringbone/w /2 milkers, 2000 gal tank, 4 trench siloes, 6 bay commodity shed, 200 cow free barn. George Stovall Ila 706-255-7473
Madison 6.10 acres, 241.17 feet borders broad river; 231.41 feet road frontage, $12,000/acre. Willie Garmon Pendergrass 706-654-1460 678-528-1909
Madison Horse/cattle farm; 20 acres, fenced with creek, pole barn and dog kennels. 3/br, 3/bath, brick home included, convenient to Athens, I-85, Lakes Hartwell and Lanier. Call for appointment. Jerry Simmons Colbert 706-795-2553
Madison 37 beautiful, wooded acres; over 1500' of paved rd. frontage, mature timber, possible lake site, 25 mi. east of Athens, $6,000/acre. Bobby Rice Bowman 706-3383602
Madison 10.11 +/- acres, brick home, metal roof barn w/2 rms. & 2 sheds, 70% hardwoods, 30 % open; 4039 Hwy. 295, Colbert; $189,000. F. Strickland Hull 706-5408675
Madison 97 +/- acres, river view, great home sites, exc. hunting, nice stream, can easily divide, open & wooded, easy to make pastures, located 2 mi. to 4-lane, easy access to Athens, $5,900/acre. T. Epps Danielsville 706-224-6388
Morgan 144 acres, 3.5 miles to I-20, exit 114, open wooded paved rd, creek $4500, an acre, 107 acres paved rd., creek $4500 an acre, excellent area. Lamar Banks Madison 678-725-9518
Morgan 378.04 acres, Big Sandy Creek Farm, pine and hardwood timber, outstanding interior roads, paved road frontage, near Madison, Athens, Lake Oconee. $2,275/Acre. Tony Brady Macon 478477-1141
Morgan Beautiful 5-acre tract; creek, secluded, close to Hard Labor Creek, 1 hr. to Atlanta, minutes to I-20, $52,600. P. Wright Mansfield 404-461-3464
Oconee 40 acres, 3/10 mi. paved rd. frontage, 12 yr. old pines, $15,000/acre. Lester Carson Watkinsville 706-202-6727
Oglethorpe 133+ acres, frontage on two paved roads, 24x68 ft. mobile home, good hunting, two ponds, log cabin, out building, 80% open, fescue. Marlowe Collins Gainesville 678-207-1993
Oglethorpe 15 ac., private road, secluded cabin, stream, hardwoods, 5 ac., fescue, deer, half mile from Oconee, Athens/Clark Co. line, off Belmont Rd., reduced to $90,000. Howard M Stephens Bishop 678-575-1381
Oglethorpe 355 acres, prime farm property,150/ac of pasture vest, mature timber, two streams, large barn; other out buildings and house, can divide, $2700 acre, must see property! Charles Mathis Jefferson 404-317-6173
Oglethorpe 6 acres prime deer hunting on river, cottage, screened porch, sleeps six, generator gas tank, cooking heating boat, 4/wheeler, access road, serious inquiries, $42,900. Richard Vaughter Hull 706-206-3554
Walton 22.33 acres, pond, septic, well, fence, pecan trees, $11,0000 acre, seller financing $10,000 down, $1,688, 13 month, 20 yrs, 6% interest year. Bob Criss Monroe 770-267-8589

Walton 54 A., beautiful peaceful farm, 1798 Pannell Rd., Monroe, fenced pastures, stable, round pen, walker wash rack, out buildings, chicken coop, creek back of property, $849,900. Marie Hilliard Monroe 770-267-4278
Walton 58 acres, house, rental house, 60x60, barn, partially fenced, lake creek, good for horse, cattle farm; been plotted for subdivision for 44 houses. Troy M Rogers Loganville 404-357-2053
Walton 7.22 ac., green road, Loganville, Ga., asking price: $90,000, hardwood pines on property, surrounded by horse farms, beautiful area off N. Sharon Church Rd., and Hwy 20. Sandy Schexnayder Loganville 678300-1695
Walton Good Hope 15.6 acres fenced, flat open with old large trees, two wells two septic tanks, several small buildings. Will Sommer Cumming 404-803-0306
Walton Good Hope are, 25 acres of mostly clear with mobile home, great horse farm potential, $249,900 Jimmy Satterfield Monroe 770-380-1792
Farmland Greater Atlanta
If you have questions about this ad category, call 404-651-9081.
Cherokee 27 A. +/-, Mt. Carmel Church Rd. off #108, near #20, rectangle, land slopes off center ridge, bold stream on back line, $17,500/A. Paula Hill Atlanta pauladhill@ 404-256-4633
Cherokee 40 A. horse farm, approx. 1/2 pasture, lake & creeks, pole barn, beautiful house, $990,000. Christy Strickland Canton 404-372-6074
Cherokee 5.1 A., Addison Rd., Waleska $15,000/A., road frontage: 239.5'. Doug Kirby Marietta 770-971-0350 404-966-0170
Cherokee 50.27 A., facing Conn's Creed Rd., large stream adjoining or 15.24 A. facing Sperrin Rd., all or part, $13,500/A. Harold Burtz Marietta 770-480-2961
Please include area codes with phone numbers in advertisements.
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(ISSN 0889-5619)
is published biweekly
by the
Georgia Department of Agriculture
19 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive
Atlanta, Georgia 30334-4250
Fax 404-463-4389
Office hours 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday
Gary Black, Commissioner
Carlton Moore, Editor
Randy Cox, Asst. Editor
Gerrie Fort, Circulation Mgr.
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Published biweekly at Capitol Square, Atlanta 30334. Periodicals Postage paid at Atlanta, Ga. and additional offices.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Use for Locating Georgia Counties

Page 3

Farmland Sections and Counties

Bartow Carroll Catoosa Chattooga Dade Floyd Gordon Haralson Murray Paulding Polk Walker Whitfield
Northeast Central
Barrow Clarke Elbert Franklin Greene Hart Jackson Madison Morgan Oconee Oglethorpe Walton
Appling Atkinson Bacon Brantley Bryan Bulloch Camden Candler Charlton Chatham Clinch Coffee

Echols Effingham Evans Glynn Jeff Davis Lanier Liberty Long McIntosh Montgomery Pierce Screven Tattnall Telfair Toombs Ware Wayne Wheeler
Banks Dawson Fannin Gilmer Habersham Hall Lumpkin Pickens Rabun Stephens Towns Union White
East Central
Baldwin Bleckley Burke Columbia Dodge Emanuel Glascock Hancock Jasper

Jefferson Jenkins Johnson Jones Laurens Lincoln McDuffie Putnam Richmond Taliaferro Treutlen Twiggs Warren Washington Wilkes Wilkinson
Baker Ben Hill Berrien Brooks Calhoun Chattahoochee Clay Colquitt Cook Crisp Decatur Dooly Dougherty Early Grady Irwin Lee Lowndes Marion Miller Mitchell Pulaski Quitman Randolph Schley Seminole Stewart

Sumter Terrell Thomas Tift Turner Webster Wilcox Worth
Greater Atlanta
Cherokee Clayton Cobb DeKalb Douglas Fayette Forsyth Fulton Gwinnett Henry Newton Rockdale Spalding
West Central
Bibb Butts Coweta Crawford Harris Heard Houston Lamar Macon Meriwether Monroe Muscogee Peach Pike Talbot Taylor Troup Upson

Cherokee 6 A., beautiful & private, $15k/ acre, owner financed 3% int., near Canton. Elizabeth Cleveland Atlanta cleveland107@ 404-210-0772
Cherokee 6.5 A., in Harmony Grove community at Ball Ground, mostly open rolling land in fescue/bermuda mix, over 60 feet on creek, paved road frontage. David Caudell Roswell 678-772-1945
Cherokee 8 A., n. Cherokee, Upper Bethany Rd., mtn. view, 15-yr. pines, hardwoods, graveled drive, terms, $15,000/A. J. Ray Dangar Canton 678-468-8292 770-345-4535
Cobb 11+ A., Dallas Hwy., creek, 3 outbuildings, drive-thru barn, cypress log cabin, equipment, 5' chain-link fence, hardwoods, pasture, no liens, double entrance off highway, $1.75 million obo. Sam Saliba, Jr. Marietta 770514-1431
Douglas 10 A., 2 houses, barn, fruit trees, grape garden, fenced pasture, hardwoods, well/ county water, 15 mi. to Atl. Airport, Sweetwater State Park, creek, easy access to I-20, $700K. R. Brown Lithia Springs 770-871-8832
Douglas 126 A., select cut Feb. 2012, deer, quail, rabbits, 2 yr. round creeks, $2800 per A. Curly Chase Loganville 770-207-6430
Douglas 20 A., open pasture, 1 A. fish pond, all fenced, barn, catch pen, head gate, 600' paved road, $11,500/A. Kendall Dennis Winston 770-920-8086
Douglas 36 A., beautiful, open & wooded, with stream and barn, exc. potential as farm estate, hobby farm or recreational hunting, 3 mi. s. of I-20. Merrill Folsom Villa Rica 770328-1648
Douglas 40.7 A., R-1, LL157 at corner of Tyree & Kraft, next to Saint Andrrews Golf Course, can see on CL, $30,000 per A. Dan Burkett Dahlonega 706-864-0707
Forsyth 12.22 A., NE Forsyth, house, large shop/storage building, barn, other out buildings, long road frontage, wells, county water, open/wooded, $330,000. Jerry Hardy Winder 770-815-2370
Gwinnett 15 A.+, all wooded, nice stream, Centerville area. William Dickle Snellville 770-483-9065
Gwinnett 40+ A., house, barns, lake, near Stone Mountain Freeway, other tracts, also, $3,500,000, leave message. Annette Cannon Stone Mountain 770-294-7889
Gwinnett 50+ A., 3/4 open, fences, water, old farm home & barn, shop building. Lora Hosch Buford 770-945-3971
Gwinnett Mini 3-acre farm, organically grown muscadines, scuppernongs and 17 fig trees, approx. 18 miles from Atlanta. Pat Mason Snellville 404-784-6855
Henry 14 A., pasture, trees, stream, pond site, barn and house, owner financing, $269,000. Richard Eric 113 Fairway Run Forsyth 31029

Henry 35 A., 3 residences, bold stream, barn, shop, chicken pen, fenced, cross fenced, riding ring, round pen, 2/3 pasture, utilities, schools, hospital, will subdivide road frontage, $990K. Ken Berry Stockbridge 770-206-0416
Newton 11 acres, paved rd. just o/s Newborn, access to lakes, fescue pasture, ready to build, divide and finance, $10,500/ acre; E. Newborn. Dennis Christopher Mansfield 770-385-0714 404-558-1637
Spalding 10 A., tract one-half in pasture, brick house, county water, septic tank, house needs work, 4488 W. Ellis Rd., Griffin, $150,000. Jewell McCray Griffin 770-228-5460
Spalding 112 A., 22 A., row crops, 20 A. fenced, balance in timber, 3200 ft. air strip w/hanger, 4 barns, horse stalls & house, $900,000. Alan Mobley Griffin 770-560-3441
Spalding 200 A., 150 A. in row crops, 4 ponds approx. 15 A. total, balance in timber, barn, 7800' road frontage, $900,000. Bobby Cheatham Gay 770-468-3938
Spalding 35+ A., mostly wooded, house, creek, full basement, fenced, county water, $239,000. Fred Vandor Williamson 770-2271301
Spalding 63 A., wooded, trails, streams, county rd. frontage, utilities, bored well, access to I-75, great for horses, $8500/A. W. Latson Jonesboro 404769-2401
Farmland Northwest
If you have questions about ads in this category, call 404-651-9081.
Bartow 20 A., chicken farm, 3-40' x 500' tunnell houses, 32'x40' generator building, shop, all pastured, 2 ponds, 3 wells, dwelling, good cash flow, $625,000 Darrell Parker Adairsville 770-324-8590
Carroll 10-50 A., 4 mi., Exit 19, I-20 W., 6-stall barn w/sheds, residence, white vinyl fences along road & long drive, pasture, fenced, xfenced, pond/streams, river frontage, woods. David Cooke Carrollton 770-832-2919
Carroll Approx. 85 A., wooded, 2 all weather creeks, 10 minutes from I-20, $3,000/A. J. Teal Marietta 770-971-7983
Chattooga 52+ A., hardwood/pine mix, county water, electric, 2 wells, old farm house, barns, road frontage, great deer & turkey hunting, several homesites. Brian Hardeman Trion 678-982-2177
Floyd 39 A., 6-house broiler farm, 25 A. fenced & cross fenced, house, garage & 3 sheds. Alan Ray Armuchee 404-558-1937
Gordon 12,8 A., Old Booneford Road, 2 mi. to Sonoraville schools, 7 mi. to I-75, fenced, beautiful homesites, owner financing avail., $110,000. Harvey Long Ellijay 770331-7635

Haralson 25 A. avail, private area near Buchanan, all wooded, large oaks, stream, pleanty of public road frontage, deer & turkey, $3900 per A. Ben Frost Douglasville 770942-1449
Haralson Private area near Buchanan, Ga, Haralson county, all wooded, large oaks, stream; 25 acres available, plenty of public road frontage; deer and turkey, $3900 per acre. Ben Frost Douglasville 770-942-1449
Murray 40 A., mostly wooded, 26x28 shop, house, city water, show by appointment only. Bill Berry Chataworth 706-517-5408
Murray 94 A., fenced pastureland, 5000 ft. paved road frontage with city water, house, barn, $759K, potential use poultry or subdividing. Jane Timms Dalton jetimms@ 706-259-5628
Paulding 22 A., heavy timber, paved road, stream, lake site, next to Ga. Wildlife Management Area, $10,000/A., may owner finance. Stewart Cobb Marietta 404-431-0502
Paulding 42 A.+ in Paulding Co., off Hwy. 120, beautiful farmland w/creek, $5000/A., must see to appreciate. Lovie Haynes Carrollton 770-834-0410
Paulding 42.34 A., corner of Ivey Rd. & Mud Green Rd, Temple. 5+ A. beautiful, secluded, cleared & ready for house, $5500 per A. Anita Gilreath Carrollton 770-832-8798
Paulding 8 A., wooded, paved rd., county water & well, flat land, fruit/nut trees, 6-stall barn, utility bldg., large house, landscaped yard, $185,000. Virginia Puckett 542 Vinson Mtn. Loop Rockmart 30153 770-445-7286
Polk 13 A., home, w/basement, 80 x 84 barn, pavilion, presently used as hay farm, asking $385K, open for offers,. Grady Roberts Aragon 678-614-7309 770-684-9866
Polk 20+ A., on Fulmer Rd., paved frontage, utilities, creek, good building lots, 3/4 mi. from Hwy. 27, can be divided, $4000 to $6000/A. Leonard Draper Cedartown 770748-2042 404-401-5591
Polk 42 A., at $220 per A., timber has has not been cut, Mann Road, Rockmart. Jimmy Ward Taylorsville 770-684-8362
Polk 5 A., beautiful home, used as hay farm, full basement, $399,900. Kellay Kidney Aragon 678-614-7311
Walker 120 A. with house, county water, timber ready to harvest, borders Whitfield County, 6 mi. from I-75, Walnut Ave. B.J. Lloyd LaFayette 706-397-2271
Walker 14 A., 500-ft. road frontage, small creek, 136 East, grass & trees, $5000/A., will finance. Gary Ridley LaFayette 706-638-1911
Walker 23+ A., fenced, home, facing Lookout Mountain chain, frontage on State Hwy. 337, stocked 2 A. lake, great schools, $425,000 Warren Moorhead LaFayette 706638-7553

Whitfield 20 A., pumpkin farm, spring water, house, mobile home, good condition, will sell all equipment w/farm, nice little retirement home & farm. Michael Lee Dalton 423-488-7492
Whitfield 25 A., farm w/spring well & city water, 2 homes, good condition, land cleared very nicely, $400K , will owner finance. M. Torbett Dalton 602-758-4060
Farmland West Central
If you have questions regarding ads in this category, call 404-651-9081.
Heard 10 ac on gas line, 1 mile north of Franklin, good deer hunting, $30,000. Gary Bailey Bowdon 770-301-5930
Heard 25+/- acres, updated farm house, well, county water, small spring, large barn, long road frontage, farmland, and woods, $229,000. Charles Avery Franklin 770-854-4344
Heard 32.5 acres, 2500 ft paved road frontage, large stream, county water, abundant wildlife, hardwood and pine, beautiful country setting, great location, East Heard County, $5,700 per acre. W.W. Abney Franklin 770-253-0263
Houston 136 acres in south Houston county, 78 acres woods and 58 acres open along turkey creek with paved road frontage. Leo Perfect Unadilla 478-955-2362
Houston 80 acres pay to fish lake with two DWMH hwy acreage for produce stand, sell or trade for acreage with house, $200,000. Wilbur Long Macon 478-788-4933
Lamar 6.5 acres, fronts 2 rds.; Upson County--12 acres, borders Potato Creek, county water, deer and turkey on land. B. Blount Meansville 770-584-4585
Lamar 9.04 A. with pond, 2 flag lots, can divide open and wooded with pine pecan hardwoods, 3 miles to Barnesville, $85,000. G. Taylor Milner 770-946-9310
Macon 410 ac. with 70/120 metal building, 5 tower zimatic pivot, 6in well, Telfair Co; 70 acres, 6 acre duck pond, Macon Co. Josh Yawn Jacksonville 229-315-7339
Meriwether 175 acres (will divide 58) tree farm, 60% pines, remainder hardwoods, 4 acre lake, 20 acres fields, 3 bay metal barn, 1mile internal roads, $3950/acre. Andy Harrison Woodstock 678-725-6902
Meriwether 180 acres, water and wildlife, $3,000 per acre. Mariea Gosdin Luthersville 706-672-3865
Meriwether 48 acres wooded and pasture in north part of county. Gently rolling land, ideal homesites, excellent hunting with timber value also, $4700/acre. Keith Norris Milner 770-229-8319
Meriwether 5 acres mixed hardwoods & pines, good building site for country home, good area for hunting, near Luthersville on Wilson rd, owner will not finance. L Hooper Ellijay 706-636-3248

Meriwether 5.6 acres on Stovall Road 3 miles outside of Greenville, Meriwether county, building lot, stream on back of land, $35,000, call after 5pm. Stanley Wills Kennesaw 770-428-3076
Meriwether 50 acres, J.W. Dunn Rd, good for hunting. Lillian Hightower Atlanta 404243-5744
Meriwether 53 A., with 2 creeks and horse barn, optional purchase of additional 3 A. with home. Thomas Brown Woodbury 706-566-4494
Meriwether 86 acres, 6 miles from Callaway Gardens, w/paved frontage, hardwoods and pines, excellent for dream home or great hunting land, $3,300/acre. Larry Darnell Marietta 404-357-5943
Monroe 10.82 acres, 50' x 80' barn, creek, fish pond, house, seperate garage apartment, $445,000. Virgil Brookshire 4405 Johnstonville Rd Forsyth 31029 404-580-6763 478-994-2030
Peach 14.26 acres, lovely rural setting filled with oak hickory pine, dogwood, some pasture, 5 miles west of I-75 off Hwy. 96, great location, $7500/acre. Shirley Hartley Reynolds 478-847-3363
Peach 97.702 acres, agricultural/ residential, 1500+ foot road frontage, sides border Board of Regents property, pecan grove, planted Longleaf pine, wooded, 2-wells, excellent hunting. Ed Boston Newnan 678-231-9134
Pike 13.3 acres, brick home, stocked fish pond, pole barn and enclosed metal barn, $265,000. Rita Trawick Molena 770-884-0222
Pike 20.54 acres, 90% grass, stocked pond, 40' x 45' metal shop, brick ranch of hwy 362W, .2 miles on right, 3rd mailbox on right. Jack Morris 3847 Turner Rd Williamson 30292 770-228-1514
Pike 60 acres, paved rd., large timber, deep well, grain bin, 5 acres open. Bill Booth Zebulon 770-567-3202
Pike 75A irrigated pecan orchard, 975 hybrid 30 yr old trees on 44A, 2 lakes rental cabin, 4600 sq ft house, renovated 1999, $1.5M. Don Collins Williamson 770-567-3033
Pike 94 ac., pasture 95% open, all fenced with hogwire bermuda fescue, 2000 ft. road frontage, 3 barns, 2 1/2 ac. lake on Old Zebulon Rd., $6,500/acre. Charles Harp Fayetteville 404-597-2433
Pike Two beautiful view lots, 12t and 14t acres, some woods, creek through both, lake site on one, area of nice homes near Zebulon, $8.5k per acre. Thomas Proctor Williamson 770-412-7930
Talbot 120 acres, 80 acres pasture, 40 acres hardwoods, pond, 3000 foot frontage, po-biddy road, good fences, drilled well, $2,000 per acrs, will not divide. Ken Chapman Woodland 404-316-3838
Talbot 175 acres with house, 2 acre yard, 3 acre garden, 1 acre pond, 65 acre planted pines, 105 wooded acres, $4,000 per acre. Jerry Hill Junction City 706-665-9305

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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Talbot 58 ac horse-cattle farm, 12 stall barn, 38X50 barn, other building, 70% pasture, pecan tree, 1 ac spring fed pond, 1890's farm house, $176,000 obo, must sell. Sherry Gay Talbotton 706-601-3550
Taylor 102 ac, 75 ac open, 27ac planted Longleaf pine, 3700ft paved rd ftg, 2600ft dirt rd ftg, good farmland, great hunting: deer, turkey, hogs, fowl, convient location, $3,750 per acres. J. Greer Hampton 770-946-3136
Taylor 112.99 ac. 14 Coastal Bermuda hay field, 40/60 clear & wooded, excellent deer & turkey hunting, $1,850 per ac. Steve Hoffman Newnan 770-3044351
Taylor 151 acres near Mauk, half open, half wooded, well & old house, great hunting, asking $175,000, owner financing with 20% down; also 40 acres, Jasper Co. Wayne Cason Mansfield 770-294-4596
Troup 37 acres of land on Mt. Zion Church Rd, $5,500 per acre. A G Upchurch LaGrange 706-882-5957
Upson 26 acres, 6 40x500 ft chicken houses, one stackhouse, two wells, $620,000. Brenda Wright Thomaston 706-647-1293
Farmland East Central
For information regarding ads in this category, call 404-651-9081.
Baldwin 272 acres timber, large home, central HVAC, county water/well, pond, barn, shops, other outbuildings, close to town, owner financing/lease-purchase,$1,200,000. Ronald Boyd Sharpsburg 478-454-6171
Baldwin 30+ acre horse farm; cross fenced, 2 brans, 20 stalls, covered arena & more; $475,000. Dr. Debby Gadd Gray 478986-3784
Baldwin 45+ acres, 4 miles from Milledgeville, $3,000 per acre; tractor equipment & barn. Wiley Allen 482 Kings Rd SE Milledgeville 31061 478-451-7729
Bleckley 29.39 acres located on Hudson Jones Rd., 5 mi. N. of Cochran, 2 mi. E. of Hwy. 23 (Cochran Short Route). Patricia Bodrey Cochran 478-951-1831
Burke 56 acres w/cabin, 10-12 A. pines, 3 A. open, small duck pond, deer, turkey shown by appt. only.; on west side of county near Vidette. James Schlein Augusta james.schlein44@ 706-830-7959
Emanuel 226.507 acres; 50 acres cultivated, 50 acres CRP w/annual payment of $2549, balance in 8-yr.-old planted pine, old house & deep well, paved rd. James Lanier Brooklet 912-682-3209
Glascock 100 A.; for hunting deer, turkey; open land and planted pines, power lines, water; some swamp. Kester Williford Louisville 478-625-7145
Glascock 125 acres, $1,800/acre; 108 acres, $1,500/acre; 287.9 acres, $1,500/acre. Roy Black Gibson 706-829-8536
Glascock 78+/- A., 15- year-old pines with creek, great hunting and investment, outside Mitchell city limits. John Lill Buckhead 706-342-1453
Hancock 174 acres w/pond, planted pines, pasture, good deer/turkey hunting, $1,800 per acre. Billy Davis 89 Twin Pond Rd. Sparta 31087 478-251-1858
Hancock 225 +/- acres, 100 acres mature pecan trees, fenced/cross-fenced, fresh water tanks for cattle, large ranch-style home, hay field, 30 acres 12-yr. pines, 4 ponds, 2 barns. Beverly Boyer Sparta 478-232-0204
Hancock 31 acres of 22 year old planted pine, paved frontage near Lake Sinclair, streams, deer & turkeys, surrounded by large tracts, $65,000. B. Collins Macon 478-4717970
Hancock 74 acres with farm house and pond. Vivian Blizzard Sparta 478-452-2259
Jasper 12 acres completely fenced and cross fenced, mostly pasture with some woods, barn and nice house, $220,000. Michael Brown Monticello 706-476-3319
Jasper 40 year old 3+ acre pond with bass, catfish, etc. on 15.29 fenced acres, 552' paved road frontage, site for home, $85,000. Beth McCall Monticello 770-262-4460
Jasper 6.46 acres (2) 36 x 400 empty poultry houses, 691 ft. State Hwy. frontage, excellent well, $50,000, no residence. Bill Martin Monticello 706-468-8461
Jefferson 45 acres of very good farmland near Wadley, paved road frontage, $2500 per acre. Eddie Perkins Jesup sales@ 912-269-9349
Jenkins 69 acres with 27 +/- grown pine trees on Messex Road, good farm land or hunting reserve; $2,000/acre. Sara Fallis Marietta 770-422-3490
Johnson 52 acres; 40 acres of planted 1995, good pond site, double rd. frontage, located on Hwy. 57, 6 miles from Wrightsville, $130,000. Kent Morris Pine Mountain 706457-0090
Jones 120 A.; 10 acre lake, house site, good timber, plentiful fish, lake is full, deer, turkey,1000 ft. frontage; Hwy 22 Haddock, near Gray, $4,000/acre. Tom Brunson Forsyth 770-331-7082
Laurens 38.5 acres cut over land, 4 mi. to exit 67 on I-16, good pond site, 800 ft. rd. frontage, $84,500. Bruce White Metter 912685-5323
Laurens 42 acres, 10 cultivated, 20 acres with 20 yr. pines, 12 hardwood, deer, turkey hunting, $2,600 per acre. Milton Jones Eastman 478-374-7207

Taliaferro 148 acres, creek, food plots, tower, stands, hardwoods, 50 acres planted pines, cabin, camper, drilled well, beautiful place, $2750/acre. Davis Broadway Crawfordville 706-969-8994
Warren 44 acres, large house w/new vinyl siding, $250,000 negotiable, will consider dividing acreage. Jeanette Stapleton 706595-2838
Washington 175 acres, coastal, woodland, 9 acre pond, barn, mobile home, pavillion, exc. hunting & fishing, exc. retreat , 5 mi. from town, financing avail. Vernon Tooke Sandersville 478-552-3190
Wilkes 100 acres, 2-mi. road system, pine/hardwood, field, utilities avail., excellent topography, 1-mi. rd. frontage co./pvt., creek, spring, lake site, 30 mi. from Athens; $425k, reduced from $600k. Ray Burtz Acwworth 770-974-0911
Wilkes 101.92 acres, Rayle, Ga., partially wooded & some cut over, approx. 6 acres in pasture, 2825 Callaway Rd., will divide in half; $1,695/acre. Garland Stone Oxford 770-6304605 770-500-8235
Wilkes 78.18 acres wooded, 1700 ft. county road frontage, Pistol Creek property line; hunting cabin, shop bldg., all utilities, food plots, deer, turkey, $150,000 owner financing. James King Dawsonville 706-216-2571
Wilkinson 97 acres w/2-story house, on Hwy. 112, 30 acres pasture, 67 acres timber, will consider dividing. Doyle Ellington Montrose 478-676-3141
Farmland Southeast
For information regarding ads in this category, call 404-651-9081.
Brantley 35 A., in Brantley Co., including 10 acre field, 2 acre cleared homesite; great for homestead, may consider subdividing; possible owner financing, $4,995/acre. M. Parrot Waynesville 912-778-5811
Bulloch 116 acre, small pecan orchard, planted pines and hardwood, $5000/acre, can be divided. Lynn Groover Statesboro 912-764-5278
Coffee 140 A. fenced, currently used for cattle, $2,850 per acre or best offer. Tim Wicker Douglas 912-389-1853
Coffee 33 A., on Satilla River, with mobile home, deep well, pond, access to river, 1/2 pasture, 1/2 woodland, excellent hunting and fishing. Clark Holton Wray 912-383-6805
Effingham Effingham 76.56 ac. 1/4 mi north of Guyton on hwy 17, timber cut 2011, still lots of large live oaks.$2100 p/ac. Robert North Rincon 912-826-5894
Jeff Davis 46 acres w/12 acres in pasture & 25 acres in woods; also has large brick ranch home & fish pond, barn, & workshop; Hazlehurst, Ga. $315,000; photos available. Dave Hickox Snellville 770-316-8268
Telfair 410 A., cattle, row crop farm, 5 tower pivot, 6 in. well; 70/120 metal shelter hardwood & pine on property, $1,750 Ac., great hunting. Terry Myers Milan 229-315-7339
Telfair 5.89 acres, located on the North West corner of Tom Haley and Cedar Park Rd; oaks left on property pines, cleared high land, power on property, $4,000 per acre. Jeff Chanclor Jesup 912-530-7022 912-294-5517
Ware 139 A.; timber land, fenced in, good hunting; 3 steel buildings; 40x40, 20x20, 10x12; cement floor, septic tank, deep well, $275,000. Stanley Sloan Waycross 912-550-3396
Farmland Southwest
If you have questions regarding ads in this category, call 404-651-9081.
Calhoun 45.5 acres, half open mixed forest spring and stream fronts st, Highwy 37, near Morgan $3500, acre, photos avilable. Jim Andrews Edison 229-835-2483
Dougherty 186 acres farm/timber land, Daughtherty Co, additional 50/acres avail.; lease option; bordered on 2 sides by paved road, also land on 631 S Countyline Rd., Albany, Ga. Beverly Waters Pooler 912-748-0245
Dougherty 22.05 fenced acres, pecan trees, large barn, workshop, stalls, large home, finished detached apartment for extra income, $225,000 negotiable; consider trade motor home. Mark Johnson Albany 229-8880124 229-485-7114
Lee 106 acres, fenced mixed woodland planted pines, pasture, pecan trees, large oaks, garden, blueberries, good hunting, paved road frontage, beautiful homesites, 6 miles to Albany, $350,000. John McClendon Leesburg 229-432-6510
Marion 92 acres, tractor, equipment, creek, fenced & crossed fenced, lodge, 24 x 24 shop, 32 x 72 hay barn; call for info.; $295,000. Hubert Barbaree Buena Vista 229-314-4839
Pulaski 167 acre, two seperate tracts, one eastman highway frontage, other tract, Davis Road frontage, 102 acres total in cultivation, $4,250 per acre. Mike Davis Bishop 706-6140656
Randolph Farm ranch land for sale, 110 acres, fence, cross fence, 2 water wells, pond. Ernie Anderson Shellman 229-679-2105
Stewart 528 ac., cut over timberland, ready to be replanted; owner finacing, $528,000, at 7% simple interest, $4,500 down, $4,500 monthly. Ed Simmons Preston 229-649-4800 229-331-4800
Stewart 60 Acres Stewart County, beautiful circa, 1830's farm, huge pecan trees, old farm house barn, hardwoods, paved road frontage, wildlife, power and well. $112,000. James Tankersley Dawsonville jamestankersley@ 678-617-5674
Sumter 563 beautiful old growth timber, one mile of Kincha Fooner Creek frontage, planted pines, 18 yrs., 25 food plots, great deer and turkey, pond cabin 2350 acres. Mill Simmons Plains 229-942-1101

Tift 5 acre tract with 1 acre pond, in Omega near Tifton, Cape Fear pecan trees, pump irrigated from pond, USDA farm number assigned. Steve Newman Norman Park 229769-5831
Turner 17.47 acres, 17 acres Bahia, .47 acres woods, 1 mi. from Hwy. 41, $3,500/ acre. David Gamet Ashburn 229-567-9024
Turner 192 acres, 6,000 sq ft house, 70 acres hay, 30 acres pecans, 92 acres pasture/woodlands, 100x100 barn, horse round pen, horse walker, 5 ponds, $1.1 m. Frank Robbins Ashburn 229-821-0636
Wilcox 17.29 acrs., pond, fenced pastures, barn and house built 2007; surrounded by 100 acres of forest land, 1/2 hardwood, 1/2 pasture, private mini ranch, big bucks, $169,000. Linda Logue Abbeville 229-425-1759
Wilcox 252 ac, 160 ac. in 29 yr. old planted pines and 80 ac. in crop land, rental income balance, large hardwood with pond site, highway frontage. Virgil Belflower Sycamore 229-567-2921 229-567-7273
Wilcox 92 acres, 60 acres planted/pine, 28 yrs. old, balance in hardwood and cutover, fenced with highway and railroad frontage. Danny Hawkins Rochelle 229-365-2456 229365-3097
If you have questions regarding ads in this category, call 404-651-9081.
The Market Bulletin publishes advertisements for Farm Services in the first issue of each month. Please adhere to the following guidelines when submitting an ad for farm services. All farm services must be performed on the farm of the individual desiring the service. Farm Services and Farm Services Wanted ads are limited to 30 words.
1 call for all farm fencing--wood, woven, electric, barbed wire; staining and painting; barn, shed, & horse stall construction/repair, pasture mowing, weed control spraying, fertilizing, liming, aerating, overseeding. Casey Kent Monroe 678-446-8520
35 yrs. experience laser-grading horse arenas & toppings, custom tree clearing, topsoil, dirt, bulk mulch, gravel, barn pads graded, horse paddocks, trackhoe, trucking, driveways built, demolition, insured. Bill Butler Braselton 770-231-4662 706-654-3777
All tractor work; i.e., tilling, seeding, garden plowing, deer plots, driveways, landscaping, field mowing. Larry Houston Covington 770385-4862
Any farm fence built with wood or wire; corrals, farm buildings & all other related work, statewide service. Robert Hayes Hartwell 706-376-6708
Beaver and coyote removal in Henry and surrounding counties; licensed by Georgia Dept. of Natural Resources; reasonable rates; humane methods used; also raccoon, fox, otters, etc. Daniel Dominick Henry County 678-448-2524
Bushhog, gardens, food plots, other tractor work, hauling, etc.; Coweta & surrounding counties; call for estimate. Tony Shaw Newnan 404-606-1206
Bushhog; light loader, scrape drives; till food plots & gardens; call for prices & info. Larry Boatright Dallas 678-386-1466
Bushhogging, harrowing, land leveled, garden spots prepared, etc. Lester Vinson Warwick 229-344-6237
Bushhogging: Ammbusher for rough land, farm tractor & Bushhog for good fields; tractor & Bobcat work. Jim Norton Canton 404-580-8676
Clearing, grading, roads, lakes and ponds; rock, dirt delivered; all types of bobcat work; references available. Matt Eskew Newnan 678-725-1680
Custom combining, hauling and planting within 50 miles of Metter. Albert Cosnahan Metter 912-667-0118
Custom hay baling. Thomas Coggins Bogart 678-614-4994
Dig ponds in wet areas & clean mud, silt, etc. out of lakes; clean out farm lagoons, etc.; 40 years experience in dragline work. Larry Potts Watkinsville 404-697-6455 770-7257851
Farm and farm construction equipment repair & welding; diesel engine & hyd. system repairs; 35 yrs. exp. hvy. equip. mechanic; Meriwether & surrounding cos.; reas. rates. Mickey Gross Greenville 706-741-6173
Fence, statewide; farm, horse, electric, wire, wooden, vinyl, hi-tensile; free est., references, competitive prices; 16+ yrs. exp. C. Mooney Midville 478-589-7645
Grading, foundation digging; brush removal, timbering, fence building; Hall County & surround;. experienced & meticulous operator; reasonable rates. Wes Newberry Gainesville 404-924-7690
Horse barns, arenas; no climb, board, livestock fencing; grading, agricultural buildings, Ga. license, experienced, professional services. Larry Evans Royston 706-207-1909
Horse livestock hauling over the Southeast, 25 years experience hauling shows and race track. Donna Jackson Cumming 770-540-2784
Install & repair fencing; board, barbed wire, field fence, electric, split rail, private fence, woven wire. David Parks Murrayville 770540-1461
Irrigation, forestry, mulching, land clearing. Chris Warren Georgetown chris@ 229-206-0856
Lakes, ponds built, restored & repaired; new pipe systems w/o draining, swamps drained, creeks rerouted, land cleared, home sites, timber clean up, horse farm work; licensed/insured/references. Bobby Karr Fairburn 678-973-7645 770-964-5065

Maintenance on most types of equipment;

reasonable rates, mobile welding also

available. Ron Amon Temple amonauto@ 770-896-4289

Mud and water no problem; beaver dam removal, creek channel cleaning, drainage

ditching, silt removal, lake rimming. Jim Moon

Oakfield 229-535-6562 229-881-0048

No-till grain drilling, fertilizer spreading,

bushhogging, spraying for weeds, food plots,

all types seeding, all kinds of tractor work. Richard Mocko Crawford/Lexington 706-743-7324

Odd jobs, haul junk, brush cleared, trees cut, fence & home repair. Dom LePone

Powder Springs 404-308-0404

Portable band sawmill will turn your logs into valuable lumber, low as .35/bd ft. plus

setup fee. William Jasper Rome 706-292-

9895 706-252-0856

Quality horse and cattle fencing, new

construction for barns, sheds and storage

buildings, remodeling, porches and decks;

references available upon request, free estimates. Chris Ensley Chatsworth 706-980-8611

Saw your logs & reclaimed wood into

lumber, your location w/in 60 miles LaGrange;

any length, up to 24 ft. length, no up charge;

remove honeybees, W. Ga./E. Atlanta. Terry

Williamson West Point 706-302-8886

Saw your logs into lumber @ your place or

mine with portable bandsaw; call for price and

details. Taylor Davis Fayetteville 770-461-4418




generators, log splitters; also tractors. Terry

Mikle Snellville 770-979-8981

Stumps ground neatly below ground level,

reas. priced, free estimate. Glen Whitley

Bethlehem 770-867-2718

Tractor services, bush hogging, loader

work, grading, dirt & gravel hauled, area clean

up, fence repair, drainage issues. Wayne

Humbard Loganville 678-825-4597

Tractor work, bush hogging, plowing, disking,

tilling; garden and food plots prepared. Steve

Hall McDonough 678-


Will do artificial insemination of beef and dairy

cattle in Butts and surrounding counties. Paul

Reamer Jackson 770-


Will kill your wild hogs for free. Nils

Woodstock 678-337-8572

Will lease your hunting ground: deer, hogs, turkey or ducks; eliminate multi-phone calls

from hunters, we lease it, mail you check; in

hunting land management business for over 25 years. Jay Cranford Macon cranford58@ 478-256-3422

Will saw your logs into lumber at your

location with portable sawmill; reasonable rates. Billy Bridges Winterville 706-338-7407

Will saw your wood on your land, custom

orders, custom prices, LaGrange area. Cory Schultz LaGrange 404-443-4551

Your place, your wood, cut into lumber with sawmill that comes to you. Wayne Crawford

7026 Hacklebarney Rd. Blackshear 31516 912-286-3843

Farm Services Wanted

Fruit and vegetable farm seeking apprentice to work and learn farming; housing and stipend provided; details at Bryan Hager Bremen 770-537-3720
Looking for someone with tractor and bush hog to mow approx. 9 acres near Macon. Gary Langley Macon 478-951-6607
Seeking hardworking couple for horse farm; experience with equipment, livestock, landscaping, pasture management; references, background check required. Cindy Bregenzer Commerce 678-9101474
Want to talk to someone about custom row cropping 50-100 acres, prefer irrigated, summer/winter. Welton Bettis Gay welton@ 706-538-0205

If you have questions regarding ads in this category, call 404-651-9081.
The Farmland for Rent/Lease category is published the last issue of each month. Please adhere to the following guidelines when submitting an ad for Farmland for Rent/Lease or Rent/Lease Wanted * When submitting ad, please designate it for the Farmland for Rent/Lease category. Notices to buy or sell farmland are published only in the special fall or spring farmland editions * Ads must not exceed 30 words.
10 acre pecan orchard, first year free, Meriwether Co., Durand area. Pat Dennis Senoia 770-560-7693
100 ac. remote mountain land for lease in Gilmer Co., borders large area of USFS land; turkey, bear, hog, deer & coyote. Susan Shedd Blue Ridge 706-838-0392 706-6337041
20 acres w/large country home, pastures; have three rooms for rent, $350 to $500, horse/goat friendly. l. Flaherty Danielsville 312-342-0734
300+ acres, deer, turkey, hogs; elect., bldgs., pines/hardwoods; $475/person + $100 elect. yrly.; ask for Frank. Gil Messenger Conyers 770-922-6434
Lease 6 acres river bottom, great vegetables, old house, barn for storage, river divides property, 30 acres other side good for horses, cattle; lease either or both. Barbara Drew Blairsville 706-745-1262
Lease 8 acres fenced pasture, 3-stall barn, house, $900/month; security deposit. Karen Bradley Buckhead 706-342-2629

Farmland Rent/Lease Wanted
Granddad, 2 sons w/kids want to lease land for hunting, 100-1000 acres; Christian nondrinkers within 1.5 hrs. of Covington, Ga. Derek Frachiseur Covington 770-714-2181
Looking to lease 150+ acres for hunting; needs to have good habitat for small game, i.e. rabbits, dove; prefer Sumter, Lee, or Webster counties. Lorenzo Williams Columbus 762-207-8583
Looking to pay a lease on property for my fiancee and me to hunt on within one and a half hours of Auburn, Ga. Jimmy Maughon Auburn 678-863-8081
Looking to lease small farmhouse, must have pasture for 2 horses, must be reasonable, will consider caretaking position in lieu of rent. P. Ferguson Auburn 706-766-8090
Teen hunter seeking private land for hunting; willing to pay, but can't afford much. John Slice McDonough 678-787-5505
Very responsible father and sons looking for hunting land for lease (100-800 acres) in the Oconee/Walton/Wilkes/Warren/Clarke county area. Adam Garner Monroe 678-312-8669
Want any size land for bow hunting in Cobb or any surrounding cos. Eddie Weaver Kennesaw 770-324-7652
Want pastures to rent or lease for cattle; can rehab overgrown pastures; can repair fences & buildings. Jim Norton Canton 404-580-8676
Want to lease pecan trees or a grove in Hart, Franklin, Elbert or Madison county; looking for 1-5 year lease; can be overgrown needing work. Andrew Kinder Royston 864-247-8013
If you have questions regarding ads in this category, call 404-651-9081.
Only farm work or farm help wanted advertisements allowed. No commercial, industrial or domestic employment permitted.
40 year old farm worker, with class A.C.D.l., can run heavy equip; will move if needed. Michael Martin Zebulon 770-695-5383
A man 54, seeking farm employment; south of Atlanta in Henry Co. Sam Riverdale 770478-0900
Arabian horse farm, needs horse show groomer; must be familiar with horse care and willing to learn. Vicki Humphrey Canton 770740-8432
Broiler manager needs farm; 20 plus years exp., Madison Co. or surounding area. Tony Johnson Colbert 706-982-3226
Broiler specialist, needs farm employment; 20yrs. exp., perfer Madison, Franklin counties. Tony Johnson Colbert 706-982-3226
Couple looking for farm caretaking job; exp. with all kinds of animals, need house and small salary. Buddy Baswell Cedartown 404859-5136
Couple seeking farm employment /North Georgia; work for housing and utilities; experienced, hard working, honest help. references. Melisa Searcy Ellijay 706-889-6918
Experienced help, cattle, hay operation; run, maintain tractor, haying equipment; need cattle experience, references, drivers license. Patrea Pabst Dewy Rose 706-213-1197
Farm help wanted: must be skilled in mechanical, tractor & equipment, fencing, breeder hen farming and maintenance, salary and housing. Rickey Tatum Dawsonville 770530-4950
In search of broiler or breeder farm; willing to relocate, housing and salary needed. Mary Scroggs Nicholson 706-983-1295
Need a mature dependable person, horse experience, free rent on beautiful property in exchange for part-time work. Linda Daughtry Adrian 478-494-0777
Need someone to work on laying hen farm, will provide housing & salary. J.B. Jones Dahlonega 706-865-3906
Position wanted: Manager/Caretaker; experienced in row crops, livestock, free range chickens, farm equipment maintenance & operation, also U-Pick produce, Agritourism. Manson Woody White Plains 706-467-9655
Single young man, age 27; wants to live and work on farm; love animals, can relocate; no phone, please write to address shown. John Barfield 275 Dandron Road Moultrie 31788
UGA graduate (animal science); seeking full-time/part-time work, near Athens area. Chad Willman Athens 770-652-2549
Wanted: person or family to run a broiler farm in North Georgia, experience preferred, must provide references. Lynn Stark Resaca 706-278-4535 706-260-0091
If you have questions regarding this category, call 404-651-9081.
Only farm machinery and equipment owned by the advertiser and used in his/her own farming operation can be advertised; those persons advertising for machinery and equipment wanted must be seeking those items for their own farming operation.
'03 Kubota L3830- DT 4x4 Diesel, 168hrs, loader/bucket, 8 spd, 37.4hp, $15,500; '04 Kubota hst-4x4 167hrs, $16,500. D. Chandler Carrollton 770-832-2364
'05 New Holland LT185B track skid steer, 2,100hrs, 78hp, 2 speed, good cond., asking $16,500. Zach Klinger Atlanta 404-312-8126
'06 JD 6420, 2 wheel drive, premium cab, 3818 hrs, $35,000. Rob Cohen Bainbridge 229-726-2621

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Page 5

'66 Ford 3000 tractor, PTO, lift, tires & metal good cond, strong motor, excellent running cond, $5200. Kimble Oxford 404-427-9207
1 bottom, 3pt hitch plow, good condition, no welding on unit, $225. Duane Ratigan Dahlonega 706-318-2812
1 row rolling cultivator, 3 point hitch, used only 3 times, $200. Billy Rice Dupont 912487-3262
10 Ft areator made by Brown Mfg., $6,500. Thomas Coggins Bogart 678-614-4994
1250 John Deere, '84, diesel, 1320hrs, 2wd, 44hp, great condition very strong, email pics, $7,500. Norman Morris Douglasville 770-826-8674
1440 MF round 4 x 5 baler, elect tie, rolls good tight bales, good condition, field ready, $4,250. Douglas Adams Hartwell 706-4369262
14ft BushHog harrow, $3,200; International 490, 22ft, $3,800. Dennis Purpis Adel 229546-5742
1520 Ford Tractor, 4,120 hours, diesel, 60 inch belly mower, turf tires, good condition, $5,500. John Flournoy Fort Valley 478-9542695
16' 2 axle Hooper trailer, 1 axle brakes, 7000 GVW ramps, 15" wheels, $995; Solsbee 72" skidsteer grapple, $2,500. Jim Bishop Franklin 706-675-3943
16ft 4 horse trailer, $1,800 OBO; cattle headgate, $400 OBO; Jiffy hitch, 3 implement attachments, $1200 OBO. Frank Malcolm Newborn 706-468-7550
1939 B John Deere tractor for sale, $3,500, excellent condition. David Wheeler Oakwood 770-531-9448
1940 JD parts, handcrank w/wheel, parts available, call after 4p.m. John Harper 986 Hwy 36 W Barnesville 30204 770-358-4925
1940's TD18 International, whole/parts, parts/operator's manuals, good blade, power unit. Paul Bryant 4105 Mt. Carmel Church Rd Monroe 30655 770267-5393
1948 8N Ford Tractor, new paint and runs well, $3000. Roger Bryant Douglasville 770942-5636 404-660-0873
1949 Farmall C, restored about 10 years ago, starts and runs great, clean tractor, $2000. Danny Bretthorst Bonaire 478-997-1954
1950 John Deere M, complete running tractor with many new parts, can email pics upon request. Casey Tatum Dawsonville 770-292-9886
1952 8N Ford, rebuilt motor, new tires, new paint, new gauges, 12 volt alternator, like new, $3,800. Johnny Bond Danielsville 706-2961318
1952 McCormick Farmall tractor, $2500. Dale Bunn Griffin 770-228-9886
1956 Massey-Harris MH-50, refurbished as a show tractor, parts book and manual, $3,750. Jim DeCubellis Dublin 478-998-5000
1957 Ford 600 new paint, good tires/ battery, runs well, 3pt hitch works, $2400 obo. Donald Tilllman Hillsboro donaldtillman@ 706-468-5526 706-476-4616
1961 I/H 240 utility tractor, 40 horse gas, 3 point hydraulics, good rubber, comes with scrape blade, $2800. Tom Taylor Ellijay 706669-9075
1966 Ford 2000,125hrs, cult., JD 71 planter, scoop, cutter, $4250 cash; Bushhog brand RFM60 finishing mower, used once, $1250 cash. Prentice Price 484 Buford Price Rd. Wrightsville 31096 pprice948@ 478-864-0370
1968 Ford 4000 gas tractor, selecto speed, canopy, 80% tread, hyds. good, good sheet metal, trans. needs adj, $2,250. Steve Adams Hartwell 706-377-4173
1970 Oliver tractor 1250, $1800; 16 ft. tandem axle trailer with ramps , $850. Tommy Tripp Cumming 770-475-3586
1972 JD track loader, good undercarriage, strong motor, runs well, $8,500. Sonny Moore Thomaston 706-647-9311
1984 240MF w/232 loader, $5500; PTO driven 3pt hitch, fertilizer spreader, $350; 6' box scrape, $150. Gary Hines Whitesburg 770-836-0830
1985 GMC 18ft mechanical litter truck $5,500; 245 MF w/loader $6500; Lewis Model #2 Caker, $4400. David Gattis Ringgold 423605-1873
1985 stainless steel Newton Crouch truck mount fertilizer spreader body. Earnest Turk Eatonton 706-473-1526
1988 Ford 2910 tractor, good condition, runs great. Jeff Warren Culloden 478-7470074
1990 Equipment trailer, 18' 3 axle 1 w/brake 2 5/16" hitch, new tires, $2800. James Sullivan 69 Creekmmont Dr Blairsville 30512 706-781-3531
1993 3230 diesel Ford tractor w/canopy, 2003 Bush hog squealer mower model SQ720. B. Butler Social Circle 770464-9666
1993 Ford F700 cab, Chassis 429 engine, 5 speed set up for 14ft litter bed. Wesley Hall Cumming 770-7788933
1995 Ford 3930, $10,000; Ditch Witch trencher, model 6510 w/ angle blade, $4800. Eric Pennington Jefferson 706-713-0024
1996 Fontaine 30T equipment trailer, good condition, $8500. Thomas Neal Jackson 770775-4006
1996 JD 6300, cab w/heat & ac, 2WD, pto 75hp, good condition, $22,900; 1989 MF360, front loader, 2WD, 60hp, $6,900. Don Burruss Cumming 770-887-9999
1997 New Holland tractor, 290 hrs, new injection pump, tractor like new, $7500, fresh service. Earl Zoellner Fayetteville 770-9641166 678-787-2343

1999 MF 1250, 4wd, shuttle shift, canopy, w/bush hog 2245 qt front loader; 6-way scrape blade, 26 pto hp, 16 sp, $9,600. Faye Cunningham Alto 706-776-7590
2 four ton bulk feed bins & 2-5000lb scales with Spink electronic read out, $2,500, delivery available. Danny Hemphill Blairsville 706-435-8627
2 row JD 71 planters in good condition, JD all propose plow, used light poles. Shane Lord Sandersville 478-232-0817
2 row model 71 John Deere planters mounted, $1250, 1 row Covington planter mounted, $750, both in excellent condition. Ronnie Gasaway Bethlehem 678-227-2315
2 Surge milkers, complete with pulsators, cups, bucket, needs hoses, $125 each, $200 both, call after 3. Jimmy Dzyuba Conyers 770-843-3558
2 wheel Lin irrigation units, $2500, Agrimetal turf vac, $4500; 1996 Wiggins forklift, $14,500. Sam Manous 5725 Redbud Rd NE Ranger 30734 770548-0489
2001 JD 345 G/T w/equipment, good condition, asking $4000. Bruce Lane 5626 Pine Street Lula 30554 678-936-8279 863268-8762
2005 2210 John Deere 5ft estate mower, 4ft rotary mower, both Bush Hog brand, quik hitch, $10k. Ronny Parrish Abbeville 229423-7868
2005 Case 1075C tractor, sealed cab ac 4 X 4, front bucket, $29,900. Christy Strickland Canton 404-372-6074
2005 Rtv900, Kubota, 4X4 diesel hydro, 325 hours, camo hydraulic dump cab doors. Ronald Parten P.O. Box 26 Sycamore 31790 229-848-4853 229-567-3053
2008 Polaris ranger 6x6, less than 10 hours, garage kept, $9000. Jerry Chandler Smithville 229-846-2003
2009 JD 348 square baler, hydraulic bale tensioner, easy lube knotter, great shape, $13,000. Eddie Hilburn Danielsville 706-9883373
2010 Case IH 7088 combine, excellent condition and loaded with all the options, 4wd yield monitor. Kenneth Williamson Fitzgerald 229-468-5937
2010 John Deere tractor, needs work, use for parts or restoration, $800 obo. Kristopher Kreider Statesboro 912-682-9689
2011 Kubota 8540 cab w/heat & air, loader, bucket, 780 hrs, still under factory warranty, $32,000 OBO. Shawn Herndon Gray 478607-1004
24 ft gooseneck trailer, dual axle, single tire, folding ramps, dual landing gear. Shane Sikes Claxton 912-334-2344
24x7x7' tandem axle utility box trailer,white, 3 door, $5,000. Philip Anthony Woodand 678591-0521
268 NH square baler, cultivator planter parts for 140 Farmall back forklift, fuel pump for TD18, all kinds of new bolts. Clinton Bagley Dahlonega 706-864-5176
285 Case Int duals, 4wd, loaded, $7,600. Melvin Waters Nicholls 912-285-1305
3 ph hay spears/same bucket mount hayspear, 48" spear, $175 ea.; trailer mover, $150. V Felkel Millen 912-682-5813
3 pt hitch for Super A, $300. Kale Mize Clarkesville 706-754-9799
3 wheel cane grinder, will send pics, $300. Jay Leggett Odum 912-256-2452
3020 JD, good condition, 80% rubber, cranks in cold weather. S. Hall Pavo 229-8592104
32ft gooseneck trailer, 3 axles, good tires, needs floor, hauled hay this year, $1,200 OBO, call before 9pm. Frank Malcolm Newborn 770-598-7192
35 Massey Ferguson Perkins AG3-152 diesel engine, good engine, 1959, $3,250. J W Edwards Sale City 229-336-7419
4 4-row Danish tine cultivators, 2 4-row vipper bedders, 5-bottom Ford bottom plow, 2 4-row Red Bell hooded sprayers with low profile hoods. Eric Clark Lyons 912-565-7977
4 and 6-row KMC striptill, 4 row White planters, 6 row JD 7300 planters. Zack Wetherington Lenox 229-546-5635
4 Sheffield sweeps filler plows, $25 ea; 20ft, 4 inch grain auger used very little; log splitter, 3pt hitch, $50, with new hyd cylinder, $150. Ben Newton Lyons 912-585-1842 912-5657040
4 ton fertilizer spreader, good condition, $2500. James Blackburn Commerce 706654-1040
400lb. 5bu. type ground driven seeder spreader, sells for $999 shipped, used twice, in dry. James Meadows Powder Springs 770-943-6947
48" ACME fans with shutters, $40 each, 19 available. Stan Carson Madison 706-4333546
505F Vermeer 4x5 round baler, hyd tie, sheltered, great working condition, $4,000. Robert Yates Summerville 706-397-2715
5ft Bushhog, $350; 5ft finishing mower, $350; 3pt posthole auger, $450; 1 row cultivator, $125. Gene Mitchell Marietta 770422-9023
5ft skidsteer loader bucket with teeth, universal bucket, will fit most any kind, good condition, $350. Joe Walker Fayetteville 770461-7142
6 ft Bushog brand HD bushhog, used twice, $1500; 5ft JD bushog, $650. Bobby Yarbrough 1004 Hamilton Rd LaGrange 30241 706-8841873 706-333-1998
6 row Monosem air planter good condition, 500 gal. saddle tanks for JD 7810 tractor. Shane Branne Glennville 912-237-2457
6' landscape rake, $250. Ken Wilson Monroe 706-340-5258

6610 w/cab 4x4, 2300 hrs, $19,500; 5610 w/side mower, $7,500; 555E backhoe, $14,500. B.J. Reece Ellijay 706-889-0763
671 Detroit power unit, $3800. Bill Myers Blue Ridge 706-964-5483
7' 6" Ferri VIP88 Flail mower, min-max hp 50/80, 35 hours, like new. Bill Barrow Harlem 706-556-2324
7'6" bush hog, 2 wheels, heavy duty, $650; Deutz circular hay rake, $700. Cook Holliday Monroe 770-605-1129
7'J.D. Deer Plot grain drill, 3 pt. hitch, $2250; 300 bushel Parker grain wagon w/hydraulic auger, $2200. Royce Hulett Hazlehurst 912-375-3008 912-253-0161
7300 White grain combine, 3-row corn head grain table, $6,000; 4-row Pittsburg cultivator, $500 obo; 6-row equipment. Ricky Whittle Rochelle 229-322-5532
8 John Deere 71 planter hopper with bottoms, two fiber glass, 6 green metal and some plates. William A Nugent Douglas 912309-9666
8N Ford tractor runs great, looks great, tires like new $2350. Tommy Daws Monroe 770267-6082
9" post hole digger, 4 foot cultivator(6 tines), and 5' disk, $400 for all three. Jim Russum Thomson 706-595-9888
976 1066 IH tractor, engine needs work, asking $4,500 OBO. Jack Batten 435 Jack Batten Rd. Douglas 31533 jackd332001@ 912-384-4999
98 Ford/NH 1725 tractor 2WD, 29hp w/2246qt F/loader, PTO, ROPS, VGC, old Bushhog, 435hrs $9,900. Dean Venator Cumming 770-355-3307
Aerator 72" pull-type w/3 pt. hitch 380/lbs; 698/lbs filled, frame stacks xtra wt, used 1 yr., $500. Charles Dillard Hephzibah 706-5924960 706-306-6262
Allis Chalmers WD and CA both narrow front, three pt hitch, both run well, sheet metal fair, $1800/both. Dyke McDonough 770-8988754
Auger, 8" 3 pt. hitch, $275. W. P. Rhodes Acworth 770-974-9092
B1750 Kubota 54" finish mower, 48" rototiller and 6 other pieces of equipment, $7800. Tom Stevenson Flowery Branch 770480-3805
Beautifully restored 1955 Allis Chalmers WD45, lots of new parts, starts instantly, classic narrow front, $4100. Mitchell Holbrook Calhoun 706-409-0553
Bobcat attachment: Bradco 618 trencher/ post hole auger unit w/6" auger, this is a 2 in 1 unit. $3,000. Mark Woodham Madison 404379-8037
Box scrape, 5', with plowing feet, $200. Grover Battles Palmetto 770-463-3572
Bradco 625 trencher for skidsteer, $2500; Lincoln Ranger 250 portable welder, $2,000; Woods bellymower, for Cub, $800. Jeanette Greenway Adairsville 770-382-7884
Bush hog finishing mower, 60" like new, extra blades, $650; chrome truck toolbox 4x2x21" tall with key, $150. Luther Kurrass Pine Mountain 706-443-6332
Caterpillar 953 track loader, 1989 Model, new Berco U.C., inframe engine rebuild, GP bucket, ropes, $22,500. Andy Thomas Commerce 706-410-4129
Caterpiller 943 loader, 1990 open cab, low hours on rebuilt motor, used on farm. Justin Fernander Hogansville 706-637-6641
Cattle trailer 16 feet, dual axle, fair cond., $350. Marvin Reynolds Pelham 229-224-4158
Cooper trailer, heavy duty, 6 x 12, new floor and lights, twin axles, excellent working order, $750. G. Gibson Atlanta 678-595-2790
Cub with cultivator, harrows, '76 or '78, original rear tires, new battery, front tires, $3,500. Ralph Couch Villa Rica 770-459-6835
Custom 27 ft. hay trailers built for round bales, asking $5,500 each. Michael Cottrell Dahlonega 678-617-6499
Danuser PTO Auger 24 inch bit, $750. JT Flournoy Fort Valley 478-319-5147
Danuser wood splitter for sale. Anthony Thomason 125 Old Brookhaven Cir Toccoa 30577 706244-0087
Davis 2 ton horizontal mixer, 15hp, 3 phase motor, electronic scale. excellent condition, $9,500. John Simpson Talbotton 706-577-5286
Demco piston pump (fertilizer) with mounting bracket for JD 1700 planters, good condition, $500 obo. Mike Deal Statesboro 912-682-7249
Ezgo ST sport II gas powered, Subaru drivetrain. top, windsheild dumpbed, trailer hitch, only 6 months old, $5600. Robert McDaniel Covington 404-392-3463
Farmall A parts tractor, $500; complete set of cutlivators for Oliver Row Crop 60, $500; 250 gal propane tank suitable to make grill, $100. Ted Reeves Sparta 706-878-8562
Fella TH540 tedder, 4 basket tedder, full hyd tilt and transport, serviced and field ready, $4500. Adam Verner Rutledge 706-474-0091
Ferguson cultivator or all purpose plow, $150 obo. J R Hooper Cedartown 770-748-4960
Ford 1920 yr. mdl. 91, 70% rubber, P/S, always sheltered, 1700 hrs., well maintained, $6,000, selling for health reasons. Terrel Dampier Adel 229-896-3600
Ford 3000 diesel, good tractor, $4600. Charlie McGhee College Park 770-907-4238
Ford 3000 gas 1975, 8 spd., hi/low trans., p/s cab, heat,1282 hrs., garage kept, $7,800. Ray Brewer Dalton 706-277-1598
Ford 8N/9N tractor, 2 new tires on rear, 1 on front, operational, $2500. Nancy Jenkins Palmetto 770-3288045
Ford cycle mower, 3 pt hitch, model 515, extra parts, $500 firm. Doug Askew 1500 West Broad St. Greensboro 30642 706-347-1610

Ford NAA tractor, good for parts or repair, $500; Cub Cadet push blade, 42 in, $100, call after 6 pm. Danny Manning Cochran 478934-0100
Ford tractor 3910 with 60" Bush Hog, runs great, first $7,000 buys. Steve Black 858 Piney Woods Dr LaGrange 30240 404-3141662
Fordson super major diesel heavy duty loader, 3pt., power steering, engine stuck. Greg Coker Toccoa 706-476-1972
Four Gravely tractors with various equipment. Hatcher Sylvester 229-776-5894 229-776-2050
Gearbox for Ford #901 mower, 5ft, $90; John Deere 6ft mower, $100. J Wilson Waycross 912-283-6717
Gehl 3210 sq. baler w/1100 Hoelscher, 10 bale accumulator attached, barn kept, $9,500. Terry Fountain Cairo 229-378-7515
GEHL 9000 hydra-tilt box wagon for silage or bio-mass, side dump, high dump, 8 ton dump capacity, $3000. Richard Acree Calhoun 706-629-7694
GN trailer 32 ft 20,000 lb. gvw tandem dual ele. brakes exc, $7500. Mark Woodard Macon 478-986-4392
Grass mower Husqvarna 46 inch zero-turn, approx. 20 hours , $2000. Wil Zarecor Douglasville 770-489-3220 770-500-2165
Hammer mill feed mixer model 350, $1,475. Kathy Norris Dahlonega 706-864-4831
Harrow 8 disc heavy duty, disc in g.c., cylinder ready. Jerry Cox Fayetteville 770461-7938
Hay Elevator: 24ft. good condition ready to run, easy to raise and lower, sheltered. Lynn Hall Madison 706-318-1551
Hay fluffer, Claas Volto 540, 17' non hydraulic, new tires, field ready, $2800. Greg Pannell Monroe 770-207-6542 770-318-5080
Hay tedder, pull-type,17 ft.wide, Morra, good working condition, $1750. Franklin Griffis 786 Tillman St. Odum 31555 912-5866631
Heavy duty laying off plow, 1 row, good condition, 3 point hitch, $490. Raymon Harrison Flowery Branch 770-965-6287
Hesston Stackhand 10 and Hesston PT10 mower conditioner; JD 6 row Notill w/71 planters, $1,500; JD 440 Crawler, $1,800. Jimmy McKinley Thomaston 706-975-7244
Historic horse-drawn 1800s cotton wagon needs repair, spare wheels, rims, spokes, photos, $750 OBO. Glenn Eskew Madison 706-818-8815
Husky air compressor, max psi 135, $390; 22" dual axle trailer, $1600; 6" smoothing harrow, $950. Sidney Keadle Thomaston 706-647-2328 706-601-2473
IMT 539 D 1987 model for parts, been on fire, some fit MF. Tom Lovingood Douglasville 770-577-5834 404-431-3120
Irrigation pump Ford 4 cylinder diesel with Berkley, 650 a minute, 5 in 5 out motor, completely rebuilt, $4500. Ken Long Mershon 912-614-1374
JD 1010 tractor, 1963-65, gas engine, replaced hydraulic high-pressure supply line, rebuilt starter cylinoid, replaced points condensor ignition coil, runs great, $2,500. T. Rogers Grayson 404-441-3994
JD 110 8hp, runs but needs restoration, $5,000. Bob Chapman Fayetteville 770-9970628
JD 1963 RU 1010 3 engines misc new and used parts not running, $2000 cash trade. Don Plumley Dallas 770-974-4772
JD 210 harrow, new disc and drag, tomato sticks, 4 row mechanical transplanter. Josh Yawn Jacksonville 229-315-7339
JD 3055 w/ front end loader, 100hp, duel pto, 4 remote hydraulics, no leaks, runs well, field ready 7000hrs, $11,000. Trey Adams Garfield 478-299-4671
JD 4420 combine with 213 flex head, good condition. Daryl Martin East dublin 478-2785175
JD 4430 cab air good tires field ready, $11,000. Jerald Mize 2941 Pulliam Mill Rd. Dewy Rose 30634 706-245-6921
JD 450 track loader, good condition, very good under carriage, $11,950; 3930 Ford tractor, diesel, p/s, low hours, $11,500. Carl Puckett Buford 770-945-0174
JD 4640 tractor very strong, $18,000. Gregg Kelley Gibson 706-832-4977
JD 6000 Highcycle 1992 model, green top, spring front, cold air, foam marker, good cond, $11,000. Kim Perryman Hartsfield 229-891-1183
JD 6430, 2010 model, 1850 hrs, cab, MFWD, shuttle, excellent condition, $52,000. Art Herring Valdosta 229-292-5482
JD 709 rotary mower, like new, $2,500 OBO; JD 146 loader side frame for 20, 30, 40, 50 series tractors, joystick, $2,500 OBO. Bubba Bohlen Madison 770-318-9135
JD 8245R, 635 hrs, like new; Redgall hooded sprayer, 6 row 155 Int. flip bottom plow. Lee Kinard Vienna 229-938-8880
JD 9950 cotton picker w/Mudhog good condition, $8,000; Big 12 moldule builder, good condition, $5,000 or both for $12,000. John Griffin Tifton 229-445-0495
JD model 1020 parting out motor # SNM4TR026655T, 3 cylinder transmission, NT4RIC021513T Clay Pentecost Winder 770-867-4373
JD5103 50hp tractor w/6ft JD cutter, always sheltered, like new,155 hours, asking $13,000. Jim Bridges Madison 706-342-8442
John Deere 2040 42 hp tractor, in excellent condition, kept in barn, 1690 hrs, $8000 obo. Steve Kittredge Carrollton 770-214-9117
John Deere 310-C loader backhoe, good condition, 2wd, approx 5500 hrs., $12,500. Ted Milliron Shellman 229-317-3795

John Deere 4420 combine w/213 grain platform, $7500. Daryl Martin East Dublin 478-278-5175
John Deere 630 moco, 2010, 9'8"cut flail low acres, $16,500 obo, well maintained. Tim Miller Cherrylog 706698-6611 706-455-1664
John Deere A4200 4/18 flip plow for sale, good condition, $750. James Newsome Statesboro 912-587-5918
John Deere B, 1950, good paint, metal, battery, tires, runs excellent, $2,950. Nancy Godbee Milledgeville 478-452-8790
John Deere generator for sale 75kw lp/gas, low oil/water shut off, 6cyl, new rebuilt manuel transer switch, $7000. Mark Gunter Cleveland 706-969-8991
John Deere M tractor with planters, harrow, turning plow, rotary mower, distributors, cultivator, $4,000. Tabatha Wooten Denton 912-539-5551
KMC 4 row striptill with John Deere 1700 planters, row markers, fertlizer attachments. Chad Hawkins Rochelle 229-425-0283
KMC 4-row ripper-spider complete with hydraulic row markers and reaches for planters, excellent condition. Larry Young Tennille 478232-6321
Komatsu Excavator PC200LC-3 sn27804, 600 hours since overhaul, 1986, very good working condition, tight machine, $22,000. John Williams Fayetteville 770-833-5051
Krone 283S disc mower, 3 years old, xc, $6,500; 15' Tye grain drill, 3pt double disc, $6,000. James Martin Waynesboro 706-5585005
Kubota B7100 hst, 4wd, low hours, excellent condition. CW Wathen Dahlonega 678-859-6820
Kubota L225 DT, 24hp, 635 hrs, with 3 pieces of equipment, 2 flat bed trailers, $10,500. Frank Williams Fayetteville 770460-0211
Kubota L2900, 30hp, 561 hours, 8 speed shuttle shift, like new, $7000. Darryl Evridge Warner Robins 478-987-4438
Kuhn 6ft multi-disc mower, used one hay season, $6,800. Brenda Wright Thomaston 706-647-1293
Kuhn GMD 500 disc mower; $2,250, 5ft King cutter, $500; Taylorway 8 disc harrow, $500. Charles Harp Fayetteville 404-5972433
Land Leveler, new,10ft hyd lift, pivoting pin hitch, $1,800; MF 16" bottom plow, $325; 4 wheeler-food plot harrow, $275. Ron Hulett Milan 912-363-5978
Liddell Birmingham trailer, 27' long, 14 ton tantem axle with pendelum hitch, $4,250. Arnall Evans Woodstock 678-938-6679
Long double chain elevator with transport, 20 ft long PTO or engine operated, $350. Donald Holt Summerville 706-857-3928
LT300 Woodmizer. Andy Adams Hartwell 706-436-7031
Manure spreader, New Idea, 12', PTO driven, good condition, stored in shed. David Gvous Ellijay 706-276-2512
Massey Ferguson 245 - has roll bar w/top 6' bush hog,harrow, plow, $5,700. Walter Holland Good Hope 770-207-1319
Massey Ferguson 2605 diesel, 4WD, 53 hrs with 9 pc equipment, no front loader, package, $13,900. Lewis Grubbs Buchanan 770-6460014
Massey Ferguson 2615 tractor, 270 hrs, 49 HP, 10 speed, excellent condition, like new, $12,000. Barbara Roberts Franklin 770-5108818
Massey Ferguson 35, runs, great for restoration, no rust, all parts in tact, $3000 obo. Don Clark Suches 678-237-7972
Massey Ferguson 40 backhoe & front end loader, motor does not run. Pete Cobb 8405Teal Rd. Fairburn 30213 770-964-5644 770-964-5644
Massey Ferguson tractor 245 series diesel excellent condition, $5,000. Leslie Dedo Thomaston 706-648-6707
Massey Ferguson tractor, cab air, front end loader #4235, 70 hp, 1200 hours, mint condition, $21,000. Mose Mock Springfield 912-663-3808
MF 135 diesel for parts, good rear tires, good engine, $800. Ray Gilbert Bishop 706769-5820 706-296-4360
MF 245 diesel, runs well, good metal, strong lift, tires fair, tractor only no equipment, $5200. Robert Watkins Douglasville 770942-8687
New Holland 1049 bale wagon, $7,000. Dave Clark Madison 706-474-0550
New Holland 616 disc mower, 8ft working width, field ready, barn kept, $2,500. James Sells Monroe 770-267-8603
New Holland 654 baler for sale, good codition.,$8750. Keith Dacus Richland 229938-0212
New Holland 654 round baler, 4x6 net wrap, wide pan, $6,000. Baker Oliver Wrightsville 478-278-3199
New Holland manure spreader, pto, 5'x10' box, 2 large tires, decent condition; not needed. Herbert Metz Cumming 678-947-6987
New Holland model 355, grinder mixer excellent condition, $6,500. Matt Dolan Thomaston 770-712-8030
New Holland Stackliner 1003 haybuggy, holds 84 bales, $2,000. Dwight Bobo Rome 706-291-8300
New Idea 2 row corn picker, good condition, $2,500; Kuhn model TG283 disc hay mower, excellent condition, $8,000. Terry Moody Baxley 912-278-1041
NH farm equipment, round balers (2), square baler, hay rake and Kuhn dics mower, all used in 2012, good condition. Louise Hammond Griffin 404-644-7948

Page 6


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

NH848 4x5 Baler wide PU, sheltered, vgc mechanical & appearance, $4700. William Carlyle Pendergrass 770-601-0125
OMC pecan shaker cab, air, long boom, sweepers, joystick operated, good condition, $65,000. Lee Evans Fort Valley 478-2350857
Pit burner approx. 20 ft. long, diesel motor, good cond., will completely eliminate your dozer piles, make offer. Dan Hammack Edison 229-835-2541 229-881-5778
Salsco 627XT pto driven chipper, 6" capacity, hydraulic feed, speed sensing, 25hrs, excellent condition, $4500; 2006 Polaris Ranger 500EFI 4x4, 30hrs., excellent condition, $4,300. Rob Gordy Carrollton 678378-3978
Share Cropper's one horse wagon from 20's/30's w/seat, someone damaged wheel but usable, $1250. LeRoy Bigham Conyers 404-375-2663
Sickle mower, Massey Ferguson, 7 foot blade, needs some work, $350. Leonard Draper Cedartown 770-748-2042 404-4015591
Super A Farmall with planter and cultivator, very exceptional. Jerry Knight Monticello 706-476-1020
Swanson orchard sprayer 500 gal., PTO driven good condition, $3500. Ed English Zebulon 770-584-6308
Takeuchi 250 TL track loader, numberous attachments, bought new with trailer, low hours, stored inside. Joe Verdone Lexington 706-743-3994
Taylor cotton module builder, always sheltered, no leaks, extra good condition, 18.4 x 34 and 18.4 x 38 dual wheels. Jimmy Cofield Eastman 478-893-4996
Taylorway harrows 24 disc, $1,200; 6' aerator $400; 10 ton gooseneck trailer, $5,500; 5.5 box scrape blade, $450. Dale Westmoreland Cleveland 706-878-0702
TD9 Int. 10 ft hyd. blade up an down, manual adjustment, hand clutch, $4,500 obo or trade. Smith Demorest 706-754-1499
Thomas Bilt TRI Tractor Mfg Co. tractor for parts or rebuilt, equipment. T. Baker 201 S. Chilton Cr. LaGrange 30240 706-523-1567 706-884-5819
Tooth Bar, heavy duty, 7' long, for loader bucket, excellent condition. Jack Whidby Dahlonega 706-265-0623
Top-Link adjustable stabilizer arms, $90; 1986 F-350 4x4, 8' bed with 5th wheel, 460, 4spd, $12,750. John Fleming Hartwell 770718-6740
Trailer, 5ft by 8 ft, tilts, new paint, treated wood floor,14"tires, excellent condition, $500. Dennis Plavcan Gainesville 678-300-1274
Troy Bilt horse tiller, 6hp, hew carb and 8 in tires, good tines, $550. David Seymour Franklin 706-625-6843
Truck box, approx 24', rollup & swing doors, great hay/equip storage. Angie Henley Watkinsville 706-540-4031
Two horse wagon redone for use on farm, cargo area, 40" wide, 24" high & 11'6", $2,500 obo, will deliver. Robert Worley Rome 706295-3618
Unverferth 8 row striptill, rig shear bolt type, good condition, new coulters, $10,500 obo. Mike Waters Statesboro watersfarms@ 912-839-2136
Used turf tire 13.6 X 16, $125. Huron Nichols 7072 Herring Rd Lake Park 31636 229-559-5758
Vermeer 84'' tree spade on '81 GMC V8 70 series truck, standard transmission, call for price. RG Lamar Hawkinsville rg@ 478-230-8065
Vermeer baler 7-disc cutter, 8-wheel rake, & JD tedder; JD 6430 Prem 479hrs, Kubota M9540; 2 30ft Pequea wagons; 1986 CAT EXC; JD 5520 1875hrs. James Perry Rome 706-346-6795
Vicon disc mower Cm 2400, 6 disc 7'10", in good condition, barn kept. Christopher Kerce Summerville 706-506-4807
Weiss McNair sweepers, tractor mounted/ hydraulics, 9 1/2 foot bar, good condition, $5,500. Chop Evans Fort Valley 478-955-4642
Windham heavy duty forklift, vg working condition, new brakes, hoist cylinder rebuilt, transmission rebuilt runs well, $4,250. Buck Hames Cartersville 770-382-7040
Woodmizer sawmill, 2010 LT15- 25 hp powerfeed, extra log dogs, cuts 16ft plus, always sheltered, $6,500 cash. Phillip Merritt Buchanan 678-246-4341
Yanmar YM1601 diesel tractor, good cond., with 4 foot harrow and owner's manual, $2,500. Jimmy Zellner Culloden 478-957-0908
Buggy wrench, $30. Dean Long Lawrenceville 770-962-6345
Farm Machinery Wanted
1 1100-16 front tire, 1 12-4-28 rear tire, good shape, southeast ga. Johnny Milton Waycross 912-282-3384
555 Ford backhoe in vgc and a 4x6 round baler in vgc, no junk. Bobby Yarbrough Pine Mtn 706-3331998
Crank shaft for a 1951 Farmall Cub, red, with rod and main bearings, might purchase whole engine if price is right. Porter Hammond Statesboro 912-682-5408
Cutter bar parts for Kuhn GMD800-GII H D, 10 FT hay mower, 7 FT parts may fit. Eugene Lovett Tennille 478-552-7819 478-552-7816
Farm tractor 50-60hp diesel. J Doe Conyers 770-483-5411
Feed Bin - 4-6 ton wanted. Lee Hemmer Gainesville 770530-3646
Gregory 3500 crusting machine for parts/ repair. Johnny Seabolt Cleveland 706-9699061

Land scraper rake 6 ft. for behind tractor. Pete Cobb Fairburn 770-964-5644 770-9645644
Looking for corn head for F2 Gleaner, 436A or 438A will work. Kenny Toler Dublin 478697-1662
Looking for pull-type equipment, preferably with hydraulics (thanks to all who called about injector rebuild). Russ Geboy Newnan 678-858-2079
Need 1 tractor tire, 13.6 x 26, good condition, reasonable price. John Lampp Acworth 770-966-1708
Need 4ft harrow 3pt hitch, good condition, SE GA, can travel 120 miles. Bob Mitchell Saint Marys 912-882-4742
Need 6ft disc harrow and arerator, must be 3 pt hitch, good cond reasonable price, near Waynesboro. Wayne Martin Waynesboro 706-526-1880
Sprayer: 100-300 gal. prefer 3-point hitch type, but open to others. Mike Hattaway Dearing 706-556-6422
Want 18-row sprayer, also dirt pan and rainbow traveler. N Horton Rhine 229-3855222
Want front weights for IHC 766 tractor. Wesley Carlan Homer 706-677-3796
Want to buy used Woods Rd7200 trim mower for parts, does not have to be in working condition. Robert Jones Fitzgerald 229-423-7376
Want: old wooden tool box with hand tools. Tim Toler Atlanta 404-217-5432
Want; 1000-1200 gallon stainless spray tank with baffel and sparge line togo on truck. DW Knight Dexter 478-689-6569
Wanted: 1 tractor tire 14.9 x 24. Verna Sammons Blakely 229-723-4805 229-7231469
Wanted: 3pt. hay fork or spear, text or call either number. Mary Ann Perkins 706-8711889 706-871-0636
Wanted: garden rototiller in Meriwether county area. Morgan Whitaker Woodbury 706-846-9176
Wanted: good used tractor tire, 13-6-28(12" rim)12-28 for Ford 2000. Cecil Garner Rockmart 770851-1919
Wanted: greenhouse frames, heater, and fans. Joshua Cockrell Gainesville 678-8737926 678-873-7926
Wanted: John Deere F850H 20' disc tiller with rubber tired rear wheels. Jimmy Moncrief Fort Valley 478-955-5775
Wanted: set of four row planters, prefer John Deere 71 series. Cason Anderson Perry 478-952-2875
Wanted: small backhoe or backhoe 3PT attachment with pump, must be in good operating condition. Charles DeLoach Appling 706-5410847
Wanted: to buy farm equipment from estate or divorce sale. Ben McGreggor Macon 478935-2400
Wanted: used combine with 4 row 30 inch corn head. Gary Newsome Baldwin 706-8942011
Wanted: used Savage 8042, Lockwood or DL-40 pecan harvester. Emanuel Manheimer Fort Valley 478-822-9754
Wanted:Tuff-Bilt tractor front cultivator. William Scott Sylvania 912687-5515
If you have questions regarding ads in this category, call 404-651-9081.
10 1 hp. 3-phase electric motors, $50 ea. Fred Martin Comer 706-783-3823
10 pieces black walnut wood, approximately 30 inches long, heart from 3" to 6" thick, $200. Jack Bowman Summerville 706-857-1108
100 lb. gas cylinder full of gas, $159; 100 lb. gas cylinder without gas, $125. Hulett Hazlehurst 912-253-0162
1000' lumber and turning blocks: hickory, ash, cedar, red and white oak, maple, poplar and basswood. David Gray Bowdon 770655-4674
12-hole hen nest boxes, good condition with nest bottoms, #25, without bottoms, #15. Gordon Fishburne Dawsonville 678-3829091
1200 plastic Choretime feeder pads, also Chickmates. Sharon Fausett Dawsonville 706-265-6213
13 24-ft. trusses, 15 plastic barrels, $5 ea. David Powell Monticello 678-372-0923
150-lb. farrier anvil, 80-lb. anvil, tongs, post vises, hammers, handies, well bucket/pulleys, #20 cooking grade cast iron washpots. A. Hendrick Austell 770-948-9842
17 pieces 2" PVC pipe, 12-ft. long; 4-6 ft. high on 1/2 in. pipe, big harrow disc Rainbird sprinklers, $200. L.R. Cross Fitzgerald 229468-5350
2 gasoline or diesel pumps, 110v, complete, good cond., $150 ea. John Gilbert Woodbury 706-575-0593
2 heavy steel old wagon wheels, $150 each. Andrea Perry Newnan Tyscriber88@ 770-502-8787
2 pair of old cotton weighing steelyards, one needs the pea to be complete, $200 for both firm, cash only. Nathaniel Hester Madison 706-342-2572
20' electrical 100 amp service pole, used once, $125. Gene Brown Byron 478-9533330
20,30,55-gal. plastic drums, 2 bung plugs, 55-gal. plastic screw-off lids, 55-gal. metal lock ring, 55-gal. metal w/o lids, 55-gal. stainless. Jimmy Cannon Canton 770-8892342

20-inch poultry fan, $25; hay rake wheels, $135; flat steel wheel ring, $10. Stanley Phillips Royston 706-245-7661
200 4"x4"x8 ft. treated fence posts, excellent condition, $6.75 each. Royce Brooks Acworth 770-378-2564
250-gal. LP gas tank with 20% gas, $250. Ronnie Howell Waycross 912-816-5072
250-gal. plastic water tanks, $75 ea. Jesse Garrett Auburn 770-652-7915
3 250-gal. liquid feed tubs for cattle, $100 ea., call before 9 pm. Mark Cochran Roopville 770-833-0926
30 x 48 greenhouse, metal frame, plastic roll-down sides, plexiglass front back, dome roof plastic, 6 yrs. old, good cond., asking $5,000. Judy Gibbs Fitzgerald 229-423-9876
300-gallon plastic tank in metal cage, 5-inch twist cap on top, valve at bottom, $50. Dwayne Stovall Dahlonega 678-491-0838
400 used round fence posts. Danny Fausett Dawsonville 706-265-8432
48,000 ft. shadehouse, 2 1/2 in. posts, 10 feet finished height, .60 cents per ft. Danny Fountain Mount Vernon 912293-7416
500-gal. in-ground propane gas tank with approx.100 gallons gas, $450. Forrest Stroup Roswell 770-993-4947
500-gal. propane tank, $475. Tony Chew Manchester 706-846-3657
60 gal. syrup kettle & 3-roller cane mill, $1,480. John Lewis Lakeland adrianlewis@ 229-251-6271
70 wooden posts, 4"x6.5', $5 each; 100 step-in poly fence posts, $1 ea; 25 metal Tposts, 5 1/2', $2 ea. Mr. Archer Sandersville 478-247-3361
8-ft. locust fence rails, 6 1/2-ft. locust fence posts for sale, call aft. 7 pm. Charles Seabolt Suches 706-747-5821
Air/kiln dried Woodmizer sawn lumber, large selection wood species, paneling, wideplank flooring, fencing, barn wood. John Sell Milner 770-480-2326
All size pots, plastic and Italian clay rabbit pens, bird baths, shade cloths, black landscape cloth. Nin Garrett Tyrone 404-7313851
Approx. 200 clay pots, 30 cents ea., buyer take all, all sizes; sev. dozen quart jars, $3/doz., some half-pint jars. J. Strickland Thomaston 706-472-3675
Bandsawn lumber, pine, poplar, oak siding and tongue and groove, some framing, .40$1.50 per bd. ft. Timothy Tucker Newnan 770251-7612
Barn on skids--custom built12x16, made to move, 2 3-ft. (double) steel doors on side, T111 siding, shingle roof, wired. Bill Tuszynski Cumming 770-888-6746
Barrels, plastic heavy duty, 55-gal., 20" screw top, air tight, food grade, $35 while they last. Bill Sewell Brunswick 912-265-7633
Behlen Big Valley M-Series manual headgate with Nek-Stenders, HD, excellent cond. John Bryant Eatonton 706-485-8321
Black walnut lumber, rough sawn, 70 boards (12 & 8 ft. lengths), very beautiful wood, asking $550. Tracey Baker Shiloh 706-457-2565
Blue & white 55-gal. plastic drums, closed tops, two twist-off caps, food grade, other types sometimes available. Eugene Needham Loganville 770-466-4284
Blue Martin equipment, complete and ready to install on metal pole w/20 white gourds, $160. W.E. Rooks Albany 229-883-6541
Broiler equipment. nipple drinkers, Choretime fill systems, plastic pans, fans, 15ton feed tanks. Gary Bell Milledgeville 478451-7635
Buckets, food grade, white plastic, in 5 gals., unused cond., resealable lids & handler, smaller size also. D. Grizzle Gainesville 770532-1070
Chain link gate, 48"x 58", good cond., $30. Glenn Register Fayetteville 770-461-2842
Chicken cage, 72x48x18" on 4-ft. frame w/7 compartments, homemade brooder, 30x35x18", steel workbench frame, 72x34x34", $50 ea. D. Jones Flowery Branch 770-967-6948
Clean 55-gal metal drums w/lids; 1000-gal. fiberglass tank. Leonard Crane Dawsonville 678-947-6744 404-210-1516
Clean 55-gal. metal drums w/lids. David Crane Dahlonega 706-265-2559
Clean cement blocks, .60 cents each. Glenn Batchelor McRae glennbatchelor62@ 229-868-2183
Cold frame greenhouse ribs, W-20', L-60', H-7 1/2', arch type, 11 ribs, tubular galvinized steel, $500. Tim Bramlett Greensboro 706453-4275
Commercial cow waterers/feeders, 5x8x15" (2); 3000 gal. plastic nitrogen tanks. Thelma Yawn Eastman 229-315-7339
Cow bodies for short wide pickup, all metal, shop air compressor. H.A. Cook 73 Davis Rd. Carrollton 30116 770-834-9852
Craftsman garden tractor, 46-in. deck, $300; walk behind brush cutter, $200, old bread table, $400. Sam Bowen Sautee 770842-2556 706-348-1307
Dehorners, long handle, used twice, $125. Glenn Hayes Oxford 404-272-7298 770-7866425
Dickey electronic incubator, cabinet style, 3 automatic turning trays,1 hatching tray, exc. cond., $400. James King Newborn 770-7873674
Dried oak lumber, assorted widths & lengths, $1 per board foot. Danny McCravy Douglasville 404-405-8637
Fisher wood stove in excellent condition. Eston Griffin Clarkesville 229-402-4257 229392-4145
Flooring oak & pine, T&G, various widths, also beadboard and woodshavings, call for prices. William Briggs Union City 404-349-2315

Food grade 55-gal. stainless steel, $125 ea., small & large screw-top plastic, $5-$15 ea., all type steel & plastic. Ellen Chambers Fayetteville 770-774-9762
For sale ABI hard hose reel with 1000-ft. hose, asking $10,000. Jamie Hall Baxley 912366-8400 912-218-0042
For sale: 300 unused concrete blocks at .75 cents each. Ernie Gilmer Gay 706-538-6022
Fuel tank, 400 gallons, $375. Dick Anderson Sharpsburg 770-883-0789
Galvanized panels, ten 12-ft, one 8-ft., 6 ft. gate for round pen or corral, $650. John Matter Dublin 478-463-2192
Gas or diesel hand pump, Fill Rite model 112, unused, still in box, $75. Andy Carroll Rome 706-345-3142
Gooseneck trailer hitch for underbed mount, fits some Fords, Chevrolets, $125, call for specifics. Gerald Betterton Cleveland 706878-0500
Grain bins, 8500 bushels, very good cond. Jimmy Tripp Eastman 478-231-8035
Heart pine lumber, beams, beadboard, lap siding, tongue/groove, old doors, mantels, structures removed. Otis Brett Tennille 706466-9035
Hen nests for sale, 12 all-metal nests per box, $35/box. Lamar Bryant Cleveland 706878-8509
Hog dehair machine (Cincination) and stainless scalding tank, extra paddles, runs well, $1250. Mike King Leesburg 706-889-3170
Honda DD3000 commercial pressure washer, 11 hp engine, extra hoses w/quick connects, all tips, manuals, exc. cond., $350. G. Benefield Covington 770-784-1655 770841-0909
Iron wheels, very old dinner bell, bush axe in handle, corn sheller,. Russell Jewell 2160 W. Jackson St. Waycross 31503 912-283-8871
Light poles (29), galvanized steel, 28'6" long. 4" top, 8" bottom w/mounting brackets, $350 each if purchased all, $450: individual price. Dianne Williams Fayetteville 678-7729631
Nature Form, Inc. Norm 45, hatches 2,300 quail eggs, cap/brooder, quail equip., both for $2,500. Frank Stowe Jefferson brendastowe@ 706-367-1550 678-898-0509
Old hand hewn log house, excellent condition, delivery & set up avail. anywhere. Kerry Hix Chatsworth 706-695-6431
Old tools, shade cloth, cart, gas heater, small iron bell, clay pots, more;. Pat Mason Snellville 404-784-6855
Pallet forks for Bobcat or any skid-steer machine, 42" forks, high mast, locking pins, asking $500, leave message. Roy Pruitt Douglasville 770-949-5453 770-595-7891
Pea & bean sheller, commercially built by Taylor M.F.C, Moultrie, Ga., $3400. Joseph V Manning 152 Hunters Run Soperton 30457 912-529-3013
Portable milking machine for 1 or 2 cows, $1200. Mervin Rudolph Resaca 706-602-4608
Portable sawmill, turn your logs into lumber, low as .35/bd. ft. plus set up fee. D. Smith Griffin 404-925-7212
Poultry feeders and waterers, 2 reel feeders, bantam/chick feeder, 3 & 5 gallon waterers, feeder with grill. Cyndy Carroll Monroe 770-266-1088
Poultry house equipment for sale, generator set, Chore Tronic, 2 controllers plus more. Roger Smith 2511 Wire Bridge Rd Arnoldsville 30619 706-548-8997 706-338-0768
Pressure treated plywood, 6" x 8' notched ends, makes interlocking 4-sided structure, 8'x8', $160. Nancy Gabriel 1421 Greensboro Hwy Watkinsville 30677
Roof trusses, 27 ft. long, 29 common, 2 end, trusses located near Lexington, Ga. David Gresham Winder dbgresham01@ 678-425-4090
Sawmill lumber, low as .35/bd ft., pine and hardwood, custom cuts available. Mitchell Smith Griffin 404-867-5106
Sawmill lumber, pine, poplar, oak, etc., starting at .50 cents or saw your logs starting at.25 cents. Todd Chaney Cartersville 404861-7402
Stainless steel gas tanks with straps, 4, 4gallon, $10 each. Carl Dobson Atlanta 404247-7343
Steel culvert pipe: 20 ft.x18 in., $150; 3-bar joists: 18 ft.x12 in., $35 ea.; building air vent, alum. 5 ft.x10 ft., $150, other. Ralph Sebacher Sharpsburg 678-378-6650
Syrup kettle, suitable for firepot, $300; stainless steel hog feeders; assorted I-beams. Kyle Fuller Fitzgerald 229-426-2618
Taking bids: remaining equipment, only in 5 poultry houses, cash in advance. D. Lawrence Vienna 229-322-4048
Tubular farm gates: 5 4-ft., $47.50 ea., 2 8-ft., $62.50, 1 14-ft., $90; 1 6-ft., $52.50, 4 10-ft., $70. Gus Shipman Gainesville 770-889-0486
Two old white (with red trim) aluminum awnings, great condition (1) 36" wide and (1) 70" wide. Leann McAlister Duluth 770-476-5433
Used high tensile fencing for pastures, in south Georgia. Paul Smith Warner Robins 478-952-3899
Want 1/2 in. hardened steel chain with or w/o hooks. Gary Gill Buford 678-332-7404
Want farm, other bells and bell parts, stands, wheels, clappers, yokes, bowls, bronze or cast. Shane Burnett Covington 770-827-0999
Want used barn tin roofing, 10-ft. or 12-ft. long. Gary Singleton Tucker 770-921-1502
Wash pots, turpentine tools, glass cup, kettles, 50, 60, 80,100 gallon. Reggie Portivent Irwinville 229-569-0314
Water totes 275 and 330-gal., plastic in metal cage, 5-in.opening on top, with letout on bottom. Betty Bingham McCaysville 706-633-4055

Wild hog traps, spring-loaded door, continuous catch, removeable tops, large/ small hogs, 4'x4'x8'. J.D. Conger 1376 Old N.P. Rd. Norman Park 31771 229-769-5476
Ziggity drinkers, Choretime feeders & other misc. poultry house equipment. Joshua Martin Clarkesville 770-531-7432
All livestock (i.e., those animals such as, but not limited to, cattle, equine, goats, sheep, swine, and poultry) must have been in possession of the advertiser for a minimum of 90 days before they can be advertised.
If you have any questions regarding ads in this category, call 404-651-9081.
1 black, polled Limo bull, 11 months, very gentle. Hulon Gray Bowdon 770-258-2581
1 Regd. Black Angus heifer, 5 mos., all shots, gentle, exc. bloodline. David Strawn 6566 Stringer Rd. Clermont 30527 678-617-9717
1 yr. old full-blooded Brangus bull, sired by Cherokee from Salacoa Valley Farms, rugged pasture raised range bull, $1500. Jerome Shields Crandall 706-971-8310
10 cross heifers ready to breed, $1300 ea., full blood Senepol heifers (Red & Black), ready to breed. Ray Lee Strickland Villa Rica 770-459-5997
17 month Polled Hereford bull, semen tested, good breeder. Travis Legg Comer 706-255-2592
2 full-blooded Polled Hereford bulls, 14 months old, March 4 & 5, 2013 D.L. Jaillette Covington 770-786-5143
2 milk cows, Jersey, Guernsey, Jersey Guernsey Swedish Red, gentle, hand or machine. Sandra Ingram Union Point 706817-0523
2 purebred, not regd. Angus yearling bulls, 13 months old, $1000 each. John Harkins Marshallville 478-918-7185
2-yr.-old Polled Hereford bulls, good EPD's, ultra sound carcass, info provided, herd cert. & accred. Larry Lane Carrollton 678-378-5170
20 Simmental cross commercial heifers, to start calving in September, bred to LBW Brangus bulls. Chris Keller Alma 912-286-0286
25 head Angus/Charolais cross, commercial heifers born late 2011, ready to breed. Mr. Smith Hartwell 706-436-5004
3-yr.-old Black SimAngus bull, very moderate, great disposition and excellent EPD's, w/calving ease and growth. R.M. Hice Barneville 770-468-1602
4 bred Angus & Sim/Angus heifers, bred AI to Gar Prophet, $1650 ea. R. Waters Brooklet 912-682-7543
6 Purebred Angus heifers,13 months old, all shots, etc., very gentle. John Watson LaFayette 423-834-3457
70 AngusX heifers, approx. 800 lbs., openready for bull, $1250. Roger McAvoy Washington 706-678-1745
Black Balancer bull, 4 years old, easy calver, daughters in production, super disposition, ready to cover large number of cows, $2500 (firm). Scott Carey Madison 706-474-0738
Black, 4-year-old Simangus homozygous bull. Jerry Griffin Maysville jdgqh@ 706-677-3310
Bulls: Red Brahman, Simmental and Simbrah, breeding and weaning age, few cows and heifers. Cliff Adams Bowdon 770258-2069
Calving ease, milking ability, gentleness, Regd. polled shorthorn bulls, show heifers, steers, exc. quality, Club Calf member. Ken Bridges Commerce 706-768-3480
CMC Limousin & Limoflex bulls, leading AI sires, performance, ultrasound, all Black & Polled, 12-24 months old. Jerry Bradley Covington 678-201-2287
Exc. perf.-tested black full-blood Simmental & Sim-Angus bulls, cow/calf prs., heifers, AI/embryo bred, easy calving, high milk, satisfaction guar. Milton Martin Jr. Clarkesville 770-519-0008
F1 Black Baldy bulls, weaned, Pfizer vaccinated, on feed, no implants, hormones, $1.60 per lb. James Fincher LaGrange 706298-1156
Good selection Polled Hereford bulls, 12-15 mos. old, top bloodlines, gentle. James Jeanes Macon 478-972-0912
Hereford bulls for sale, polled and horned, yearlings and coming 2-year-olds, several bloodlines. Michael Bennett Cumming 404771-5454
Lowline bull, registerable, Lowline/belted Galloway cow, baby at side, 3/4 Lowline heifer, will make package deal. Scott Riggins Ball Ground 770-653-8579
Purebred Black Angus bulls for sale, will register at your request. Jake Stewart Alma 912-632-5652 912-218-6597
Purebred Simmental bulls for sale, sired by SVF/NJC Built Right N48, birthdate 2/27/12. James Woodard Madison jrwoodard83@ 770-601-0492
Reg. Angus Bulls, 15 mos. old, semen tested, guaranteed easy to handle, $1900 to $2500. Sam Cloud Canton 678-294-4475
Reg. Red Angus bulls, two 3 yr. olds, proven breeders. BullDog and King Rob bloodlines. Jerry Graham Rincon 912-2130130
Regd. Angus bulls and bred cows, excellent quality. Windell Gillis Eastman 478374-4868
Regd. Angus bulls, 16-18 months old, semen tested, docile and many A.I. sired. John Stuedemann Comer 706-202-2371

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Page 7

Regd. Angus bulls, A.I. sires, 878, Westwind, Image Maker, Upward 307, 13 to 18 mos., $1500-$1800. Vance Gafnea Whitesburg 678-446-1829
Regd. Black Angus bulls & heifers, New Design & War Alliance bloodlines. Eugene Ridley LaFayette 706-764-6110
Regd. Black Angus bulls, 12 mo.-2 1/2 yrs., excellent EPD's, calving ease. K. Schwock Homer 404-735-9524
Regd. Black Angus bulls, 15-18 months old, sired by Pioneer, Thunderbird, CCN7, Ironstone, Autry Farms. Gary Autry Ringgold 423-902-5925
Regd. Black Angus bulls, all AI, very high EPD's, very docile, 15 months and under. Duke Burgess Louisville juliesvance@ 478-625-9542 305-923-0262
Regd. Black Angus long yearling bull, purchased at Yon Fall Sale, extra nice. Jerry Graham Rincon 912-213-0130 912-754-9271
Regd. Black Angus Pairs, heifers, bulls. Fred Blitch Statesboro 912-865-5454
Regd. Black Polled Beefmaster bulls, 21 to 24 mos., semen tested, good confirmation, gentle, shots & wormed. Vernon Turner Dalton 706-278-7814
Regd. Charolais bulls, coming 2 yrs., semen tested, BVD, tuberculosis & brucellosis tested negative, good selection of virgin bulls, cow ready. Curtis Kiclighter Marshallville 478-967-2940
Regd. Jersey heifer, 2 1/2 yrs. old, large frame, bred to Regd. Jersey bull, due in April. Rondal Fields Clermont 770-983-7104
Regd. Limousin bulls, yearlings, blacks and reds, Certified Quality Assurance producer. Keith Wyatt 176 Shirley Rd. Ranger 30734 678-575-9154
Regd. Polled Hereford bulls, gentle, rugged, pasture raised, easy calving, 18 mos. old, good EPD's & bloodlines. Bobby Brantley Tennille 478-553-8598 478-552-9328
Regd. Polled Hereford bulls, semen tested, low birth weight and ready for service. Brad Mullins Martin 706-491-7556
Regd. Red Angus bulls, 14 months old, 16 Red Angus heifers, commercial, 14 months old. Michael Smith Newnan 770-253-7099 770-301-1945
Regd. Salens yearling bulls, sired by National Grand Champion Whiskey River, Colmore Farms. Jo Colmore Rising Fawn 706-398-0576 423-309-3490
Registered Brangus cows, bred to Registered Brangus bulls. Tom Davis Butler 404-374-3102
Registered yearling Black Angus bulls and heifers for sale, 9 bulls and 11 heifers, Stevenson Angus genetics. Neil Keener Chatsworth 706-270-3731
Scottish Highland, 8-yr. bull, 9-yr. cow with calf, Red, not regd. Bill Robinson Clarkesville 706-754-5344
Service age purebred Black Angus & Black Simmental bulls, yrs. of extensive AI breeding; regd. Simmental heifers, open & bred, 40 to choose from. Billie Clanton Odum 912-2211383
Sim-Angus bulls, 12-14 months old, excellent EPD's, very gentle, black and baldies, AI sires, calving ease. Chet Barrett Mt. Airy 706-499-8008
Simangus heifers for sale, good EPD's, $1500 ea. Mike Jackson Mt. Airy 706-754-5396
Simmental bulls, black, polled, raised on fescue, won't melt, cattleman's kind,18 to 30 mos. old, ready to breed. Lanier Warbington Cumming 404-281-2433
Superior herd of registered Charolais cattle, starter herd, service age bulls, delivery avail. Bobby Burch Eastman 478-718-2128
Texas Longhorn bulls, 1-3 years old, $395 each. Wayne Hughes Molena 706-6479782
True F1 Black Baldy bulls and heifers, coming yearlings, prices starting at $1375. Britt Fincher LaGrange 706-298-1156


If you have questions regarding ads in this category, call 404-651-9081.
Swine moving from farm to farm must have a negative brucellosis and pseudorabies test within the past 30 days before they are moved whenever there is a change of ownership. Exceptions are swine from a validated brucellosis-free and qualified pseudorabies-free herd. Buyers are urged to request proof of a negative brucellosis and pseudorabies test prior to purchase.
1 Purebred Yorkshire boar, 1 Bluebutt sow, 2 purebred Duroc sows, several Yorkshire & Bluebutt pigs, great stock. Jonathan Hubbard Cleveland 678-316-7012
9 feeder pigs; 8 weeks old, teeth cut, males; castrated, iron shots, wormed twice, on full feed. Erin Tewksbury Madison 706-474-0972
Accepting deposits for next litter of miniature piglets; call or email for more info. Circle B Farm Buchanan circlebfarm.rb@ 770-646-2377
Berkshire gilts, ABA registration available, ready 3/31/13, dame & sire on property. Robert Mitchell Franklin 678-673-1732
Bred sows, brood boar, Yorkshire/ Hampshire, gentle, trade for laying hens, calves, cash. Scott Thompson Rock Spring 423-593-3494
Duroc boar, big bone thick, 11 months old. Michael Carnes Covington mikecarnes28@ 770-342-8344
Hampshire and Yorkshire boars and gilts, all ages, feeder/barb. pigs, validated herd, delivery available. Lawton Kemp Dudley 478875-3243
Pure Tamworth & Yorkshire/Tamworth mix piglets; barrows, gilts, wormed & teeth cut, $65 - $75; ready 04/15/2013; now taking deposits. Andrew Thornton Carrollton 770-830-8913
Purebred subject to register gilts, docile, various ages, barrows for meat. Randall Richards Chatsworth 706-270-1979
Reg. Hampshire gilts & boars; leave message. Durand Westberry Odum 912-5866735
Registered Duroc pigs; show quaility and great boars; weaning size at six weeks of age, $150. Patrick Pittman Dexter 478-484-2389
Yorkshire crossed piglets 12 weeks old, $50 each Mike Cagle Douglasville 770-489-2045 404-317-6289

Goats And Sheep

If you have questions regarding ads in this

category, call 404-651-9081.

1 Boer/Kinko billy that's about 18 months

old, $120. Peter Jones Monticello 478-256-3857

1 yr old, babydoll Sussex sheep ram, to

swap for a different ram, or $199. Shereen



boboscostumes@ 678-468-1051

100% Boer bucks for sale; champion

bloodlines, will improve your herd, bucks

mature to 400 lbs. $500 firm. Susan Bragg

Conyers 404-408-6151

2 Female Pygmy babies, 2 month old, $15

each or both $25; white, clean, wormed, cute.

AL Curry Oconee 478-552-


2 Nigerian Dwarf dairy goats, twins, black &

white, blue eyes; call or email for more info.

Rachel Bonner Buchanan circlebfarm.rb@ 770-646-2377

2 Pygmy billies for sale; great herd sires!

$80 each. Shelley Kegley Villa Rica 770-789-


3 Pygmy billies, 2 months old, $50 each.

Ernest Owens Acworth 770-974-3395

5 male Pygmy goats companion only, $65

each. Ann Todd Stockbridge 678-862-9832


EHV-1 Outbreak Warning Issued

By Ga. Department of Agriculture

A horse participating in the Horse Georgia horses attending this event,

Shows in the Sun (HITS), horse show that are not under quarantine,

in Ocala was referred to the should be isolated when returned

University of Florida College of home and observed closely for the

Veterinary Medicine after showing next 21 days. If there is evidence of

clinical neurological signs on fever or illness, a veterinarian

February 20, 2013. The horse should be consulted as soon as

subsequently tested positive for the possible. Anyone that was in

Equine Herpes Virus (EHV-1). There attendance at this event should

are no additional confirmed cases at insure that adequate bio-security is

this time.

maintained so that this potentially

The Division of Animal Industry deadly viral disease is not

has begun a disease investigation, transported back to Georgia.

which includes the HITS show The Georgia State Veterinarian's

grounds in Ocala and the local index office will continue to monitor this

farm. Currently, both the index farm event closely and keep our Georgia

and Tent 7 at HITS are under state equine industry informed.

quarantine. HITS management, The Georgia Department of

trainers and veterinarians are Agriculture is asking all those in the

cooperating fully to ensure proper equine community to report any

safeguards are taken to prevent suspected cases of EHV-1. For

further spread of the disease.

reporting, you may call the Georgia

Georgia Department of Department of Agriculture at 404-

Agriculture recommends that any 656-3671 or 404-656-3667.

9 Spanish/Boer/Toggenberg yearling nanny kids; breeding age, $1125 for all. Betty Lewis Brunswick 912-264-8535
ADGA Nubian yearling does and bucks; excellant show/milking bloodlines, complete herd sellout, does $300, bucks $175. Brooke Whiddon Leesburg 229-886-8781
AGBA Registered Boer buck, proven breeder from strong lineage; healthy and good disposition, strong babies on site. Clay Crowder Arnoldsville 706-254-8557
Baby Pygmy goats, various colors, $50/$75. Richard Day Monroe 770-267-0004
Boer buck with papers, sell or swap, does, wethers, show quality. Gene Austin Newington 912-857-6410
Bred American Blackbelly ewes, rams, Boer nannies, kids, lots of color, great flocks for new breeders; also Katahdin breeding ram. CJ Tritt Talking Rock 770-361-8578
Fainting Goats, born week of/week after, Thanksgiving 2012, boys $75, girls $125, others also available. Mary Cox Newborn 770-500-6523
Katahdin X Dorper flock,14 ewes, 21 lambs, 2 rams, never deworm, shear, trim feet, $4000. Bill Hodge Carrollton bill@ 770-605-6385
Kiko herd sire, Reg IKGA, 10 months. Royce Crane Flowery Branch 404-925-2220
Male Pigmy goat born Christmas Eve; black with one white spot on stomach, very playful, $45. David Miller Lula 770-983-0135
Myotonic buck, 8 months old, light brown & white $200. Charles Byers Talking Rock 706692-5916
Nigerian Dwarf Bucklings, 12-28-12, gold and white, blue eyes, 1-2-13, chocolate, excellent breeding and quality. Danelle Griffin Homer 706-206-5633
NPGA reg. Pygmy goats for sale, dehorned, up to date on vaccines, worming & hoof care. Samantha Pierce Newborn slpierce7@ 770-853-9254
NPGA registered caramel billy Jachin, Valley Romeo, dob 09/05/10, $200. David Moseley Mitchell 706-465-2244
Nubian, 2 Nubian Boer cross goats, does and bucks $125-$150. Edith McMichael Monticello 706-468-2442
Pygmy goat for sale, just a baby. David Brooks Griffin 770-624-4870 770-229-8766
Sheep, spinners flock, Shetland Ram, $200, Ewes $120, Wethers $75, Corrie X $150 Ewes, Wether. Jared Fleury Clarkesville 706-754-6455
Show quality blacks, paints, traditionals, and reds, fullblood & percentage goat, born, Feb1. Don Harper Blakely ggharper@ 229-723-3963 229-254-2408
Two Hampshire ram lambs, grain fed; 150 170 lbs., $225 each. George Lyons Dawsonville 706-265-3302 770-316-8351
Two Kiko cross billy goats for sale; one year old, healthy $100 each. Charles Collins Gay 678-588-7444
Want to buy: Nigerian Dwarf goat does looking for 2 unrelated does, less than 6 months old. Jessica Bowers Talking Rock 706-253-3257
Wool Sheep: 4 Clun Forest Ewes; good foundation stock, $600 for all; great mothers, friendly. Vickey Russell Murrayville 404909-9291
Young breeding ram lambs, KatahdinDorper $175-200. Susan Cobb Cedartown 404-218-1615 770-5461565
Equine For Sale
If you have questions regarding ads in this category, call 404-651-9081.
All equine advertised in the Market Bulletin must have had a negative Coggins test within past 12 months. Negative reports are valid for 12 months from the sample date. A copy of this test report must accompany the ad each time it is submitted or the notice will be returned to the advertiser. For this reason, generalized ads (i.e., many horses, varieties to choose from, others, etc.) cannot be accepted. Buyers are urged to request verification of a negative Coggins test before purchasing any equine. Any falsification of Coggins tests can result in fines and/or suspension of advertising privileges in the Market Bulletin. This regulation also applies to equine advertised in the "At Stud" and "Boarding" categories of the quarterly equine editions.
10-yr.-old mare, buckskin, paint, $1000. Debbie Pratt McDonough 678-409-7245
Donkeys standard size, male, female, very gentle, great pasture guards, compansion animals, delivery aval., I-75, Exit 201. Harry Lewis Jackson 678-773-5211
Mare, 12 h, frosted roan, 5 yrs., utd vacc., d/w, lead line, rides, needs turnup, sound, loads/clips, asking $500. Cindy Rockwood Gainesville 770-714-5194
Mini-mare Palomino, 9 yrs. old, Regd. AMHS, 33 inches, may be bred, others, $350. J. Wilkes Athens 706-207-9366
Miniature donkey; gray jack; 8 months old; $150. Michael Bruton White 770-608-2366
Miniature donkeys, spotted jenny and 2 young gray dun jacks, $150-$450. Dwain Cromer Armuchee 706-235-1882
Miniature donkeys: baby jack, $200; baby jenny, $300; guard donkey, $200; jenny, $400; bred jenny, $500. Bill Wray Perry 478-825-1297
Percheron quarter cross, 3 & 4 yr. old team worked by Amish. F.C. Collins Blairsville 706745-6720
Standard donkey Jack, Intact, 3 yrs., well behaved, $100 or will consider trade for goats, etc. Amy Solen Wrightsville 478-689-0946

Quick and Easy Carrot Cake
8.5 ounce box yellow cake mix 8 ounce can crushed pineapple, undrained 1 cup shredded carrots 1/3 cup mayonnaise cup chopped Georgia pecans 2 eggs, beaten teaspoon cinnamon 8 ounce container whipped cream cheese cup powdered sugar cup chopped Georgia pecans Shredded carrots and pecans for garnish, optional
Combine first 7 ingredients in a large bowl and stir unit well blended. Pour into a greased 9 inch square pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes or until a wooden toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool completely in pan.
To prepare frosting, combine remaining ingredients and beat on low until smooth. Spread on cooled cake, top with shredded carrots and chopped pecans if desired.
Makes one 9 inch cake.
All recipes have been tested for accuracy by Georgia Department of Agriculture home economists unless otherwise indicated.
The Market Bulletin has received a number of requests for more "healthy" recipes (low or no sugar, low fat, etc.). Our office receives recipes for cakes, pies and other desserts, but not many for entrees or side dishes utilizing GeorgiaGrown fruits and vegetables. If you have any such recipes you would like to share with our readers, send them to: Georgia Cooking, Market Bulletin, 19 MLK Jr. Drive SW, Atlanta, GA 30334-4250. If you have questions or problems regarding recipes featured in this column, call 404-656-3682.

TWH mare, 12/27/03 with foal, mare rideable. P.D. Stratton Locust Grove 770315-9317
TWH/Morgan mare, bay tricolor, 14.1 hds., 11 yrs.; 1995 QH roan mare, 14.3 hds., extensive riding, trails, parades, drill team. A. Wyrosdick Dahlonega 706-867-9073
Two mules, one 7 yr., other 5 yrs., buy one, get one free; 1/4 horse mare, 13 yrs. Jason Vincent Riverdale 404-293-8009
Very nice gentle Regd. paint mare, 10 1/2 hds., go anywhere child's pony, black/white, easy keeper, Amish trained, $550. John Black Appling 706-541-9753
Poultry/Fowl For Sale
If you have any questions regarding ads in this category, call 404-651-9081.
Any person engaged in buying live poultry of any kind for resale, or in selling live poultry of any kind bought for the purpose of resale, must be licensed by the Georgia Department of Agriculture. Possessing such a license does not by itself disqualify an individual from advertising poultry in the Market Bulletin; however, advertisers should note that all livestock (which includes poultry), must have been in possession of the advertiser for a minimum of 90 days or, in the case of chicks, ducklings, etc., must have been raised by the advertiser before offering them for sale in the Market Bulletin. Mallard ducks must be at least three generations from the wild before they can be advertised in the Market Bulletin. Advertisers must include this information in notices submitted for publication.
$100 - Pair American Buff geese 1 1/2 yrs call or text. Stephenie Mixon Haddock 706825-5262
11 BlackStar hens, 2 yr laying, $12 ea., 4 Americauna hens, 1 yr laying, $18 ea. Patti Cook Dallas 770-231-4632
2 Male Buff geese, $40, per pair; Old English Bantams, Brassyback, Blue Brassy and Red-$10 each. Craig Glover Crandall 706-695-6889
2012 pure bred eastern wild turkey gobblers, $25-$40. James Gantt Barnesville 770-358-6838
2012 Silkies, $10 pair, roosters free, doz. eggs $3. Jack R Jenkins Harlem 706-556-3261

5 young game roosters, $5 ea., 4 guineas,

$7 ea. Willie Keen Jr Perry 478-987-3687

6-Grey/Butcher, 5-Albany Stags, 10 months

old-$35 ea., 1-Kentucky Dom/Blue, 2

pullets, $100. Marty Mann Danielsville 706-


Ameraucana rooster, 1 yr - $25, Cubalaya

bantam rooster, 10 mths - $15. Sonya Farrell


randombantamfarms@ 706-754-5838

Baby chicks, now offering 8 old-fashioned

brown egg laying breeds; prof. sexed, ship 25

min. yr. round, special on lg. qty. of roosters;

NPIP cert. Bob Berry Ray City 229-455-6437

Baby chicks. American Dominque, RIR,

Buff Orpington, Delaware pure breeds,

various ages, reasonable prices. Monte

Poitevint Lakeland 229-482-3854

Bantam chickens, 7 white feather-legs, 2

black/white $10 each; 2 Royal Palm, bronze

male turkeys, $50 each. Miriam Chambers

Griffin 770-366-7853

Banty Cochins, baby chicks, $3.50 ea,

brown egg layers, $2 and up. Marie Evans

Adairsville 678-276-5127

Beautiful Rhode Island Red and Black

Australorp pullets, 22 weeks old and laying,

$15. Jimmy Wheeler Monticello 770-241-


Black copper Maran roosters (bev davis

strand)for sale; 10 months old $50 a piece.

Jay Leggett Odum 912-256-2452

Buff Orpington and RIR pullets hatched,

2/4/13, $6/each, $5, for ten or more. Alan

Sanders Blairsville 706-745-3884

Chicks-2 weeks old and up; priced

according to age and size. Jimmie Cleveland

Commerce 706-335-2501

Chicks: Black Copper Marans, Barred

Rocks, Buff Orpingtons, Jersey Giants, New

Hampshire Reds and more. Lisa Taylor

Dalton 706-


Eastern turkeys for sale: 2 yr old pair, $75,

call before 9PM. Curtis McDade Milledgeville


For sale: American cross hens, Black

Copper crossed roosters, and others, $5

each. Ray Ingram Blairsville 706-745-5356


Fresh eggs $3 per dozen. Janice Eskew

Newnan 770-828-6860

Page 8


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Game chickens for sale, Blueface Hatch and Lacy Roundheads, pairs/trios, stags and pullets, crossed cocks. Lee Townsend Elberton 706-213-8782
Game fowl: Law greys, Liepers, green leg Jimmy East hatch; call before 9 pm. Keith Vickery Hartwell 706-436-6567
Game fowl: Pure Eslin Red quail. Curtis Warnock Vidalia 912-537-2061 877-5518850
Game fowl: pure Sweaters, pure Kelso. Mark Austin Douglasville 770-652-3383
Game fowl: Sweater Hatch, GL Hatch, YL Hatch, Butcher, Sid Taylor, Law Grey, & White Hackel. Tom Lilley Jeffersonville 478-9456139
Game stags: pure mugs top bloodline, farm raised, big beautiful stags. Oscar Stapp Mitchell 706-465-0992
Geese: very large extremely healthy birds, white large or white/gray, also pilgrim. Islam Carrollton 770-854-4361 678-899-3943
Laying hens, 8 months old; just started laying, Buff Orpington/RIR/Barred Rock crosses, $12 ea. Michael Scroggins Menlo 706-862-6617
Laying hens, RIR, Bufffs, Light Brahmas, Wyandottes, just begin to lay, hens $14 to $18, roosters $15. Mike Buffington Gainesville 770-287-4301
Lots of turkeys for sale, good price. John Johnson Sr. Milledgeville 478-363-9681 478452-7015
McMurray Dominiques; all females; $7 each; Feb.13th hatch. Wendi Covert Dahlonega 770-354-9437
Narrangansett turkeys, breeding pr., $75 pr., (10) white Leghorns; laying huge white eggs, $12 ea., both first yr. laying. Steve Dunn Jasper 706-258-8644
Oct 2012: Hatch rainbow layers incudes, Buff Orpingtons, Golden Laced Wyndottes, hand raised. $10. Kristy Bonner Taylorsville 770-286-0469
OEG Bantams, Spangles, Splash, BB Reds, Fawn & SDW, OE quails, Brassy backs, Wheatens, Whites, Blacks. Ted Charles Douglasville 770-942-6847
Peacocks: blue, green, black sholder peacock pairs, one year old, $150/pair. Diane Hall Macon 478-808-9128
Pekin Ducklings $4 each. Angela Ayers Warner Robins 478-508-5539
Pigeons rollers, $5 ea., 25 or more price neg., Bantam's BB Reds, Porcelain D'Uccle. Gale Mitchell Braselton 404-723-1999
Pullets: 4 months old, misc. brown egg layers, $10 ea until gone; first come first serve. Kem Foley Powder Springs 770-2650105
Purebred White Cochin Bantams, $10 ea. Steve Grinstead 7609 US Hwy 221 Soperton 30457 912-529-3258
RIR chickens, laying hens $15 each, chicks $1.50 each, brown eggs $2 dozen. Scott Clark Nashville 229-686-2778
RIR chicks, starting to hatch, Feb 8th thru July, first come first serve, $3 each, straight run. Travis Ellington Fayetteville 678-7879341
RIR pullets, 5 months, $12 ea., game stags, $15 ea., game pullets, $10 ea. Tina Stancil Lula 678-617-3362
RIR Rooster, young and healthy, please, serious callers only, $10 firm. Mingo Gonzales Conyers 770-402-9003
RIR, Partridge Rock, Buff Orphington, Dominique chicks straight run, $2 and up, day old to10 weeks. Dillon Anthony Jefferson 706-870-6434
Roosters for sale: handsome, friendly, 8 months old, free ranging, healthy, gamefowl colors, $12 -$18 each. David Parris Sr. Gillsville 770-869-7627
Royal Palm turkey, 6 gobblers and 1 hen, gobblers are $20 and the hen is $30. Holly Harkins Suches 706-747-5070
Silver Wyandottes, Buff Brahmas and Orpington, Copper Marans, Red stars, started laying, $15. Gary Ridley LaFayette 706-6381911
Taking orders for Brown Leghorn, Black Copper Maran and possible other baby chicks, $1.25 each. Seth Weaver Ellijay 706669-0524
Tom Turkeys, Bronze, 1 year old $35. Ty Cowart Snellville 678-458-4822
Two free chickens, to good home; New Hampshire Red and Black Orpington, named Ella and Chickachick, laying hens. Susan Lloyd Fayetteville 404-713-7902
Poultry/Fowl Requiring Permit/License
If you have questions regarding this category, call 404-651-9081.
Advertisements for bobwhite quail must be accompanied by a copy of the advertiser's commercial quail breeders license. Since this is a state protected bird, the Georgia Department of Natural Resources requires anyone selling bobwhite quail to have this license. For license information, write: LBRU COMMERCIAL LICENSE, 2065 US Highway 278 SE, Social Circle, GA 30025-4743.
Bobwhite quail, flight conditioned, now available for the 2012 season, call for pricing. Rembert Hancock Fairmount 404-376-0550 706-337-5711
Bobwhite Quail, flight conditioned. Roy Peterson Ideal 478-949-5842
Bobwhite quail, flight conditioned. Robert Dehoff Sylvania 912-829-3219
Bobwhite Quail, flight ready $3.50. Tom Findley Box Springs 706-575-3889 706-3262186

Jumbo-Wisconsin, Bobwhite quail-eggs, $50/ 100, $192/600, $290/1000, flight year-round. Raymond Meadows Wadley mead5345@ 478-252-5345
Poultry/Fowl Wanted
Geese wanted, adult female, Pilgrim Breed. Julian Danielly Loganville Daniellyj@ 404-403-9555
Good home, 4 laying hens; prefer pickup, 50 mile radius of Forsyth, email info/location. Leila Stone Forsyth sugardawgstone@ 478-994-3574
Mallard duck, pairs or hens wanted. Clifton Mathews Douglas 912-389-5645
Pigeons, any type; will trap your pigeons free, will pick up any pigeons. Gregg Leonard Roswell 404-580-6268
Want Serama Bantam hens; willing to pay more for class A tiny hens. James Beach Blue Ridge 706-632-2512
Wanted peachicks: Black Shoulder, India Blue, Java Green, reasonably priced. Tanya Moore Williamson 770-228-9752
Wanted peahens or peacocks - any color. Lisa Parks Murrayville parksfencing@ 678-936-0105
Wanted: pheasants and other game birds; ducks and geese, good colors. Hank Brown Macon 229-227-9865
Wanted: ten used layer cages. David Bigham Conyers 404-307-0267
If you have questions regarding this category, call 404-651-9081.
The Alternative Livestock category contains ads for ratites (ostriches, rheas, and emus) as well as other "nontraditional" livestock.
Want fertile Emu eggs for hatching; reasonably priced, please leave message. Donna James Madison 706-207-1561
Alternative Livestock Requiring Permit/License
If you have questions regarding ads in this category, call 404-651-9081.
The Georgia Department of Natural Resources regulates many exotic animals, including most hoofed stock except llama and buffalo. However, upon compliance with applicable state regulations, a deer farming license for the commercial production of meat and fiber is available for the following species: fallow deer, axis deer, sika deer, elk, red deer, reindeer, and caribou. For more information on the deer farming license, contact the Georgia Department of Agriculture at (404) 656-3667. For information on licenses of other species of hoofed stock (except llama and buffalo), contact the Georgia Department of Natural Resources Special Permit Unit at (770) 7613044. Individuals submitting advertisements to buy and sell regulated hoofed stock in the Market Bulletin must provide a photocopy of the appropriate license with their ad.
If you have questions regarding ads in this category, call 404-651-9081.
Items listed in the Livestock Wanted category must be for specific livestock; for instance, "want 3 or 4-yr. old quarter horse gelding, approx. 16 hds., suitable for moderately experienced rider." Generalized ads, such as "want horses, any amount," are not acceptable for publication; neither are ads for free or unwanted livestock.
3 or 4 bottle baby beef calves wanted, love to bottle feed. Deneise Brown Statesboro 912-531-5433
I am looking for a baby/young lamb, must have by end of February, will pick up. Sarah Young Locust Grove Trixiesaywhat@ 678-713-6992
Original Nubian doe-lings, no mini's or dwarfs; also want dairy/longhorn heifers, nursed 2 days. Gerald Garnto Commerce 706-335-2226
Want 4 beef calves, 400-lb. average, for summer grazing. Robert Sjulson Cleveland 706-219-3000
Want booted hen for lonely rooster, and meat-type rabbits, cheap or free, Rome area. S. Culberson Kingston 404-859-7487
Want to buy goats, hogs, sheep, purebreed or mixed breed, will pick up & pay cash. Wayne Green Bremen 770-841-6815
Want to buy Pinzgauer cows or heifers, please leave a message if no answer. Glenn Ray Milledgeville 478-456-2104
Will pay cash for healthy livestock that has been cared for, call for wholesale offers. David Lybarger Uvalda 912-454-1001
If you have questions regarding ads in this category, call 404-651-9081.
1 Stubben jumping saddle, 15" w/leathers, irons, girth, $600, L/M. Floann Sidders Waverly Hall 706-329-1595
15" Slick seat Wofford roping saddle, good condition, made in Gainesville, Ga., $400. Henry Johnson 443 Clayton Chester Rd. Dawsonville 30534 henryjohnson1@ 706-265-7465 706-482-8870
16-foot goose neck horse/cattle trailer, spray-in bed liner, extra nice, $4200. Jim Long Rome 706-346-0799

2 western saddles for sale: 1 youth, $250; 1 child, $225, all leather, talk plain. F.A. Sidders Waverly Hall 706-329-1595
2-horse GN, new tires, floor, paint, a/c, sink, bed, microwave, fridge. Robin Whipkey Richland 706-566-6706
2-horse trailer, bumper pull, excellent condition, 7-ft. tall, can email pics. Mr. Fulton Loganville 678-523-2256
20' Featherlite alum. livestock gooseneck trailer, center, rear sliding gate, $16,000. Curtis Doyle Rome 706-802-1642
2002 Silver Star 2-H slant GN, semi-living quarters, many extras, length 26', ht. 7', SW 7', $11,500. Bruce Tamker Warner Robins 478-953-2910
2003 Shadow GN 3-horse trailer, 7.5 ft SW LQ, separate shower & commode, $21,000. Delmar Finco Watkinsville 706-769-8527
25-ft. 3-horse trailer by Big Valley, lq, air, 2 axle, gn, new tires, $3000. Gene Gay Leslie 229-853-2713
27 ft. x8 ft. G/N equipment trailer, all steel/dual tandem tilt, 2-9,000 lb. axles, tires are 90%, $5,500. Sam Wilbanks Clarkesville 770-550-2760
36' gooseneck trailer, triple axle, road ready, $3500. Kathryn Fortner Kite 478-455-1598
Calf puller, $80; heavy duty cow dehorner, $80; pelvic cow lift, $75. Ben Newton Lyons 912-585-1842 912-565-7040
Cattle head gates, heavy duty, manual operated, 27" walk-thru w/lock, $300 ea. Pete Harris Elberton 706-283-6615
Dressage saddle, ANKY, 17 1/2, buffalo, wide, very good condition, $975. Pat Borders Woodstock 678-773-8288
Featherlite 16 ft. aluminum 3 horse gooseneck trailer, good condition, $5,500. Daniell Carrollton 406-390-2303
Goat tote, metal rails w/goat steel panel w/sliding gate, black or red, $350. Jerry Norton Monroe 770-207-4772 678-794-6277
Round pen for sale,13 panels, 3 years old, 12 ft. long, 5 ft. high, $700, would be $1300 new. Frances Jones Evans 706-339-5537
Softouch 2H straight load, neckover with dressing room, excellent condition, sheltered, $8,500 obo. Renee Keener Carrollton 770-722-9061
Stoll 16' GN stock trailer, oak floor, divide gate, escape door, canvas top, brakes, $3,000. Mark Grayson Madison 706-752-0077
Want16-20 ft. gooseneck cattle trailer in good condition. Steve Millians Newnan 770-252-8598
If you have questions regarding ads in this category, call 404-651-9081.
1 orange Dwarf doe for sale, great breeder, 1 year old and adorable. Amber Leary Atlanta 404-438-5304
6-8 weeks, NZW, NZW-Calf cross, breeders & fryers $10 each. Nick Prescott Folkston 912-276-4019
Baby Mini Rex rabbits; different colors, $10 - $20. Kim Booth jackson 678-603-3748
Bunnies ready: Netherland Dwarf, Tiny Lionhead, Holland Lop, New Zealand, $25, very tamed, healthy and happy. Sylvia Evans Ellijay 706-276-2333
Docile baby bunnies for sale, mixed rabbits, $12, Holland Lops, $20, ready by March 17th. Ashley Hemrock Villa Rica mahemrock@ 770-456-7663
Dutch for Easter, many colors, male/female, show/pet quality $25 up, ARBA registered grand champion stock. Sally Anderson Dallas 770-443-7675
Easter bunnies, mix breeds, $20, purebred Lionheads, $25. Tamara Jolly Byron 478-3383962
Flemish Giants, 10 weeks, Black, Blue, Light Gray, Steel Gray, $20 each, Dan Cearfoss Lincolnton 706-990-0735
Large selection of fryers, breeders and pets; NZW and some mix, just inside, I-285. Terry DeRouin Clarkston 404-680-3694
Netherland Dwarf, Holland Lop, Dwarf Hotot and Dwarf Lionhead bunnies, pets, show quality. Ann Gray Milner hanngray@ 770-468-3330
New Zealand and Flemish Giant mix adult male and seven-week old bunnies, $10 each. Brian Miller Meigs 229-683-0077
New Zealand Whites; also mixed bunnies, at $10 each. Peggy Lane Covington 404558-3028
Pedigree Flemish Giants, New Zealands, and cross of the 2; also California's healthy and happy. Louise Cole Culloden 478-9943370
Pure blooded New Zealand White, and Pure Blooded New Zealand Red, with papers, A.R.B.A.-N.F.N.Z.R.B.-D.R.B.A. Linda Lee Dawsonville 706-531-4785
Rex, San Juan all ages, all colors. Russell Cochran Williamson 770-884-5915
If you have questions regarding ads in this category, call 404-651-9081.
All hay ads must contain the variety of hay offered for sale; i.e., Coastal bermuda hay, Alicia hay, etc.
$15/roll, 4x5, Fescue mix hay; 200 rolls; $20/roll, 4x5; Bermuda hay in barn,100 rolls. Audie Laviolette Hartwell 706-436-1695
$20 for 4x4, $40 for 4x6 rolls; barn stored, Coastal, Bahia, Dallas grass. Jim Griggs Washington 706-678-7090
$20, 4X5 rolls, 2012 Coastal Bermuda./Bahia; 90 rolls. Joey Wells Buena Vista 229-649-7181

$20/roll, 4x4; crab and rye grass mix, rain free, weed free and fertilized, cow quality; you haul. Richard Haymore Rutledge 706-557-2064
$20; 2012 4x4 rolls, Fescue mix hay, barn kept, weed free; delivery avail. Bryant Jackson Homer 678-878-7503
$20; 4x5 rolls, Fescue mix hay, rain free, in barn. James Priest Talking Rock 706-889-2778
$25; 4x4 rolls, 2012 Fescue hay, in barn; horse quality, rain free, fertilized; 300 rolls. Walter Henson Ellijay 706-264-4477
$27; 4x4 rolls Fescue/mix; 2012, good cow hay in barn. William Windom Carrollton 770834-1814 678-988-3729
$30; 2012 4x5 net wrapped rolls, Bermuda/Fescue mix; rain free, in barn; delivery avail. David Sharpton Commerce 706-367-0876
$35 per roll, Bermuda hay; 2012 4x4 rolls in barn, '12 Bermuda sq. bales, $5. Blake Kirkland Westpoint jennikirkland03@ 706-957-2585
$35; Fescue/Bermuda mix, 5X6 rolls in barn; delivery available. Sam Thurmond Commerce 706-335-6441 706-336-6789
$4 per square bale; Bermuda/fescue mixed, baled 2012, stored in barn. Dwight Bobo Rome 706-291-8300
$4, Fescue/orchard grass hay, heavy square bales, fertilized/limed, rain free. Lamar Long Chatsworth 706-695-5906
$4.50/bale, 2012 Fescue/Bermuda; square bales, horse quality, delivery available. Jeremy Means Snellville 770-539-3405
$4; Fescue/Orchardgrass hay, horse qlty., heavy square bales, fertilized/limed, rain-free. Larmar Long Chatsworth 706-695-5606
$4; square bales, in barn; 2012 mixed Fescue, horse quality. Rhonda Jones Canton 770-289-3504
$40 per roll, 2012 Bermuda/Fescue mix, 4X5 rolls, barn kept, delivery available. Greg Kopp Griffin 770-688-6330
$5 Bermuda; sq., limited, $11, Alfalfa; sq. avg., 70 lbs., no weeds/beetles. Mary Clark Newborn 770-653-5722
$5/sq. bale, 2012 Tiff 44; rain free, stored in barn, weeded, fertilized, horse quality. Bob Young Villa Rica 770-861-2891
$50, 4x5 rolls, Fescue/Orchard mix; sprayed, fert./limed, horse hay, barn kept; 2012 hay, 95% weed free. Richard Surles Clayton 770-301-1924
$50; 4x5 roll, excellent quality, horse hay; Bahia/Bermuda, barn kept, no rain. Ellen Parkhurst Pine Mountain ellenparkhurst@ 706-442-1278
$50; large rolls, Bermuda/Fescue mix in barn, horse quality, $5 sq.bales, can deliver. Jay Townsend Monroe btownsend62@ 678-618-6992
$6 squares, 4x5 round, $60, premium Bermuda hay; fertilized, sprayed, no rain/weeds, quantity discount. Rex Palmer Auburn 770-567-9589
'12 4x5 rolls & square bales, top quality Bermuda hay. Jeff Ivey 6966 Brangus Ln. Lizella 31052 478-2566605
'12 Alicia Bermuda; highly fertilized, horse quality, $4/$5 squares, in field/barn; $60, round bales. A. Johns Bronwood 229-995-5371
'12 Alicia hay, 4x6, net wrapped, $60 each. Ethan Myers Sycamore 229-402-0409 229402-9365
'12 Alicia hay, fertilized and barn kept, squares only $5. Scott Lynch Waynesville 912-266-4755
'12 Bermuda hay, horse quality, round 4x5, $40; sq. bales, $5, in barn. Gary Castleberry Roopville 678-7769025
'12 Bermuda hay; horse quality, 4X5 rolls, weed free, in pole barn, on pallets, rain free, $60. Darcy Flynn Monroe 404-819-9419
'12 Bermuda mix; 4x5 rolls, horse quality, $45; Fescue mix, 4x5 rolls, $35; square bales, $5.50; delivery available. Tommy Scoggins Dallas 404-732-6538
'12 Bermuda, Fescue, Orchard mix; sq. bales, horse quality. Lewis Stogner Menlo 770-235-2480
'12 Bermuda/fescue mix, barn kept, 4X5 net wrapped, some horse quality, $35; del.avail. Neil Brasington Buchanan 770-617-5393
'12 Bermuda/Orchardgrass/Fescue; horse quality, sq. bales, $5; net wrapped rolls, $45. Ronald Campbell Rockmart 706-936-3294 770-686-9563
'12 Bermuda; horse quality, round rolls, net wrapped, rainfree, in barn, $35 each. Alvin Strickland Patterson 904-335-7463
'12 Coastal Bermuda hay, square bales; horse quality, rain free, $5. Lee Cherry Bowman 678-429-2450
'12 Coastal Bermuda hay; horse quality, guaranteed, fert., UGA soil/specs., sq. 4x5, round bales in barn, del./stack available. Olin Trammell Forsyth 478-994-6463 478-960-7239
'12 Coastal hay; 4X5 rolls, $20 each, minimum of 25 bales. John Statham Hawkinsville 478-892-9215 478-230-1496
'12 dairy Bermuda/mix, quality rolls of balage, tested at dairy, one lab; wrapped in single roll, net wrapped in barn. Jimbo Crumley Winder 678-409-3572
'12 Fescue hay; 4x5 rolls, in barn, horse quality, $35 a roll. Ricky Waters Dawsonville 706-429-5243
'12 Fescue/horse qlty; sq. bales, $4.50; 4x5 rolls, $40; mulch hay, sq., $2.75; 4x5 rolls, $25; delivery available. Ricky Anderson Taylorsville 404-402-8470
'12 Hay: 4x5, Fescue/Orchard mix, sprayed, fert., limed, horse & cow hay, barn kept, weed free, $35; barn $30, $25 field. J.W. Loudermilk Mt. Airy 706-499-4167 706-4994169

'12 Horse hay; 4x5 Fescue, fertilized, limed, sprayed, no weeds/rain, barn stored. Jason Breeding Senoia 770-599-8998
'12 Russell Bermuda, rolls/square, both in barn, horse quality rolls, $65; cow, $50; square, $6.50. David E Ward Warm Springs 706-655-2576
'12 Russell Bermuda; round in barn, 5x5 rolls, $40; mixed rolls, outside, $30, horse quality, square bales, $5.50 inside. Tim Addington Toccoa 706-599-3555
'12, 4x5, Alicia/Bermuda, net wrapped rolls, $50, 25 + rolls, $45; horse quality, under shelter, fertilized. Steve Stipe Patterson 912614-0869
'12; cow hay, Bermuda/mix, in field; 4x5, $30; horse hay in barn, rainfree, square bales, $5.50. Horace Pippin Culloden janespippin@ 770-358-0852 770-550-7837
100 round bales of hay for sale, $40/bale; will deliver locally from Milan area. Jeff Williams Milan 229-315-1261
200 rolls of good Bermuda horse hay, in barn; delivery available, also have outside cow hay. Josh Pennino Bogart joshpennino@ 706-340-3146
2000 sq. bales of top quality, Coastal Bermuda. Kirk Little Lyons klsolidground@ 912-326-3512
2010 Coastal Bermuda; 4x5 round bales, $35/roll; sheltered. Jim Cole Hahira 229-7943052
2011; 4x4x8 bales of peanut hay; suitable for beef farmers; avg. wt., 1350 lbs. Charles Stewart Greensboro 706-467-2526
2012 4x5 net wrapped, Fescue mixed hay; horse quality, rain free, weed free, well fertilized, $25. Marvin Payne Sugar Valley 706-629-8947
2012 4x5 net wrapped, sheltered, peanut hay, $45; Tift 85, sq. bales, $5 each, del. avail. Landon Boyett Glennville boyett@ 912-654-9510
2012 5x5 bales of Bermuda and Bahia, $35-$40. Scott Stephens Wrightsville 478232-8114
2012 Alicia Bermuda; 4x5 rolls, well fertilized, net wrapped, stored in barn, $32. Marcus Sapp Barney 229-563-6255
2012 Alicia Bermuda; horse quality; lg. 4x5 rolls in barn, $50 & $60; short del. avail. Henry Beckworth Gibson 706-598-2106
2012 Alicia Bermuda; Irrigated lg. 4x5 rolls in barn, excellent quality, $50 & $60, short del. avail. Henry Beckworth Gibson henshi9913@ 706-598-2106
2012 Alicia; 4x5 round rolls, $45 each. Eric Mincey Baxley 912367-5569
2012 Bermuda field mix hay; 4x4 rolls, $35, square, $3. Sammy Hopper Newborn 770355-5381 706-468-1730
2012 Bermuda hay,Tift 85 and Coastal; 4x5 rolls, fertilized and net wrapped. Scott Barber Alapaha 229-468-0632
2012 Bermuda hay; 4x5 rounds rolls, fertilized & weed free; horse hay, $50; cow hay, $30; large/small quantities available. Ben Blatt Maysville 404-312-5131
2012 Bermuda hay; square bales, horse quality, limed & fertilized, $5 per bale; limited quantity, 4x5 round bales, Fescue, in barn, rain free, $30 per roll. Denneth Dyer Dahlonega 678-229-7693
2012 Bermuda rolls & ryegrass rolls; 4x5 rolls, $45, fertilized, weed free, barn stored, top quality; in field, $35/roll. Billy Ewing Madison 770-979-1057
2012 Bermuda square bales, $4.50/bale. Larry Cook Statham 770-725-5623
2012 Bermuda,Tift 44 & 85; quality square/round bales. delivery available, $6/sq.; $35-$55 rolls. Durand Deal Tifton 229-388-5054
2012 Bermuda/fescue hay in barn; well fertilized, 4x5 rolls, $40 per roll. Lamar Jones Dallas 770-445-1227
2012 Bermuda/fescue mix hay, 4x4 round bales, stored in barn. Neil Fernander Newnan 678-898-5246
2012 Bermuda/fescue mixed grass hay; square bales, barn stored; can deliver locally, $4.50/bale or $350 for all. W. Abrams Milner 770-228-3865
2012 Bermuda/fescue, net wrapped, 4x5 rolls; approx. 720 lbs. ea., $35/roll. Van Anderson Winston 770-656-2141
2012 Bermuda/Fescue: horse quality, square bales, $4.50 in barn; delivery available, approx. 500 remaining. Robert Burton Ranger 706-299-3295
2012 Bermuda/Fescue; 4x4 rolls, $30; sq. bales $5; all in barn, horse quality, delivery available. Bud Eichel Thomson beichel@ 706-421-4945
2012 Bermuda/mix hay, in barn, horse quality, fertilized; 4x5 rolls, $40/roll; outside cow hay, $25/roll. Matt Riner Williamson 678-967-1284
2012 Bermuda; 4x5 rolls, $30 outside, unfert; in barn, fert. $60. John Lanier Warm Springs 706-663-9108
2012 Bermuda; horse quality, fert., rain free, $5.50 in barn; del. avail. AL Guillebeau Monroe 770-267-8929
2012 Bermuda; square bales, horse quality, $5 per bale. Tyler Pierce Newborn 770-8539348
2012 Bermuda;Tift-44, $4/bale, well fertilized, barn kept, horse quality, delivery extra. Helmut Cawthon Rome 706-346-9064
2012 Coastal & Fescue mixed; 5x5 round bales and square bales, fertilized, in barn. James Rutledge McDonough 678-372-6443
2012 Coastal Bermuda hay; 4X5 rolls, stored in barn. Fred Sackett Butler 478-8625120

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


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2012 Coastal Bermuda hay; 4X5 rolls, well fertilized & barn kept, $30/roll. Jimmy Zellner Culloden 478-9570908
2012 Coastal Bermuda hay; horse quality, $4.50/bale at barn, delivery available. Glenn Brinson 6482 Old Louisville Road Tarrytown 912-288-5960
2012 Coastal Bermuda: limed, fertilized, no weeds, no rain, barn kept, small squares, RFQ = 94.3%, $5. David Erickson Eatonton 706-819-9777
2012 Coastal Bermuda; horse and cow hay, square or 4x5 round bales. Larry Morgan Lizella 478-972-5977 478-781-1990
2012 Coastal Bermuda; round, $45, Bahia round, $35; sheltered, will del. Stephen Bell Milledgeville 478-414-8043
2012 Coastal Bermuda; sq. bales, horse quality, $6. Keith Mitcham Covington 770855-6563
2012 Coastal Bermuda; square bales, clean, bright, well fertilized, $6/bale. J.E. Jeanes Gray 478-955-3948
2012 Coastal Bermuda; square bales, well fertilized and limed, horse quality, $6.75 bale; delivery available. Jack McCracken Newnan 770-304-2487
2012 Coastal hay, excellent quality, net wrapped,1000 lb./rolls, irrigated, stored in barn, fertilized, $40; delivery available. F. Montgomery Junction City 706-269-3270 706-366-1956
2012 fertilized, sq. bale hay; Timothy/ Orchard mix, $6 at barn, delivery available. C.C. Hemphill Blairsville 706-745-4414
2012 Fescue /Mulch hay; sq. bales in barn, $2.50/bale. Paul Teems 1445 Bart Manous Rd Canton 30115 770-231-7414
2012 Fescue and 2012 Bermuda/Fescue mixed grass hay, good quality, $4/bale, at barn. Gordan Cown Monroe 770-207-6983
2012 Fescue hay, square bales, in barn, $3/bale; rain-free, well fertilized. Danny Little Felton 770-646-8708
2012 Fescue hay/mix, $2.50/bale; $1 mulch hay, will haul short distance. Gene Finley Toccoa 706-391-1755
2012 Fescue hay; excellent quality, barn stored, square bales, $3.50-$4; 4x5 rolls, $35. Steve Griffin Dalton 706-260-1912
2012 Fescue mix hay, net wrapped in barn, $35 & $45; $5 per roll discount,10 or more. Edward Holmes Dallas 404-372-7734
2012 Fescue mix sq. bales, $4.50; lg. rnd. cow hay, $25, all stored in barn. Brett Mead Clermont 770-983-9852 770-530-3687
2012 Fescue mix; 4x5 rolls, dry in barn, $40, quantity discounts. Tim Reed Roopville 404-405-4025
2012 Fescue mix; 4x5 rolls, fertilized, stored in barn, $40/roll, horse quality, no Sunday calls; del. avail. Phil Britton Jackson 404-597-7347 404-456-8525
2012 Fescue, large square bales, fertilized, horse quality. Debbie Johnson Rydal 404983-4566
2012 Fescue, premium quality horse hay, 4x5 round, fert., weed free, in barn, $45; discount for lg. quantity. Max Hartman Buchanan 770-639-1918
2012 Fescue/Bermuda hay; horse quality, rain free, barn stored, bales $3; rolls $30 & $40. Steve Connell Ranger burnthickoryarabians@ frontiercom 706-334-4023
2012 Fescue/Bermuda; square bales, rain free, weed free, excellent quality, $5/bale at barn. Robert Barclay Ball Ground 770-8893217
2012 Fescue/mix, cow hay; 4x5 rolls, barn kept, $20 to $35/roll; mulch rolls, $14 a roll. Thomas Jennings Cumming 404-697-0738
2012 Fescue/mixed hay; 4x5 rolls, stored in barn; delivery available, Jimmy Payne Rockmart 404-557-8448 770-684-9091
2012 Fescue/Orchard; excellent quality, dry in barn, $3.50 per bale. Chris Donath Ellijay 706-636-5224
2012 Fescue; square bales, horse quality, rainfree, $3.50 in barn; delivery available within 20 miles, $4. Larry Harkins 51 Worley Drive Blairsville 30512 706897-9353
2012 Hay: Coastal, Bermuda, Dallas, Fescue; 6x5 round bales, $45. Ted Smith Washington 706214-0442
2012 hay; Bermuda(Alicia), 4'x63" round bales, rain & weed free, fertilized, good quality, net wrapped, stored in field, $40; stored in barn, $45. D. Borem Ashburn 229566-3037
2012 Orchard/Fescue/Crabgrass mix, horse quality, square bale hay, weed and rain free, well fertilized, $5. Billy McAdams Bremen 404-226-3651
2012 quality Fescue/Orchard hay; 4 x 5 round bales; Lookout Mountain, Rising Fawn, Chattanooga Valley Area. Drew Pace Rising Fawn 706-820-9979
2012 Russell and Alicia hay; 4x5 round rolls, well fert., net wrapped. Mark Williams 1219 Blueville Road Buena Vista 31803 229314-9718
2012 Russell Bermuda hay; 150 4X5 bales, $30/bale, if all taken or $35 each. Tommy Rider Waynesboro 706-554-9785
2012 Russell Bermuda; 4X5 round bales, barn-stored, fertilized, very clean, horse hay, limited delivery. Gerry Gibb Fort Valley 478-825-5770
2012 Russell Bermuda; square bales, horse quality, rain free, fertilized, $5/bale at barn, $6 delivered. Dennis Turner Senoia 770-8627922
2012 Spring Fescue/Bermuda mix; 5x5 tight heavy rolls, stored in barn, $35. Jimmy Neisler Cumming 770-889-1719

2012 spring hay; Bermuda/fescue mix; large tight heavy, 5x5 roll, in barn, $35. Jimmy Neisler Cumming 770-889-7561
2012 Tift 85; 4x5 rolls,1000 lbs., highly fertilized, weed free, $35/roll. Stephen Wilson Wray 912-5928655
2012 Tift, Bermuda hay; square bales, horse quality, stored in barn, delivery available. Dick Stratton Locust Grove 770842-9317 770-914-6153
2012 top quality Fescue hay, sq. bales, $3.25 each, rain free, in barn; also round rolls, $35 each, in barn. Joe Bradley Canon 706356-8295
2012, 900 lb. round bales; cow/mulch hay/no weeds, $15. Jerome Bunn 249 Bunn Rd. Forsyth 31029 478-954-9044
2012, Tift 44 mix; net wrapped rolls, $40 and $50. Art Hall Loganville 770-883-5504 770-207-7828
2012; 4x4 Fescue mix rolls, $25, in barn. Bob Pruitt Villa Rica 770-445-2423
2012; 4x5 rolls, barn stored, Tift 85 Bermuda, net wrapped, horse quality, 100 rolls, $50/ea., discount for all. Frank Robbins Ashburn 229-821-0636
2012; 4x5 rolls, Bermuda mix hay; net wrapped, weed free, covered off ground, $40; square bales in barn, $4. Nelson Hollingsworth Molena 404-805-4156
2012; 4x5, barn kept, mixed Fescue/Bahia/ Bermuda; horse/cow quality, well fertilized; delivery available, $30. Barry Welch Griffin 678-326-8313
2012; 4x5, fair qlty., rnd. bales; Bermuda/fescue, outside on pallets, $25; sheltered, $35 & $40. Dan Barnes Jackson 770-366-3734
2012; horse quality, Coastal Bermuda, square bales, $4. Michael White Comer 706252-1405 706-614-1296
2012; horse quality, rainfree, limed, fertilized Coastal Bermuda hay, net wrapped, 4x5, large bales, good hay, $50. Grace Brady Hephzibah 706-231-0985
2012; Russell Bermuda hay & peanut hay; 4x5 rolls, under shelter; 400 rolls, $50 each. Gary Waters Vidalia 912-805-5154
2012; sq. bales, Fescue/mix, $3; Fescue/ Rye, $4; Fescue/Bermuda, $5; round bales, 6'x51/2' Fescue/mix, $45; Fescue/Bermuda, $50; Bermuda, $60. Jim Robinson Good Hope 770-207-4700
2012; Tift 44 Bermuda, 4x5 rolls, rain free, horse quality, in barn, $45/roll, also cow hay. Mike Keesee Monroe 404-472-5416
2013 square bales; Orchard, Fescue; excellent quality, no rain, $3.75. Randy Jackson Calhoun 678-986-5914
30 4X5 rolls, mixed grass hay, fertilized, in barn; will load, $40/roll. Bobby Hawk 1460 Confederate Road Madison 30650 706-4741088
300 4x5 rolls, mixed hay; U-load & haul, $6000 or will consider trade for cows. Mike Boyer Sparta 706-444-7256 478-232-1759
4x4 rolls, Fescue/mixed hay; dry in barn, 70 + rolls; take all, $18 ea. James Ray Jasper 770-893-7030
4x5 Fescue Bermuda mix; call for pricing, it depends on amount of hay purchased and delivery available. Travis Kendrick Rockmart 404-219-5026
4x5 net wrapped, Bermuda hay, $50. Bob Brady Augusta 706-373-8397
4x5 roll bales, net wrapped, Millet & mixed hay, $30/roll. Bart Miller, Jr. Williamson 770228-6896 404-909-1719
4x5 roll Bermuda and mixed grass hay, net wrapped, $20 - $30 per roll. Cheri Bailey Elberton 706-283-3376
4x5 rolls, Fescue hay; dry stored, fertilized, horse quality, $35 ea., delivery available on large quanities. Rodney Johnson Tallapoosa 678-378-6562 770-574-7246
4X5 rolls; Bermuda/Fescue in field, $25; Rye, barn kept, $30; call Mark for delivery (678)617-1033. Tony Taylor Lavonia 706338-1329
4x5 round bales; Bahia/Bermuda, $35; Coastal Bermuda, $50 in barn, Russell Bermuda squares, $6 in barn. Robert Lujan Moreland 770-328-9876
4x5 round rolls; bermuda/Fescue in field, $25; rye, barn kept, $30; pick up or deliver available; Saturday/Sunday only. Tony Taylor Lavonia 678-617-0133
4x5.5 rolls, Bermuda; rain free, fertilized in barn, $40; in field, $30; very tight good rolls. Stephen Watson Madison watsonsne@ 478-288-2072
4x6 Fescue/Bermuda, $25/roll, horse quality; 4x6 Fescue/Johnson, cattle hay, $18/roll. Jacob Holliman Comer 706-338-5617
4x6 rolls, Bermuda/Crabgrass mixed hay; net wrapped, fertilized, rain-free, $30 per roll. Charles Osborn Watkinsville 706-769-4336
62 4x5 rolls, $20, Bahia/bermuda hay, mix; last cutting in 2012. Ernie Anderson Shellman 229-679-2105
Alicia Bermuda: 4x4, $35, also Bermuda/ fescue, $30, round bales, fertilized, barn kept. Bill Wells Palmetto 770-463-3775 404-5976531
Alicia hay; 5x5 rolls, $40, cow quality; square bales, also available. Greg Miliner Bluffton 229-254-0729 229-641-3019
Alicia/Bermuda hay; 4' x 6' round bales; net wrapped, $60/bale. Judy Lowery Eastman 478-374-3213 478231-9587
Bermuda hay for sale; square bales, in barn/loft, $4/bale. Daniel Simmons Trion 423637-1068 706-734-7426
Bermuda hay, 4X4 rolls in barn, $35; sq. bale, $5. Blake Kirkland West Point 706-957-2585

Pick-Your-Own Strawberry Farms

When using the pick-your-own strawberries list, remember that the maturity of fruit is directly influenced by the weather. The dates and availability provided on the list are approximate. For accurate, up-to-date information, be sure to contact the individual farm operator for produce availability. It is best to call ahead before driving to a pick-your-own operation for detailed location directions, hours of operation and other information you may need.


Smith Farm Products/Nursery 729 Burnt Hickory Rd., Cartersville



Last of March- 770-843-8488 Summer

BERRIEN Southern Grace Farms

March 8

11946 Nashville Enigma Rd., Enigma

229-533-8585 Picking containers furn.


Elliott Farms 4761 Holley Rd., Lizella

April 1

478-935-8180 Open Mon-Sat., 8 am-7 pm, Sun., 10 am-6 pm,

Elliott Farms 9515 Feagin Rd., Macon

April 1

478-935-8180 Open Mon-Sat., 8 am-7 pm, Sun., 10 am-6 pm,


Deb-Deb's Jeffrey Greene 145 County Line Rd., Jenkinsburg

CHATHAM Ottawa Farms Pete Waller 702 Bloomingdale Rd., Bloomingdale

April 12 March 15

770-504-1486 Open Mon.-Sat., 9 am-7 pm, Sun., 1-6 pm
912-748-3035 Open 8:30am-6 pm, Tues.Sat., 1-6 pm, Sun., closed Mon.; containers furn.; cash or local check


Early April

4229 New Franklin Church Rd., Canon

GORDON Payne Farms & Produce 204 Salem Rd., Calhoun

April 15

706-356-8831 Call for availability; bring carry-home containers
706-629-6000 Open 8 am-6:30 pm, weekdays 770-480-7004 & weekends; containers furn.

GWINNETT Washington Farms 270 Willow Wind Dr., Loganville

770-554-8119; check website for hrs., prices & other info


Southern Belle Farm


1658 Turner Church Rd., McDonough

770-288-2582 Open 8 am-6 pm, Mon.-Sat., 1-6 pm, Sun.;

LAURENS Daryl Witmer 1300 Old Railroad Rd., E. Dublin

April 1

478-290-5627 Open Tues., Thurs., Sat.


Dahlonega Vegetable Farm 2650 Hwy. N., Dahlonega
Mitcham Farm 797 Macedonia Church Rd., Oxford

End April-June 706-867-9794 Open 8:30 am-5 pm; call for info

April 12

770-855-1530 Open 9 am-6 pm, weekdays, 9 am-5 pm, Saturdays, 1-5 pm, Sundays; containers furn.

OCONEE Washington Farms 5671 Hog Mountain Rd., Watkinsville

706-769-0627; check website for hrs., prices & other info

PAULDING Harry Stacy Farms 623 Poplar Rd., Dallas


The Market at Rutland Farms 5641 Union Rd., Tifton

April-May Now

770-443-0292 Contianers furn.; call for availability
229-386-5111 Open 9 am-6 pm, Mon.-Sat.; containers furn.

TURNER Calhoun Produce, Inc. 5075 Hawpond Rd., Ashburn

Now-June 1 229-273-1887


The Rock Ranch 5020 Barnesville Hwy. The Rock

April 6

706-647-6374 Open 10 am-5 pm, Tues.-Sat.

WORTH Calhoun Produce, Inc. 3649 Hwy. 82 W., Sylvester

March 15June 1


Bermuda round rolls; 4x5 net wrapped and Bermuda-fescue mix, $30-$40 roll; delivery available. Jack Jenkins Athens 706-286-4438 706-395-6149
Bermuda square bales, $6, FescueBermuda, 4X5 bales, $35 up; sheltered, exc. hay, horses/cattle. Sherrel Astin Villa Rica 678-794-0880
Bermuda square bales, horse quality, barn kept 2012, $5 each, 50-55 pounds weight. James Lyles Ringgold 423-227-7929
Bermuda, Fescue and Rye hay; heavily fert., rainfree, horse quality, $7/square; $50/round bales, large quantity/dely. avail., Carrollton and Powder Springs. S. Stana Powder Springs 770-241-3201
Bermuda/Fescue, HQ, 4x5 rolls, $25, square, $5; pure Bermuda square, $5; 5x5 round cow hay, $20. M. Williams Danielsville 706-795-0313
Bermuda/mix cow; square, $3, rolls, $35, horse quality; $5 u-pick up; delivery available. Ned Morris Monticello 678-294-6978 770-929-8781
Clearance priced; well fertilized, Coastal/Fescue mix, 4x4 rolls, net wrapped, $30 per roll in barn, will load. Jim Pierce Waverly Hall 706-582-3846 404-372-8631
Coastal Bermuda hay, 4x6 rolls, well fertilized, $30; 20 or more, $25. Terry Dockery Leesburg 229-343-1849
Coastal Bermuda hay; 4x5 rolls, fertilized, net wrapped; peanut hay, 4x5 rolls, net wrapped, sheltered; delivery available. Joe Joiner Sparks 229-237-0050
Coastal Bermuda hay; horse and cow quality, square bales, $4.50; rolls, $45 also some cheaper hay left. Curtis Durden Lyons 912-526-3189 912-245-1081
Coastal Bermuda; sq. bales, in barn, $6.50 for 15 or more. Leonard Kinsley Perry 478714-9900
Coastal/Bahia mixed; large 800-1000 lb. bales, baled with Claas baler, $60 inside barn, $35-$45 outside. Coy Baker Loganville 770466-4609
Coastal/Fescue mix; horse quality hay, $5; Conyers and Shady Dale locations. Ned Morris Monticello 770-929-8781 678-294-6978
Credit cards accepted; Tift 44 horse hay, 4x5 net wrap, sprayed, fertilized in barn, $60; cow hay, $35; delivery. Brian Cagle Monticello 404-281-0561

Fescue hay, heavily fertilized, rain free, horse quality, square bale, $4, in barn. Nolan Haygood Dawsonville 706-265-2361
Fescue hay; rain free, square bales, $3.50 per bale; 2012 cut, 250 bales. H. Tallant Cumming 770-887-3249
Fescue mix; 4 x 5 rolls in barn, $25/roll. Roy Jamison 499 Chopped Oak Rd Toccoa 30577 706-716-1152
Fescue mixed, square bale hay, not horse quality, also mulch hay square bales. Lamar Cox Fayetteville 404-824-7569
Fescue/Bermuda hay; large square bales, rain free, in barn, $4.50/bale; delivery available. Jim Beall Bowman 706-245-0909
Fescue/Bermuda; good cow hay; 4x5 rolls, $40 each; stored in barn. Bo Rohrabaugh Stockbridge 770-238-8773
Fescue/Orchard, rainfree sq. bale, $4 in barn. Bill Myers Blue Ridge 706-964-5483
Fescue; 4x5 rolls in barn, no weeds, cow hay, $20. Charlie Chastain Talking Rock 770893-9013
Fescue; horse quality, $3, Fescue mix, horse & cow quality, $2.75. Kermit Simmons Jefferson 770-8677550
For sale: Coastal Bermuda/Fescue mix hay, 5x6 ft. rolls, $40/roll, in barn, 2012 cut. A.G. Williams Toccoa 706-886-9530
For sale; Bermuda hay, horse quality, 4x4 rolls, $25 each; Cleveland Ga. Allan Black Sautee 706-865-7632
For sale; Bermuda hay, always dry, $35 per bale. Henry Crisp DeSoto 229-938-8061
Freshly cut hay, no rain, Orchard/Timothy mix, square bales, $3 each at barn. Buck Dills Blairsville 706-400-9314
Good quality Coastal hay; 4x5 round bales, stored in barn. Leo Perfect Unadilla 478-6273820
Hay for sale; 2012,Tift 85, net wrapped, 4x5 bales, $30 each.. Stoney Layfield Tifton 229-848-0092
Hay; square bales, horse quality, Fescue, $4 a bale, 50 + $3.50 bale. Gary Brown 300 Oak Rd Jenkinsburg 30234 towanabrown@ 678-232-5951 770-480-4758
High quality, Alicia Bermuda; 4x5 rolls, rain free, fertilized, barn stored, $45 per roll. Don Brotherton Valdosta donbrotherton@ 229-251-7417

Horse hay; Coastal and Tift 85, $4 per bale. Cal Carpenter Tifton 229-326-9194
Horse quality, Fescue/ Orchardgrass; rain/ weed free, barn stored; 5x4 rolls, $35, square, $4.50. W.C. Dunaway Rome 706-235-7311
Horse quality, Russell Bermuda; fertilized, limed, square, $6; 4x4 round, $30, in barn, rain free. Larry Morrison Monticello 706-3182800
Horse quality; Fescue, 5x4 round bales, $35/roll, in barn. Mark Floyd Adairsville 678986-2126
Mixed Bermuda hay for sale; fertilized with litter, good quality; 20 roll minimum, $35/roll; 1000 lbs., 4x5 rolls. Phillip Bridges Lexington 706-255-8494
Oats and Ryegrass hay (2012), fertilized, horse quality, 5x5 round bales, stored in barn. Frank Eaton Buckhead 706-342-0727 706474-0689
Oats, feed; combine run, $45 per 55 gallon barrel; 2 bu. bags, $15. Randolph Bryan P.O. Box 670 Cochran 31014 randy.bryan.bwze@ 478-934-6306 478-934-4678
Orchardgrass or Fescue; square and round, fertilized, dry, high quality. John Loughridge 3421 Smyrna Ramhurst Road Chatsworth 30705 706-270-4518
Peanut hay, round, keep under shelter. Doug Harper Nashville 229-445-0467
Peanut hay; net and plastic wrapped rolls, $30. Rodney Horne Glenwood 478-217-0058
Round bales of hay; in pole barn; $15. James McBride Rock Spring 706-764-2397
Round bales; Fescue/Orchard grass, rainfree, $18; delivery available. Ron Smith 2682 Cantrell Road LaFayette 30728 jpetrel@ 706-537-8841
Round rolls, covered, horse quality, Bermuda & Fescue mix; rolls, $25-$40 ea. Dan Tant Barnesville 404-772-3262
Round rolls, Fescue hay, net wrapped and in shed. J.R. Long Ellijay 706-276-3110
Russell Bermuda hay; 4x5, $30/bale or $30/bale for 30 or more bales. Tommy Rider Waynesboro 706-554-9785
Russell Bermuda; square bales, horse quality, $6; well fertilized, no rain. Larry Morrison Monticello 706-318-2800
Russell/Tift 44 Bermuda hay, fertilized; UGA specks, 850 lb. rolls, $55; horse quality, Jim Bishop Newnan, 678-378-2903

Page 10


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Bulletin Calendar


March 23 Free "Intro to Beekeeping Class",

March 15 Breeder Cattle Sale, 7 pm, selling cow-calf prs., springers & bulls, all mouthed & preg. checked, Turner Co. Stockyards,

Heart of Georgia Beekeepers, Perry. Info: John, 478-987-1868 or Tim, 478-8251723.

Inc., Ashburn. Info: 800-344-9808.

March 30 The Southern Tradition Sale, 12 noon,

Pesticide recertification training

selling 75 comm. prs. & 95 comm. Bred notices are available on the Georgia

heifers, CSR Farms Sale Facility, Alapaha. Department of Agriculture website

Info: Carroll T. Cannon, 229-776-4383 or On the opening page

229-881-0721 or click on Divisions, select Plant Industry

April 20 ADGA Double Ring Show, 2 senior Division, and click on Pesticides. Select

does, 2 jr. doe & 2 buck, Carroll Co. Ag Pesticide Applicator Licensing &

Center, Carrollton. Info: Autumn Eidson, Certification, and then click on Pesticide or 770-537-2778

Applicator Recertification Courses. You

April 27 Bridge's Angus Sale, 12 noon, free can then search for upcoming courses by

lunch, price range: $1200-$3500, 70 bred date, course title or license category.

heifers, Callaway Farms, Rayle. Info: Phillip Bridges, 706-255-8494 or plbridges@

Livestock auctions listed in the Market Bulletin may offer related items for sale, such as tack and other livestock


equipment. Notices for auctions selling

March 8-10 Dixie Reining Horse Assn. Spring any items other than livestock must be

Fling Show, Ga. National Fairgrounds & accompanied by the auction license

Agricenter, Perry. Info: 813-426-5707.

number of the principal auctioneer or

March 23 Poker Ride, to benefit A.H. Stephens auction firm conducting the auction, per

State Park equestrian trails & campground. regulations of the Georgia Secretary of

Info: 404-316-7956 or georgiacrowes22@ State. Notices without this information

cannot be published.


If you have questions concerning the

March 16 Wilkes Co. Young Farmer Equipment Bulletin Calendar, contact Randy Cox at

Auction, 9:30 am, buy or sell, McGill- 404-656-3682.

Woodruff Ag Ctr., U.S. Hwy 78 By-Pass,

Washington. Info: Eric Holton, 706-678-4044 Submissions for the Bulletin Calendar can

(day) or 706-285-2863 (night).

be sent to

Square bales of Coastal Bermuda hay for sale at $6 ea.; delivery avail. in quantity. Jimmy Moncrief Fort Valley 478-825-0865
Taking orders, '13 Rye premium, horse quality, guaranteed, square or 4x5 round bales; deliver/stack available. L. Trammell Juliette 478-550-7898
Tift 44 Bermuda hay; round rolls, 4X5, weed free, fertilized, $40/roll, horse quality. Stan Michael Bishop 706-248-2571
Tift 44/Timothy mix; lg. sq. bales, $4.25; 4X5 rnd, $45; Fescue/native mix, 4X5 rnd., $35; all horse quality. Ralph Mills Gainesville 770-536-8438
Tifton 44 Bermuda, horse quality, fertilized, weed free, barn stored, 4x5 rolls, $70. Kip Hunter Conyers 404-281-7252
Tifton 44 Bermuda, premium horse quality, fertilized, weed & crabgrass free, barn stored, 4x5 rolls, $70. Tim Hunter Conyers 770-4838712 770-922-6653
Top quality, 2012 UGA tested, Alicia hay; rnd. or sq., sheltered, del. avail.; free storage thru 3/13. Heath Pittman Vidalia 912-293-2535
Top quality, Russell Bermuda hay; no synthetics used the last 2 years, $5/bale. Richard Minter Fayetteville 404-202-0419
Very good, barn kept, Fescue/Bermuda hay, 4x6, $35; $40 delivered close. Jimmy Nelson Adairsville 706-767-1953
Well fertilized; Bermuda, cattle hay, $45 bale; $40, if 50 or more are bought. Mose Mock Springfield 912-663-3808
Feed, hay And Grain Wanted
2012 square bales; Fescue. Robert Russell Blue Rdige 706-633-7462
Looking for horse quality, round and square bales w/delivery, 30 sq,, 1 round @ a time. Emmy Schneider Fayetteville 678-489-6794
Looking for Timothy, alfalfa, orchardgrass, clover, bermuda, rye hay; prefer around Douglasville Ga. area. Janice Wright Douglasville 901-463-0267
If you have questions regarding this category, call 404-651-9081.
Advertisers of agricultural seed must submit a current state laboratory report (not more than 9 months old) for purity, noxious weeds and germination for each seed lot advertised. A seed lot must be uniform and not exceed 400 50-lb. bags. Laboratory reports will be returned upon request. Any ads for agricultural seed submitted for publication without this documentation will not be published. Licensed seed dealers cannot advertise seed in the Market Bulletin. Certain varieties of seed are protected from propagation unless they are grown as a class of certified seed. For example, wheat seed such as Florida 304, Coker 9152, Coker 9835 and soybean seed, such as Prichard and Benning, may not be propagated for sale unless the seed has been grown as a class of certified seed. Propagation of such seed is a violation of the Plant Variety Protection Act and the Federal Seed Act. If you have questions regarding certified seed, call the Market Bulletin office or the Georgia Department of Agriculture Seed Division at (404) 656-5584.
Castor bean seed, 25 seed, $5 in SASE, also want Velvet bean seed. Mack Chambers Vidalia 912-223-6743
Open pollinated corn seed; Floriani red flint field corn; 79% germ., Hastings white field corn 97% germ., $6 lb., plus shipping. Charles Avery 712 Dickerson Rd. Franklin 30217 770-854-4344
Red Mexican pepper tree seeds; grows to 6'; send SASE. Isaac Nichols 290 Banks Dr Brunswich 31523 912-267-6538
Tifton 9 Bahiagrass seed, GCIA Certified, 40 lb. bags; Pensacola Bahiagrass seed. James Gaston Americus gaston7460@ 229-924-7460

Turkey craw cornfield bean seed, $6 cup full post. paid. James Lowman 1927 East New Hope Rd. Ellijay 30536 706-273-3854
Ag Plants for Sale
If you have questions regarding this category, call 404-651-9081.
Alicia, Bermuda, Coastal, Tift 44, 78, 85 sprigs for sale; custom planting & delivery available. Chester Kight Soperton 478-2326122
Bermuda sprigs, Alicia, Coastal Russell and Tift 85; also custom planting. Ronnie Hart Guyton 912-665-2261
Bermuda sprigs, Russell, Coastal,Tift 85, also custom planting state wide; references available. Robert McNair Junction City 706269-2563 706-575-5697
Better Boy tomato plants for sale; taking orders (large/small) for vegetable plants; tomato, squash, cucumber, watermelon, cantaloupe. Joshua Cockrell Gainesville 678873-7926
Blueberry plants, $2 ea.; 3-4' tall, Tifblue variety, can ship. Sidney Roland Demorest 706-754-6700
Blueberry plants; Austin Brightwell, Powder Blue Premier, 2 yrs. old, in 1 gal. pots. Ted Wach 9748 Estes Rd. Bolingbroke/Macon 31220 478-994-1120
Certified Tift 44 and Russell Bermuda sprigs; also, will custom plant, taking orders for spring planting. Wayne Hurley Summerville 706-3310967 706-978-9759
Coastal, Alicia, Russell, Tift 85, and Bermuda sprigs; also, custom planting. Mack McGee Glenwood 912-568-7379 229-868-0262
Figs: 3 kinds, mulberries, $5, self pollinating Issai, kiwi, $6, dewberries, $2, sweet shrub, $3, others; no shipping. Carla Houghton Marietta 770-428-2227
Leylands, 2ft., $2.50/4ft., $8, fruit trees/4ft ., $8, wildlife trees, 2/3ft. tall, $2.50; we ship. Kelly Blizman Perry blueberrygirl@ 478-955-6025
Peach, tangerine, lemon trees, $10; Crape myrtles, $1 (babies). Deb Ruby Good Hope 770-267-2654
Several thousand, one gallon containers for blueberries; half price of new ones. Felton Leverett Ambrose 912-359-2577
Tift 85 and Russell Bermuda sprigs for sale, as well as custom planting; call for pricing. Alton White Dry Branch 478-214-1197
Vegetables plants for sale; hot and sweet pepper, cabbage, cauliflower, tomatoes, eggplants. Charles Samples Cumming 770887-2722 678-234-5501
White peach trees; 3 to 4 foot freestone, bareroot, must pickup; 30 to 40 left, $1 each. Margaret Hottle Union City 404-344-0568
Yellow Gal sugar cane for planting, any amount, 0.50 per stalk. James Kemp 491 Rocky Spring Rd. Eastman 31023 478-2314825
Ag Seed/Plants Wanted
Giant banana squash seed. A. J. Dixon Blackshear 912-449-5920 912-281-5202
Want 2 cups, old fashion white half-runner bean seeds. Shirley Wright Fairmount 706629-0406
Want grape vines or root; stock of 'Conquistador', 'Suwanee' or 'Catawba', variety for vineyard. Alexa Elwell Covington 770-784-5686
Wanted: Egyptian Walking onion sets. Bobby Jones Dublin 478-984-1177
Wanted: June apple tree. Ida Mae Langley Snellville 770-972-2903
Wanted: peanut seed, Spanish with black husk; please call with price. Charles Milford Hartwell 706-371-1404

If you have questions about this category, call 404-651-9081.
Flower seed offered for sale has not been tested for germination since it often is collected in very limited quantities.
$1 will get you a red, yellow, or orange Canna lily, variegated, $1.50; Mexican purple petunias, $1.50/clump; will ship. James Elkins Austell 678-945-3750
$1/pk., plus SASE; flower seed, 1tsp., Purplecone flower, Blackeyed Susan, checkout grapevines and more. Hans Gruetzenbach Dalton 706271-0800
20 seeds; Loofah gourd sponge, send SASE and $3. to address listed. Joy Shelnutt Box 1212 Loganville 30052
2011 seeds: Marigold, Touch-Me-Nots, Columbine, Zinnia, Black-eyed Susans, Balloon plant, $1 each, plus LSASE/2-stamps. Melissa Lawler 116 Nelson Oaks Drive Ball Ground 30107-2798 770-735-3679
2012 Flower seeds: extra large white or dark, pink hibicus seed; Cleome seed; $1 with SASE. Linda Conner 158 Ann Lane Metter
2012 Scarlet hibicus seed, beautiful " - 10" blooms, $2 tsp., cash w/SASE. Robert Cox Marietta 770-427-3590
4 year old, Lenten roses (12"-18") in bloom, $6; not in bloom, $4; Pachysandra 50/$10. Carol Olson Marietta carololsonmar@ 770-998-1076
4" perennials, 350 varieties, $1.50 ea. including Helleborus; 1 gal. grafted Japanese maples, $20-$25; display garden. Selah Ahlstrom Jackson 770-775-4967
Achimenes (widows tears), order now for best selection of colors; shipping rhizomes soon; limited supply. Hinson Yatesville 770468-6254
Angel Trumpet sticks; well rooted, yellow and pink, approx. 600, $300 for all, you pick up. Roy Rose Blairsville 706-897-2949
Angel Trumpets, Banana trees, Confederate Roses, Black Magic Elephant ears, Ginger lillies, pond plants and many more. Patrice Cook 1400 Hwy142 Covington 30014 770-787-6141
Arum, helleborus, oak leaf, hydrangea, Anna bell hydrangea, old fashioned snow ball, baby breath, bridal wreath, crinum, St. Hohns works, spanish blue bell, spider lily, bottle brush buckeye, other. Verma Farlow East Point 404-767-7656
Azaleas, Japanese Maples, Knock out Roses, Gardenia, Hosta, Hydrangers. Linda Waites Fairburn 770-964-6414
Azaleas, large growing azaleas in 1 gallon pots, all colors, $1.95 each. Jack Maffett, Sr. Montezuma 478-954-2111 478-472-7133
Black bamboo, Golden bamboo and more. David Pelton 1400 Hwy142 Covington 30014 678-654-0571
Boxwoods; large & small in the ground. Robert Crowder 1970 Chipley Hwy. Greenville 30222 706-663-8276
Castor bean seed; 20 for $3 w/SASE, 2 stamps R. Newbold 90 Todd Rd Senoia 30276
Cryptomeria/evergreen trees; 7 gallon. $25, also 15 & 25 gallons. Greg Strickland Fairplay 404-788-5434
Daylilies, Stella D'Oro, every-blooming dwarf, 20 fans (plants) for $26.95, shipping included. M.M. Haynes 275 Pine Crest Drive Canton 30114 770-479-5224
Dogwood trees, 25 ft. for $90, you dig; 5 ft. Crape Myrtles for $5. M. H. Thompson 4850 Candacraig Alpharetta 30022 770-4421561
Dried hydrangea, mole bean seed, orange daylilies, yellow Cannas, Siberian Iris, Forsythia, Boxwood, Nandinas, Mahonia, tall phlox, free Liriope. E. Beach Duluth 770-4761163
Flower for sale; hanging baskets, petunia, hosta, coleus,Impatients, Hypoestes; call for more info. Charles Samples Cumming 770887-2172 678-234-5501
Giant Cosmos seeds, orange, possibly yellow, 6-8' not unusual, 60 + seeds, $1 plus SASE. Ira Bray 70 Wilkes Ct. Newnan 30263 770-253-0392
Ginko, camellias, formosa azaleas, pindo palms, tulip poplar trees, sasanquas, $20 ea., no shipping. Myrtle Russell Bonaire 478-923-1951
Gourd seed, $3/individually packed; LH Dipper, Swan, Apache Dipper; Martin; lge. bushel. Jan Cash 435 Parr Farm Rd Covington 30016 770-728-8488
Grancy Greybeard seeds; yellow 4 o'clock seeds, red 4 o'clock seeds, $1 per pkg. w/ SASE. L. H. Norton 25384 Hendricks Rd Metter 30439
Green giants; Cryptomeria, Leylands, 3/gal., $6; min. 24 pcs., B&B, $7 per ft., other items available. Jody Greenway Adairsville 770-815-0223
Heirloom Butternut and Striped Cushaw squash seeds; 12 seeds for $2 plus SASE. Marilyn Criswell 226 Mt Pleasant Church Rd Gordon 31031
Japanese Maples; 25 varieties, dwarfs, lace leafs; 3-25gal, $35 and up. Bridget Britton Evans 706-829-1427
Leyland Cypress trees, direct from grower, several hundred available, all single trunk, 5 to 6 ft. tall, very green and uniform in size, great prices. Bob Brookshire Buford 770-9325795
Leyland cypress, 3 gal pots, 36 in, single stem, $6 ea. Bob Welch 425 Taylor Town Loop, NE Ranger 30734 welc6332@ 706-629-6332
Lirope plants for sale. Nancy Sarrett Social Circle 770-464-1324

Lotus, many pond plants, Cherokee rose, Easter rose, many others; call or e-mail for price list. Susan Kingsolver Hull 706-363-8892
LSASE/$1: White whistera, white hibiscus, Indian corn seed, yellow peppper tree, Dutch manpipe, August lily. Celia McCall 1532 Hwy. 39 N Donalsonville 39845 229-524-2940
May Pops (passion flower) seeds for sale; 30 for $1, SASE. Grace Richardson Wace 770-258-0107
Mexican sunflower (orange or yellow), specify and swamp habicus; send $1 and SASE. Douglas Capps 1329 Sandy Cross Rd. Comer 30629 770-490-5537
Native azaleas; orange, yellow, red, white, pink; 1 gallon containers and larger, $5 & up. J. Adcock Newnan 770-251-2613
Night blooming Cereus - red, white; begonia, star cactus, jade, aloe, pencil cactus, many more, $2 & up; some large cactus. Nancy Rosser Powder Springs 770-9431915
Potted Confederate Roses, pink, purple Althea, $5 ea., no shipping. Betty Whittington Colbert 706-788-0002
Reseeding petunias mixed; Angel Trumpets, double purple or double yellow, $1/pkt. w/SASE. Carolyn Arnold 644 Lynn Ave. Jefferson 30549
Seeds: $1/pkg./LSASE, extra orders=extra postage: zinnias, oxalis, poppy, hibiscus, coralvine, amaryllis, Mex. sunflower, golden rain trees, Mex-petunias. Gerri Ward 4496 Fowlstown Road Attapulgus 39815 229-4653641
Seeds: Altheas, Jerusalem cherry, Yucca, Hibiscus, 4 o'clocks, orange Cosmos, cash only, $1/tsp./SASE. Gail Wilson 1020 B. Wilson Rd. Commerce 30529
Seeds: Blackberry lily, $4/45 seeds, garlic chives, $2/tsp., autumn clematis, $2/tbsp., SASE/cash. Sandra Hood 2915 Cade Circle Elberton 30635 706-283-4878
Seeds: Mullein pink, Touch-me-nots, 1/2 tsp.,$1; moneyplant, Morning Glory, Hibiscus, devil's trumpet, Siberian iris, 4 o'clocks, $1tsp., SASE, cash only. G. Robertson 2966 Cardinal Lake Cir. Duluth 30096
Star of David okra, heirloom; 20 seeds for $1 w/SASE, 2 stamps. Karen Akers 5542 Candler Cr. Rd Gillsville 30543
White Cherokee roses, $5 each; red or pink Seven Sisters roses, $5; red spider lilies or buds, $5/doz. June Hurst 536 Green Rd. Whigham 39897 229-762-4476
Zinnias (Old Maids), 2 tabsp, $1/1cup; $3; cash, SASE(extra stamps, large orders). Mildred Bryan 916 Elm Dr. Monroe 30655 770-267-7804
If you have questions regarding this category, call 404-651-9081.
The Georgia Wildflower Protection Act requires that shipments of officially protected plants be accompanied by transport tags displaying a permit number issued by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources. Ladyslipper Orchids and Goldenseal are examples of protected plants. When advertising protected plants in the Market Bulletin, please submit a copy of your permit to sell protected plants. Ads submitted without this information will not be published. For further information on the sale or shipment of protected plants, contact: Nongame Conservation Section, 2065 U.S. Hwy. 278 SE, Social Circle, GA 30025, (770) 918-6411.
Flowers Wanted
Bay leave trees. Kamal Sarris Kennesaw 404-437-9723
Lettuce leaf begonia, curly beefsteak begonia; elephant ear that blooms. E. Rosser 1891 Valley Ridge Drive, SW Atlanta 30331 404-349-2967
Looking for Cryptomeria shrubs to establish screen. Kenneth Clark Dallas kclark2346@ 770-443-2346 404-272-7711
Wanted; large clumps of green lirope; free, I dig; Cobb Co. or near. Bobbie Garrison Marietta 770-509-3752 404-403-4102
Would like free green liriope in or near Clarke Co.; will dig. Charlotte Pratt Athens 678-492-9934
If you have questions regarding ads in this category, call 404-651-9081.
The Miscellaneous category includes the following subcategories: bees, honey and supplies; things to eat; herbs; fish and supplies; fertilizers and mulches; oddities; miscellaneous wanted; notices; garden space; notices; out-of-state wanted; firewood, timber; and Christmas trees. Only one ad per household is permitted in the Miscellaneous category.
Bees, honey & Supplies
1 beekeeper & son; will remove bee swarms or equipment in Cobb, Douglas, Paulding & Carroll County. Josh Morris Douglasville 404-3727848
10 frame hives, equipment complete, $85; finger jointed supers, complete, $40; best quality you can buy. Slade Jarrett Baldwin 706-677-2854
122, hive bodies,148 supers 8 frame cypress, 30 pallets, 20 frame extactor & more, $7,500. Clarkie Leverette Ambrose 912-3935345

3 lb. pkg.; late March, 90 nucs; Apr.15, 130. Richard Woodward 837 First Cotton Ct Powder Springs 30127 678-427-2595
3 pound packages of honey bees with hygienic Italian queens; ready in April; order now; $80 ea; Flowerland Apiaries. Bradlyn Wadel Millen 706-526-0436
All natural, pure, unprocessed honey, sizes available: 8 oz. bears, 16 oz. size, quart, and comb honey. Jimmy Brown Jackson 770775-0157 678-448-7781
Bee equipment wanted; will remove swarms for free; remove unwanted bees from a structure for a fee. Leonard Day Macon 478-719-5588
Bee keeping supplies, complete hives, foundations and nuc boxes, no bees; will pick up unwanted bees. Ernest Quinn Decatur 770-491-8726
Bee removal, Metro Atlanta and West Georgia areas, work guaranteed. W.O. Canady Winston 770-942-3887
Bee removal; Albany/ Southwest Georgia, licensed/ insured, also hornets, yellow jackets, wasps. Dale Richter Albany 229-886-7663
Carpenter bee trap, handicrafted wood trap, that really works, $20 - 3/$50, free shipping. Jack Snyder 265 Eagles Pass Lane Hephzibah 30815 706-554-7959
Frames of brood and bees and queenless package bees; pick up only. Patrick Wilbanks Metter 912-286-7789
Gallberry honey, voted best tasting honey 2010 in the state of Ga., $40/gallon, shipping included, Ben Bruce Homerville 912-487-2001
Got honey bees? locate, remove & reconstruct as needed, Morgan and surrounding counties; free estimate Chris Hill Rutledge 706-474-1018
Honey extractor; 3 frame manual, good condition, $150, plus beekeeping equipment (supers, frames, hives) call for prices. Greg Morris Cumming 678-859-3752
Kelly wax melter, $250; Dadant wax melter, $200; other equipment, hive bodies, 4x pellets, etc. Kenneth Buffington Royston 706245-9706
Pollination services available, for smaller growers needing 20-100 hives in Southeast Georgia. Charlie Strickland Ludowici 912977-3609
Taking orders for 5 - frame nucs, hives of bees, empty hives, supers, etc.; raw honey, closed Saturdays. Edward Colston Taylorsville 770-382-9619
Taking orders for NUC's, $100, and bee packages, $75, pick up in April and May. Ray Civitts Toccoa 706-491-3124
Want established hives of bees. John Mahoney 3522 Stewart Rd Doraville 30340 770-457-6441
Want for free: Honeybees, hives and boxes; will pickup. Rocky Creek Hampton 678-522-8466
Wanted one bee hive, smoker, veil, and tool. Ralph Mangum Marietta 0747pam@ 770-422-7904 678-848-4288
Will come & pick up unwanted bees and equipment; swarm removal, no charge. Brent Nichols Brunswick 912-266-5688
Will locate, remove honey bees, other bees from structures, swarms, and remove unwanted bee equipment. Derry Oliver Commerce 706-335-7226 706-621-1781
Will pick up swarms for free, removals from structures for a fee; will pick up/purchase unwanted beekeeping equipment. Dave Larson Winder 770-542-9546
Will remove any unwanted honeybees in North Ga. Aubrey Ledford 205 Beck Rd Commerce 30529 706-654-6861
Will remove honey bees, from trees or structures and unwanted equipment in Middle Georgia. Bill Adams Dublin 478-290-1957
Will remove honeybee swarms, no fee, in Henry, Spalding, Fayette and Clayton counties. Thomas Bonnell Hampton 678-983-7698
Your bees, our land for split of honey; tons of clover. Craig Brown Dry Branch Cbrown@ 678-575-0782
Things To Eat
Use of the term "organic" requires registration with the Georgia Department of Agriculture. Advertisements submitted without certificate of registration for items offered for sale cannot be published. For more information, access the department website and link from the home page to the Organic Agriculture page and registration forms. Those who do not have internet access or are unable to download the forms, should call 404586-1140.
'12 Desirable pecans, $10/lb. plus postage; will crack, shell, separate your pecans, $.50/lb. Russell Eaton Stockbridge 770-5062727
'12 nice quality Stuart pecans, in shell, $2 per lb.; NO shipping. Tommy Hicks 2016 Lou Drive Conyers 770-483-3998 706-371-4788
'12 shelled pecans, mostly halves, $8.50/lb., plus postage, bagged in freezer, leave message. Franklin Eaton 4345 Marble Arch Way Flowery Branch 30542 770-5329340 770-532-6333
2012 black walnut meat, clean, $20/qt., $5 postage. Lela Norrell 3903 Turner Rd. Gainesville 30506 770-532-3945
2012 black walnut meats, large pieces, very clean & dry, $22 qt. plus $5 postage. Helen Rogers 22 Richlen Ridge Rd Blairsville 30512 706-374-2716 706-745-4005
2012 black walnuts, shelled, large extra clean meats, $22 quart, postage paid. Hoyt Payne McCaysville 706-492-7781

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Page 11

2012 Desirable pecans, excellent quality, $2.50/lb., shelled, $8/lb. plus shipping. Eli Kauffman Montezuma eliandnaomi@ 478-472-8842 478-472-8842
2012; cleaned black walnuts, $20/qt., local pick up, no shipping. C. Sheppard Macon 478-743-7680
All-Natural, pasture raised Angus beef for the freezer, high quality stock; taking deposits now. Woodrow Little, III Danville 478-290-0679
Berkshire hogs, whole/half or cuts at our farm store; USDA inspected. Randall Richards Chatsworth 702-270-1979
Bison/bison-hybrid burger, heart healthy, grass fed, no hormones, sold by hanging weight, $4/lb., includes processing; taking orders. Mike Streetman Athens 706-353-3784
Cane syrup by the bottle or case. Leon McDonald Sylvester 229-776-0753
Clean black walnuts, $20 qt., plus $5 postage. Roy Caine 1510 Piedmont Lane Cumming 30040 770-887-4114
Dried apples; $5.50 lb., pick up; 2 lbs./$16.75, ppd.; 5 lbs./$35.50, ppd. A. Kinsey Cleveland 706-865-5510
Dry aged Angus beef; no antibiotics, hormones; pasture-grain fed; 1/4s and by the pound. Bill Farr Milner 770-584-9727
Farm fresh eggs, $3 per dozen. Janice Eskew Newnan 770-827-6860
For sale: Fresh brown eggs, $2 per doz.. William Kearbey Buena Vista 224-937-2890
For sale: Sugar cane syrup; 1/5, $6.50. Roy Holt Dudley 478-676-2760 478-697-2583
Fresh brown eggs, $2 a dozen. Jesse Bryant Franklin 706-675-3961
Grassfed Asian water buffalo meat; USDA inspected, 30 different cuts in all, email for pricelist. David Carrell Monroe david@ 770-267-0948
Green sugar cane syrup by case or by bottle(s), 1st lb. after 6pm, 2nd lb. Mon-Sat 8am-5pm. Harold Barnes Douglas 912-3811479 912-384-7835
Jeruselem artichokes, just harvested and washed, $3 per lb. Thomas McConnell McDonough 770-957-2674
Mayhaw juice; frozen, ready for you to make jelly or syrup, $8; will make 6-8 jars. Mary Blanford Canton 770-720-9892
New crop; shelled pecans, $2 lb. plus shipping. James Allen Thomaston 478-9557106
Now taking contracts; natural raised beef 1/4,1/2, and whole steers; contact Ray at Victory Farm. Ray Nichol Dacula 770-8669003
Organic sweet potatoes; Covington Variety. Allen Miles Baxley 912-367-0651
Pecans for sale, at the Brown Barn in Carroll Co., $3/pound for cracked; $8/pound for table ready, shelled. Shirley Spruill Carrollton 770-301-3114
Pecans unshelled, $1.50 per pound; shelled, $6 per pound. David Farrar Griffin 404-405-1811
Ribbon and red sugar cane stalks for sale. Douglas Wright 464 D.W. Wright Rd Moultrie 31788 229891-7632
This year crop, shelled pecans, mostly halves; minimum order, 3 lbs., $8/per lb. + shipping & handling. Joy Stegall Villa Rica 404-631-7478


State law requires all ginseng dealers

and growers to be registered with the

Georgia Department of Natural Resources.

For more information, contact the

Nongame Conservation Section at (770)





Butch T Scorpion; hot pepper seeds,

world's hottest in 2012, $2 pkt. with SASE.

Ray Sapp 2386 Alexander Munnerlyn Road

Sardis 30456 706-466-3836

Chicory root plants wanted. Jeremy

Anderson Hinesville jeremy_w_anderson@ 912-237-4483

Old time, hot cowhorn pepper seed and hot

Red Peter pepper seed, $1 pkt., w/SASE.

Amory Hall 130 Ellison St. Maysville 30558


Peppers, $2 plus SASE. Helen Eister

250 E Dasher St Sycamore 31790 229-484-


Rare 2013 pepper seeds; Ghost, small

tobasco, peter, Nosegay, chocolate habenero,

$2 pkt., w/SASE, 2 stamps; 20 others list. Ann

Dutton 3269 Five Forks Trickum Rd. Lilburn


Fish & Supplies

Persons selling sterile triploid grass

carp must have a Wild Animal License

from the Georgia Department of Natural


Market Bulletin

advertisements for sterile carp must be

accompanied by a photocopy of the

advertiser's license.

For license

information, contact DNR Special Permit

Unit at (770) 761-3044.

$25-30 /lb; Big Red Europeans, Red

Wigglers and worm castings, plus shipping.

Lew Bush Byron 478-


10"-12" sterile grass carp; 2"-3" bluegill,

hybrid bream, shellcracker, threadfin shad,

catfish, fathead minnows, weed analysis, electrofishing services. Keith Edge Soperton 478-697-8994

A-1 quality, channel catfish fingerlings, graded/priced by size, accurate weights/

counts, guaranteed live, healthy, immed. dely.,

other species avail. J.F. Gilbert Thomaston 706-648-2062 770-468-0725

Bass, bluegill, crappie, catfish, redbreast, shellcracker, grass carp, shad, etc; most

O? ddities

sizes, free delivery or pickup. Danny Austin Beautiful Peacock feathers, 1' - 4', for

Roberta 478-836-4938

weddings, arrangements, fishing flies, jewelry,

Bass, Bluegill, hybrid bream, Channel etc.; beautiful 2012 bird feathers, also brown

catfish, sterile grass carp, statewide dely. side feathers for arrows. Willam Haigler

David Cochran Ellijay 706-889-8113

Hiawassee 706-896-2181 706-994-6850

European Nightcrawlers for fishing or Carpenter bee traps, $10 each; rabbit

compost; Bedrun price, $20/lb. or discount; 5 boxes, $10 each. Billy Middlebrooks Monroe

lbs. for $85, plus shipping. Joe D'Alessandro 770-267-7084

Lawrenceville 404-229-9945

For sale: old fashion deep bathtub with claw

Grass carp, bluegill, shellcracker bream, feet, good shape, no cracks $400, obo. Al

channel catfish fingerlings, bass, threadfin Singleton Richmond Hill Hire777.lp@

shad; dely. or pickup by appt. only. Robert 912-271-1455

Brown Brooks 770-719-8039

Gourds for crafts; several shapes, small to

Grass carp, catfish, bluegill, shellcracker, bushel, $1 to $4; no shipping. Anita Simpson

redbreast and hybrid bream, largemouth McDonough 770-957-3548

bass, crappie, threadfin shad; delivery avail. Gourds for sale: Martin, Crooked Handle,

Paul Williams Hawkinsville 478-892-3144 Craft, Bottleneck, and more. Wallace Maxwell

Rainbow trout, largemouth bass, channel 3226 Hoot Owl Rd. Royston 30662 706-245-

catfish, fathead minnows, grass carp, bluegill, 4218

aeration, fish feeders, Gourds, many varieties to choose from, at

Caleb Lewallen Ball Ground 770-735-3523 farm or ship U.P.S. Crystal Lang Cordele 229-

Red wigglers & Europeans, great for 322-1321

fishing, $35 per pound, price includes Gourds: Martin crooked handle apple, also

shipping. B. Newman Douglasville 770-942- mini bottle. Hoyt Howard 4720 Watson Road


Cumming 30028 770-887-2039

Red Wigglers, $2 cup, $35 5/gal. bucket, Gourds: Small to large, large quantity to

$100 25/gal. tub. Bruce Self Byron 478-538- choose from, $2 each. James L Laster


Kathleen 478-987-3703

Red worms for composting/fishing; worm Homemade lye soap with goat milk and

castings/Tea. D. Holman Covington oatmeal, $4/bar, includes S&H. Mary Kinney 678-977-7944

Taylorsville 678-925-4279

Red worms, $25 lb. + shipping. James Martin gourds and apple gourds for sale, $2 Davis 715 Cemetery Road Lyerly 30730 each. Andy Carroll Rome 706-346-3142 706-290-3090

Two watering tubs w/floats; two sets of

Stocking fish; all size catfish, also bluegill, wheels. Sam Henson Loganville 770-466SC, carp & more; free delivery available. 1826 770-355-6893

Ashley Todd Vidalia 912-293-7097 Wild Shad; free delivery within 30 miles of

Miscellaneous Wanted

Lake Oconee; call now for Spring delivery. I need chicken house tin. Ron Bourne Terry Richardson Eatonton 706-474-9333 Gainesville 770-503-4215

Fertilizers & Mulches

I would like to buy some used plastic Martin gourds. Jimmy Tiller Danielsville 706-423-

$.50 to $1 lb, Worm Castings; great for any 0050

planting project, teas and repairing your soil. Looking for free dirt. AJ Hayes

C. Bush Byron 478- Douglasville 404-567-1192


Metal chicken feeder pans from the feeder

$5 per gallon, fresh worm castings, bring line, also gallon size glass chicken drinkers.

your soil to life, delivery available. Shane Tom Richards Senoia tbr.richards@

Jones Acworth 404-964-7534 404-281-5658

2012 Wheat straw, $2.50 a bale. Edward Need someone to plow a small garden plot

Rappold 1269 Shortcut Road Molena 30258 in Jefferson, Ga. Barbara Holt Jefferson

770-884-0262 770-550-3048 706-367-8664

2012 wheat straw, $2.50/bale at barn, Want some to replace wood handles on

delivery available. Gary Brinson 1934 Corsey butcher knife, nearby. Betty Stephens

Grove Way Tarrytown 912-286-3191

Monroe 770-267-5055

4x5 net wrapped rolls of mulch hay; Want to buy; 4 ft. or 5 ft. used hog panels,

hundreds avaliable. Harry Thomas reasonable. Leslie Clark 161 Doubletree Rd.

Watkinsville 706-340- Alamo 30411 912-568-7490 912-223-0720


Want your farm animals, honey bees; I will

4x6 net-wrapped, mulch hay for sale; 2012 remove. Connie Powell Monticello 770-722-

fertilized Tift 85, $25 a bale. Cecil Dueck 4619 7895

Sand Valley Rd Louisville 30434 706-8403350

Out-Of-State Wanted

Aged horse manure, you load any time; call ahead, I load, $10/truck; $20/trailer, call for delivery cost. Chad Williams 448 Hurt Rd. SW Smyrna 30082 404-4211775
Clean, fresh pine straw, $4 per bale; delivered & spreading available, garden tilling; 32 yrs. experience. Steve Shultheis Winder 770-235-1351
Free compost; Douglasville. Jerry Riles Douglasville 770-355-1716

14ft. Vada type peanut drying wagons, with center tandem axles and stationary tongue. Dave Partin Kenansville FL 407-709-8897 407-892-9265
Old type commerical electric pecan cracker; rotation cups, pick up one pecan at a time. Emory Holsenbeck Jacksonville FL 904-8131209
Want to buy duck eggs. Misty Phenix City AL 334-614-3180

Free rabbit manure; you shovel and haul;


great for gardening or worm beds; available

for pickup, weekdays after 4:30 or weekends. All firewood advertised in the Market

Steven Edmonson Gay 706-249-1577

Bulletin must be cut from the advertiser's

Fresh, clean pine straw spread at $4 per personally owned property. In addition, by

bale, at your property; reliable service, law, terms such as face cord, rack, pile,

10 yrs. experience; call today. Gloria truckload, etc., cannot be used to

Williamson Buford 770- advertise firewood. Advertisers must use


the standard unit of measure, the cord,

Horse manure, mixed with shavings; we load, you haul, $10/pickup. Chris Hoyak

when specifying the amount of firewood for sale.

Cleveland 706-348-1219

Fat lighter stumps; 2 ton, 0.30 lb. Carl

Large quantity, square bales of mulch hay Beecher Wray 912-359-3699

for sale; delivery available. Richard Heard Fat lighter, very rich; split, $1 per lb.; bulk,

Canton 770-548-9452

50 cent per lb. Michael Ragan Ellenwood

Large, sq. bales, mulch hay, $3.00/bale. 770-987-3053

Phillip L Cochran Canton 770-289-3876
Mulch hay, square bales only; Monroe Co. S. Reeves Forsyth 478-994-4642

Firewood for sale: all hardwood; full 128 cu. ft. cord; delivered 20 mi. radius. Bobby Pettit Ellijay 770-894-1121
Firewood for sale: oak, cherry or chinaberry

Mulch hay; 4X5 round bales, has been or mixed; delivery available up to 30 miles,

stored dry in the barn, $25. Michael call for prices. Tony Willis Lyons 912-326-

Bufffington Gillsville 678-617-0764


Pine straw clean bales; del. & installed, low Firewood: seasoned hickory and oak, $140

as, $3.75 bale; all of Ga. Josh Bulloch cord; you haul. Greg Wright Talking Rock

Manchester 404-925-1076 706-276-3242

Wholesale pinestraw for sale; we load your Firewood; seasoned oak, cherry;1/2 cord,

semi-trailer in field; Slash, $1.90, Longleaf, $90; cord, $175. Don Oldham Colbert 706-

$2.15. Ed Norman Norman Park 229-873- 788-2645


Free firewood, you cut and haul, oak and

Worm castings. J. Ayers Buchanan 770826-3373

mixed hardwood. Ken Hatley Zebulon 770358-1300

Worm castings; great for soil amendments & teas; by the gallon or larger orders. Reed Adair Loganville 770-527-6064

Hardwood; (cut, split, delivered, and stacked) for sale or will trade for hay. Everett Gilbert Lula 706-677-4423
Long firewood; 23" - 32", oak hickory;

Poultry Litter/Compost

seasoned, split; you pick up, $50/half cord; I deliver, $80/half cord. James Vaughn

To help connect suppliers with those in Cornelia 706need of poultry compost, the Market 778-9554

Bulletin is including such advertisements Mostly oak, $140 per cord; can deliver 1/2
in this portion of the Fertilizers and cord within 10 miles of Buffington for $80. Mulches category. Ads are subject to the Dennis Irwin Canton 770-720-1263

same general guidelines for all Market Oak firewood for sale, pick up or delivery, Bulletin advertisements found on page 2. any quantity. Larry Moore Newnan

Chicken manure, $20/load; will help load. 678-278-

Ron Tallent Franklin 770-289-3887


Poultry litter; large and small quantities, Oak, $175/cord, hickory, $195/cord, maple,

delivery available, also garden compost, leave $225/cord, sweet gum, pine, poplar & Elm,

message. Bill Broome Tyalorsville 770-337- $140/cord. Rocky Creek Hampton

8607 678-834-0755

Wanted: chicken litter in White Co./ Seasoned oak firewood, $200 for cord,

Dahlonega area. Lisa Parks Murrayville $100 for 1/2 cord, deliver extra. Mike Austin 678-936-0105

Douglasville 770-652-2164 770-652-3383

Seasoned Oak firewood, $90/half cord; $175/cord; delivery available. Bob Lewis Fayetteville 770-461-4083
Seasoned split oak firewood, $60 half cord, full cord, $115. Michael Stone McDonough 770-957-8613
Seasoned, dry stored firewood for sale. Eugene Clark Jasper 706-253-5134
U-pick up; 1/2 cord, $70; cord, $140, hardwood mix; north Monroe County. Lee Dawes Forsyth 478-550-5384
Well seasoned mixed hardwood, $170/cord; delivered in Hiram area, local pickup; OK in any amount. Andy Cooper Hiram 770-235-5039
Market Bulletin is printed on recycled paper.

The Timber for Sale category is designed to provide an option for forest farmers to market their standing timber. Timber advertised in this category must be individually owned and produced by the advertiser on his/her own property; timberland must be at least 1 acre. No companies or businesses are allowed.
Large poplar, down and trimmed, straight and great for lumber; easy access, have tractor can assist loading. Buddy Starnes Woodstock 770-592-0711
Timber & hardwoods for sale. Robert Dyer Statham 706-255-6929
Want to sell timber on 4 acres; located in north Twiggs Co. on Hammock Road. Johnny Barlow Macon 478-745-5579

Food Recalls

(Continued from Page 12)

affect your home kitchen, restaurants hours, Monday through Friday. The

where you eat or in your place of complaint coordinator receives


consumer concerns involving

There are several ways to unsanitary conditions and food

determine if the product is, in fact, handling practices for retail and

one of the products being recalled. manufactured food facilities and

Food products include many products in the state, as well as

numbers on their labels some help coordinate GDA's responsibilities

manufacturers track inventory, while during the investigation of

others help retailers ensure quality foodborne illness outbreaks.

and when unsafe products must be If you have a mobile smartphone

removed from the market, these or tablet device, you may be able to

numbers and dates can help identify download an application that

them quickly. For high-risk products provides recall information directly

(usually Class I and sometimes Class to your device, learn more at

II), FDA and UDSA will post In the event of a

information for regulators, industry major recall (such as a Class I recall

and consumers on its website, that includes multiple products in

including: The product(s) name and multiple states), FDA or USDA may

brand name, lot codes or plant create a special website and other

numbers, expiration or other dates, resources that will assist Georgians

product photos and company contact in accessing quick, relevant


information about products affected

When the GDA gets notice of a by the recall.

recall (which will be issued either by You can find immediate

FDA or USDA), we notify partner recall notifications for Georgia

agencies across Georgia to help on Twitter at

spread the word. For example, we GDAFoodSafety and learn more

may need to make sure convenience about the Food Safety Division at

stores that sell ready-to-eat foods are

aware of the recall, we may contact division.

school nutrition directors who can let

school cafeterias know, or food

Rebates Available banks who may need to share the
information with their various

distributors. GDA Food Safety Inspectors are also notified; if they

(Continued from Page 12)

are in a facility where the product motors. The rebates will cover 25

might be found (for example, a percent of eligible project costs,

baked good item under recall, with a $10,000 maximum rebate

distributed to a particular grocery available.

store chain), the inspector will look The application period for the

through the facility to confirm that program opens online at

the product is not on store shelves on Wednesday,

and has been withheld from sale, March 6, 2013, at 8:00 a.m.

ensuring the product cannot be Available funding is limited and

distributed into the food chain any rebates will be awarded on a first-


come, first-served basis. The

"When in doubt, throw it out!" application period will close April

If you think a product in your 15, 2013, at 5:00 p.m.

possession might be part of a recall, Eligible rebate projects must take

visit or place in the state of Georgia, and and must replace a diesel engine that is at

look for the product by name. If you least 10 years old and in service.

see the product, there will be a link Rebates will not be provided for

with more information on how to projects that have been completed

return the product; if you don't see prior to the start of this program. The

the product listed but are still unsure project must be completed by a

about whether it's safe to consume, licensed contractor after notification

do not eat it.

of rebate approval from GEFA. The

There are several ways you can electric motor size must be a

get additional information about a maximum of two-thirds the size of

product in question. You can contact the diesel motor it's replacing. The

the manufacturer that made the rebate will cover 25 percent of the

product, or visit or call the store cost of the project, including

where you purchased the product. expenses associated with connecting

GDA Food Safety officials are also the electric engine to the power

on hand to help answer questions, meter, three-phase converters and

listen to concerns and receive variable frequency drives. The

product complaints. You may rebate does not cover expenses

contact the GDA Food Safety payable to a power company.

Consumer Complaint line at 404- For more information, visit

656-3621 during normal business

Page 12


Ag. Dept., Restaurant Assn. Partner to Promote Locally Grown Foods

The Georgia Restaurant Association that supports farmers and small businesses Executive Director Karen Bremer. "We are

and the Georgia Department of Agriculture as part of a more sustainable lifestyle. The proud to support Georgia Grown as an

announced a partnership Feb. 19 to Georgia Grown Restaurant Program is an economic development program that helps

promote the state's culinary abundance: the avenue for consumers to support locally connect restaurants with the state's top

Georgia Grown Restaurant Program for grown foods when dining out at producers. Participating restaurants can

restaurants and food service facilities.

participating restaurants in their ensure that they are offering their

Georgia Grown is the department's communities.

customers top-quality food products, while

powerful marketing and branding tool to

"Georgia's restaurants are increasingly supporting local growers and reducing

expand the state's agricultural industry, and planning their menus around locally grown their carbon footprint."

this new affiliation reflects the public's foods, so it made sense for GRA to support

With more than 16,000 restaurants in

increasing interest in locally grown food this outstanding program," says GRA the state of Georgia, the Georgia

Restaurant Association serves as the voice

GDA, Assn. Announce Executive Chefs

of Georgia's restaurants in advocacy, education and awareness. Food safety,

Georgia Department of Agriculture Commissioner Gary W. Black and Georgia Restaurant Association President Karen Bremer announced Feb. 19 the new Georgia Grown Executive Chefs for 2013. The four chefs for 2013 are Chef

more jobs. It's a win-win situation." As the program continues to roll out in
2013, it will create a pathway for consumers to find Georgia Grown products in their communities in order to support local, seasonal foods when dining out. It

nutrition and sustainability are three areas of focus for the association's efforts to help their members succeed.
For more information about this partnership, visit GeorgiaGrown.

Jennifer Hill Booker of Your Resident also aims to highlight and involve public

Gourmet LLC in Atlanta, Chef Linton school culinary education and school food

Hopkins of Restaurant Eugene and nutrition in terms of increased

Resurgens Hospitality in Atlanta, Chef opportunities for Georgia Grown products,

Ahmad Nourzad of Affairs to Remember training and recipe development.

Catering in Atlanta, and Chef David

Synder of Halyards, Tramici Restaurant, and Halyards Catering in St Simons.

Food Recalls: What You Need to Know

"As demonstrated through the success of last year's pilot program, Georgia

(Continued from Page 1)

Grown executive chefs help create a recalls that directly impacted Georgia. This

Class I A Class I recall is the most

greater awareness about the availability was up slightly from FY2011 (103 recalls) serious; it is a situation where there is a

of the quality, local products that can be but down from FY2010 (141 recalls). "reasonable probability that the use of, or

found on our state's expanding culinary Since recalls happen, on average, once exposure to, a violative product will cause

scene," Black said. "This program is one every three days, what exactly does this serious adverse health consequences or

of the many ways working with the mean to the average consumer?

death" to anyone consuming it.

Georgia Restaurant Association helps us

Recall Classifications

Examples of a Class I recall can include

promote and foster relationships between

It is important to realize that not all foodborne pathogens found in food

chefs and our farmers across the state."

recalls are the same. There are three levels, products; for example, if there is a positive

"Whether you are an Executive Chef or classifications, for how a recall is test for Listeria monocytogens in certain

or an everyday consumer, purchasing addressed. This tiered system was ready-to-eat foods; if Salmonella is found

local food is beneficial for a number of established by the U.S. Food and Drug in ready-to-eat food, pet food or pet treats;

reasons," said GRA Executive Director Administration (FDA) and U.S. or the toxin Clostridium botulinum is found

Karen Bremer. "Georgia Grown food is Department of Agriculture (USDA) and is in food. Class I recalls also apply to foods

fresher, more nutritious, saves in applied to every recalled product within the containing any undeclared ingredient (i.e.,

transportation cost and environmental United States. Classifications are made on not specifically listed on the label)

impact and most importantly, it a case-by-case basis, depending upon the containing proteins derived from milk, egg,

supports the community financially. By circumstances and risk, because each shellfish, fish, tree nuts, peanuts or

buying local, we can generate more situation surrounding a food recall can be soybeans. These ingredients are all

revenue for our state, which will create different.

allergens and must be listed as a specified

"warning" on the label to notify persons

Kelly Products

with food allergies of potentially dangerous ingredients.

(Continued from Page 1)

Class II A Class II recall is still considered serious, but less so than a Class

many partnerships, including the exclusive U.S. rights to manufacture Sevin, which gardeners depend on to control insect pests.
Today Kelly Products, based in Covington, is a family of six companies that provide services for manufacturers, governments, agribusinesses and

consumers. Kelly Products comprises Contract Packaging Inc., Kelly Packaging LLC, Kelly Registration Systems, Great Estates Landscaping, Gardening123 and TechPac, which is a limited partnership with Central Garden & Pet.
The company's diversity is reflective of the convergence and crossover

I. In this situation, "use of, or exposure to, a violative product may cause temporary or medically reversible adverse health consequences," where the probability of serious adverse health consequences is remote.
Examples of a Class II recall include undeclared coloring agents FD&C Yellow

Time to Renew

technologies in today's market. "Our management team has extensive
experience in plant protection and pest

No. 5, which is an additive commonly used in butter, cheese and ice-cream products, or histamine in seafood products. Class II

(Continued from Page 1)

management products and services. We recalls would also be applied to products

yet expired, you can enter your subscription number or name and address and submit enter; your address information should then appear and you can proceed to the credit/debit card screen for payment. Please note there is a $1 convenience fee added to card transactions.
Subscriptions also can be renewed by sending a check or money order payable to Market Bulletin, along with your name, complete mailing address and daytime phone number (in the event the Bulletin office needs to contact you concerning your subscription) to the following address: Market Bulletin, Georgia Department of Agriculture, 19 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive SW, Atlanta, GA 30334-4250. Please clip the mailing label from your Bulletin and include with your payment to speed processing of your renewal.

improve agribusiness by delivering critical information and automation to manufacturers, governments and consumers," says Kelly.
In 2013, Kelly Products celebrates 20 years of supporting agribusiness by delivering critical information and automation to manufacturers, governments and consumers.
"Agriculture is Georgia's largest industry, and it touches people's lives every day," says Kelly. "Almost every aspect of our life is enhanced by agriculture-- whether the food we eat, the clothes we wear, the furniture and materials used in our homes and building. It's a wholesome and honorable way of making a living, and it brings people together like few industries do. We are proud of our role supporting agriculture and Georgia Grown."
For more information about Kelly Products, visit

that have been adulterated with hard or sharp foreign objects during the processing or packaging phase, such as plastic, metal or glass.
Class III A Class III recall will generally be the least serious of any recalls. In this situation, while the product is being recalled, "use of, or exposure to, this violative product is not likely to cause adverse health consequences."
Examples of a Class III recall might include product decomposition or filth (that does not result in health hazards), or products that are unfit for consumption due to an off-color or off-taste (but again, do not pose a hazard to health). This could also include minor labeling issues that do not apply to allergen ingredients.
Up-to-Date Recall Information When a recall happens, what should you do? How do you know if that recall might
(Continued on Page 11)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Ag Secretary Issues
Disaster Designation
For Georgia Counties
Last month U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack designated 36 Georgia counties as primary disaster areas due to damages and losses caused by continuous drought.
Counties designated as primary disaster areas were: Appling, Ben Hill, Brantley, Brooks, Bryan, Bulloch, Camden, Candler, Chatham, Coffee, Colquitt, Echols, Effingham, Emanuel, Evans, Glynn, Irwin, Jeff Davis, Jenkins, Liberty, Long, Lowndes, McIntosh, Miller, Montgomery, Screven, Seminole, Tattnall, Telfair, Tift, Toombs, Treutlen, Turner, Wayne, Wheeler and Worth.
Counties included in the designation as contiguous counties were: Atkinson, Bacon, Baker, Berrien, Brooks, Bryan, Bulloch, Burke, Candler, Charlton, Clinch, Colquitt, Cook, Crisp, Decatur, Dodge, Dougherty, Early, Emanuel, Evans, Jefferson, Jenkins, Johnson, Lanier, Laurens, Lee, Liberty, Mitchell, Pierce, Thomas, Tift, Ware, Wilcox and Worth.
A Secretarial disaster designation makes farm operators in primary counties, and those counties contiguous to such primary counties, eligible to be considered for lowinterest emergency loans from the USDA Farm Service Agency, provided eligibility requirements are met. Farmers in eligible counties have eight months from the date of the declaration to apply for emergency loans.
Affected farmers can contact their local FSA office for further information.
Farm Front
(Continued from Page 1)
Resaca, Vice President; and Steve Yoder Jr., of Altha, Florida, Secretary Treasurer. Other grower directors are Thomas Kessler, of Guyton; Lanier Worsham Jr., of Camilla; and Brian Ogletree, of Griffin.
Drs. Roger Boerma, of Athens, and Jared Whitaker, of Statesboro, were appointed as directors for education. Lane Morrell, of Pelham, and Taylor Sills, of Macon, were appointed as directors for industry.
Walter Godwin will represent the association on the United Soybean Board and Joe Moore will be the American Soybean Association representative.
The Georgia/Florida Soybean Association is a trade organization composed of soybean growers and other soybean industry supporters dedicated to increasing grower efficiency and increasing soybean markets.
Irrigation Motors
Rebates Available
To Georgia Farmers
Georgia Environmental Finance Authority (GEFA) and Georgia Department of Agriculture (GDA) have announced the launch of an incentive program designed to help Georgia farmers become more energy-efficient, save money on fuel costs, and reduce emissions.
The Georgia Agriculture Irrigation Motor (AIM) program will provide farmers with a rebate to replace inefficient diesel irrigation motors with energy-efficient electric irrigation
(Continued on Page 11)

Farmers and consumers market bulletin, vol. 96 [i.e. 100], no. 5 (2013 March 6) (2024)
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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

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Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.