Buffalo Courier from Buffalo, New York (2024)

THE -RTTFFALO COURIER: SATURDAY, 3EPTEBIBER 22, 1894 JTINAXCIAI Holland. THE LAKES. Wheat Rate from Chicago Takes an Upward Turn. wheat markets were strong. Kj? ZlE S7 JeTung mall; 123 ears "ipts, mated for Saturday.

But small presumably due to the railroad and. warehouse steady oo smU jfc weather, lower cables, conttnned Wj? a liberal estimate for Saturday tht. ness. The inspection was 370Jl the estl mate for Saturday 400 ears. MJ 1I hetwee.

02c and 51c, "LClo Sid" Oat were weak. Receipts ef the estimate for Saturday 270. 3Vn.plt? TonT" It. There was continuel liqnidstion of longa. May opened at 34c, sold betwa 8uc and 34c, "pUs'averad a little owe, but flnaBy iood buying by local bulls.

wdTi "mLthT cart few days has been so larily rmpatby with corn that sharp upturn ldTfIEV rallv in that article. Estimated cars to-morrow-W'8t 160' corn- 4 Otoar-Decetnber wheat. JT-Peceraber wheat, Mar corn. Calls-December wheat. B5c: Ma' corn ftt 62c.

WEEKLY STOCK MARKET REVIEW. NEW YORK. Sept. 21rSpecbiU-Brad-street's weekly review of the iorK Stock market says: This week has bee signalized by sharp depressl-u in the three leadlS Industrial Chicago Gas- nd Dlera. Uaoldatton as VB.K" ,11 oiihoueh the move- shoe factories have been running on reduced time.

Trade is unchanged at Halifax, but throughout Nova Scotia the fruit crop Is satisfactory and the hay crop exceptionally good. Bank clearings at Toronto, Hamilton, Montreal, and Halifax amount to 118,608,000, a falling off of more than 5 per cent, from last week, but an increase of nearby 4 per cent, from the week a year ago. There were 43 business failures reported from the Dominion of Canada this week, against 88 last week, 47 In the week a year ago, 27 two years ago, and 34 three years ago. KBW YORK, Sept. 21.

B. O. Dun Company's Weekly Review of Trade eay: In those departments ot industry and trade in which the deferred business and the demand for replenishment of stocks have not been exhausted, there is obvious improvement, and in some the business is not only larger than last year, but larger than two years ago. In others the exhaustion of the temporary demand has been disappointing, because It was smaller than wm expected, and because the remaining demand appears light. In the aggregate, business is about a tenth larger than last year, but still falls about 25 per cent, below a full volume for the season.

The Iron business, after its great Increase of output last month, shows disappointing weakness at all Eastern and Central markets, with consumption not large enough to keep fairly employed the mills in operation. In boots and shoes the demand continues large, with many sales from stocks and orders for quick delivery and other indications that replenishment of stocks Is not yet completed. In textile fabrics there has been a distinct decrease in trade, as initial stocks for the next season have been ordered, and dealers are now waiting for the retail trade to give encouragement for further purchases. The lull in trade may be only-temporary, but It is felt the more as It follows the crowding of orders for several months Into a few weeks. A large auction sale of silks has resulted in satisfactory firlces.

The demand for woolen dress goods better and will occupy some mills until December, but In most lines the. woolen business is restricted. Foreign trade does not yet answer expectations. The money markets continue easy, but there is somewhat better demand for commercial loans and for Western and Southern needs. Failures during the week have been 212 in S2.OOi02.23; Lady Blush, do choice, sonr Bough, ditto sweet.

PEARS Bsrtletts, good to fancy. Clapp's Favorite, good to fancy, $2.0002.75 per Irl: Seckles, per brl. PEACHES Western New York. 60085c per basket: fair to good, 30tfit40e per basket. PLUM 8 Green gages.

20Q25c; small bine. 152 18c; Niagaras and other large tarletles, 2040e per 8 and 9-lb baskets. GRAPES Concords. per 8-Ib. basket Niagaras snd Marthas, 8310c per 5-lb.

basket Worden's, 10gl2c per 9-lb. basket; Delaware. JXSt 11c per 5-lb. basket. per 100, accord-lag to quality.

ML'SKMELONS Jerseys, 75c1.00 per small basket. NEW VEGETABLES Potatoes, choice to fancy white stock. 65S70c: ditto red stock. 60rti65c per bn; sweet potatoes. Jerseys, 50; Southern, $1.75612.00 Per brl: radishes, lOtffilSc per doxea ninches: cabbage, per 100: cucumbers, fltfilOe per dozen; tomatoes, home grown, 40 50c per bushel.

POrLTRY Spring chickens. 1CV311e: fowl, 10e: turkeys, ducks, 65a75c per pair; geese, $1.001.25. Dressed poultry spring chickens, fancy, 13W14C: fair to good. HftT12e; turkeys, 0 glle: spring ducks (Western). Il(ffl2e per lb.

FRUITS. NUTS Oranges, Sorentos. Rodl, per box; lemons, fancy. 6.50: choice, $4.0015.00 er lmx: yellow, bananas, 75c1.75 per bunch; cocoannts, per loo. STRAW No.

1 rye. baled, No. 2. wheat and oats, per ton. HAY Timothy.

prime baled, clover, prime baled, mixed, 8.50. PROVISION'S Choice lean pork (new cured), megs, $15.00: short cut mew cured). ditto clear, clear back, choice, cleat family. $16.00 brl; salt pork, (pickled bellies), 0fr9e lb: sugar cured: hams, sugar cured bacon, lie; do shoulders, 8c; smoked beef (In smoked beef tongues. 14c per Corned beef, ertra family plate; barrels, $10 00; half barrels, enolec family beef, barrels.

$13.00: barrels. choice Scotch roll, barrels. $14.00: half barrels. $7.25. White rose lard, tierces and barrel" 9c: tubs, 9(a'10c; kegs, 10c; tin cans.

9c; wood palls, 10(ijl0c; tin palls, 10V(310ie per family lard, tierces and brls, 9c; tubs and kegs, 9iflc; wood pails, tin pails, 9d0c; bakers' lard, tierces and barrels, 9c; siteclal lard, uc; lard compound, tierces and tubs, 8c. WOOL Dealers pay for clean washed fleece, per unwashed, S312e; pulled wool. Kissam, Whitney Co, BANKEBS AND BROKERS, Main Office. 17 Broad Street, (Mills Building) Branca Office, 331 Madison At eor. 43d Street, New York.

STOCKS and BONDS bought and sold for cash or upon margin. INTEKE3T ALLOWED ON DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS. was 18. 0, September! 18.40, was 18.20. October.

Flour 80.5O, was 89.50, September; 39.90, was 89.90, October. Weather la England Wet. The Wool Market. LONDON, Sept. 21.

At the wool sales today 14,205 bales were offered. The offerings were mainly merino, suitable for all buyers. Continental and American buyers were keen competitors and secured the most desirable lots, the borne trade not caring to advance, beyond the basts of 000 fine. Greasac sold at an occasional advance to American buyers. Scourea wools were neglected nnd tho limits wete not reached In a number of Instances; more were withdrawn than sold.

The exceptional firmness waa noticed in Australian wools, and was also ahown ln Cape of Good Hope and Natal, especially in super-snow whites. Short-stapled greasies were considered easier as compared avlth the opening. The sales and prices were as follows: New South Wales, 4,000 bales: scoured. 6V41 Is IVid; ditto locks and pieces, 7dfr1a 2d; greasies, ditto locks and pieces, 4d(av7d. Quennsiand.

800 bales: scoured, 8V4d; ditto locks and pieces, 6d31s Id; greasies, 5dtfi8d. Victoria. 3.000 bales; scoured, 3d; ditto locks and pieces, TdfUls greasies, 6dfllVid; do locks and pieces. 5d((jSMjd. South Australia.

1.000 bales; acoureds. l)4d frfls ld; ditto locks and nle.s, greasies, 7yfcu8d; ditto loclis and pieces, 6d. New Zealand. 1.800 bales: acoureds, 7dl Is 4d: ditto locks and pieces, 6d31 8d; greasies, 5d10Mid: ditto leeks and pieces. Cape of Good Hope and Natal.

2.800 bales; acoureds. 7d(fjls 4d; greasies, 3Vdcd.8d. Helmuth Schwarts ft Co. and II. lrwell St wool brokers, who conducted the sales, say: "The general spirit of competition waa very good and the spirit of rates well maintained.

Superior peeking: waa In demand for America at very full rates." LIVE STOCK MARKETS. EAST BUFFALO? Sept. 21. The following tabls shows the receipts and shipments of live stock from the beginning of the week thus far: RECEIPTS. steadv actural business $4.88 1-2 for ffi It bonds steady.

iUilj ouarterlv dividend from 1 to.V2 per cent. When the official announcement of tlie reduction was made there was a rush to selLJ The stock earl In the day was bid up 1 l-4c to 65 3 8c but when the art loa of the directors was promulgated the price brAe to 008c nnder heavy offerings. The other Grangers were Inclined to fairness during the morning session, but the break of five points in Rock Island led to heavy realizations and short selling. In a general way the market owned etsier owing to realization In Chicago Gas and American Sugar but ubmQaentlT, JJr2 a tendency to improve until the Grangers broke. In the closing dealings the pressure against the Western shares exerted an n-favorable influence and the market left off weak in tone.

Net changes show losses of 1-8 to 3 3-4 per cent. Rock Island leading. Total sales were listed, 1C8.000; unlisted, Including Chicago Gas, St. Paul, 2S.000: Rock Island. 40,000.

The range of quotations was as follows: Onealng Mlgn ixw uom American Sugar Ainer. Sugar ReOnors pref 96V4 87 34 Va 7 5 95 65 95 34Vg 84ft 7 7 American Cotton Seed Oil. Toiwka Santa Fe Baltimore Ohio Chicago Northwestern CLUngo, Mil. St. Chicago, R.

I. Pacific. Chicago, Bur. Chicago Gas Trust Iod Denver Rio Grande pref Lack. DiKt.

A Cattle Feed. Trust F.din General F.lectrlc... 34 7tt 77 77 77 T7 104 104 103 103 6 5 65 0.4'4 70'i 71H 40 65 76 71 40 35T4 00 GO 7H 70 71 40 40 35 35 171 171 171 171 11 11 ion lot .18 38 88 15 15 15 15 Krle Frie Seconds Ijke Shore Iulsvllle A Nashville Manhattan Elevated Missouri 1'nclnc National Co Northern Pacific pref. New York 77 78 77 78 135 13fi 135 136 56 57 56 56 118 118 117 117 2 28 8 40 4m 40 10 ll 19 101 101 101 4U4 19 101 28 17 15 15 20 18 18 13 15 105 New York New England N. Sns.

N. Chicago St. Louin Pnclflc Mail Philadelphia Richmond West Teuneeeee Coal Iron I'nlon Pacific Fritted States Cordage. West Shore Bond1? Wiihxli St. Pacific.

17 17 IT 15 15 15 15 15 15 20 20 20 18 18 13 15 1 10 18 134 18 13 15 15 105 105 105 7 7 7 Wabash. St. L. P. pref 1S4 Western Fnlon P9 Wheeling Iake F.rle 13 Wheeling Lake K.

pref. 45 15 15 15 90 83 89 13 13 13 45 45 45 GOVERNMENT BONDS. 10:00 A.M. 2:30 P.M. U.

S. 2s registered F. S. 4s registered 114 (0114 114 (114 r. 8.

-ts coupon ..115 iSll5 115 ($115 C.S. currency bonds 18f5 101 UH 3 I to do do 104 (l 104 Do do do lSft7 107 fi 107 Do do do lSftS 110 fi 110 fii Do do do 113 ii 113 di Foreign Flnnnce. NEW YORK. Sept. 21.

Tar silver In London 1-16J lower, at 2i1id per ounce. New York price for couiiuerclal bars lower, at (33fi04c; Gov-eramen: assay bars, 63'i64c. LONDON, Sept. 21'. stock markets were dull to-day, closing, a trifle better.

The continued absence of sunshine Is a really depressing factor. Americans were the beet, closing firm with a further rise In Louisville. The reported freeh loan for Is disbelieved la official quarters. CLEARING HOUSE REPORTS. BUFFALO.

Sept. 21 Following Is the Clearing House rfport for the week ended yesterday: Clearings for week 007.73 607,568.35 Clearings last week 4, 106, 030.46 balances 637,994.05 NEW YORK, Sept. 21. (Spcdnl.) Rank clearing totals for 43 cities (or the wock euUd 8pt. 2u, witli coiDvarlsocs, ua toiegrAiUoU to Cattle, Hogs, Bheep, Horses, head.

head. bead. head. 14.400 7,600 140 2,620 22.500 10.400 240 2.850 1,800 20 1,900 fttflOO 0.O0O 230 2.2S0 0,750 4,900 200 2.700 11.400 6,200 181 12.840 70.50O 85.800 10,380 70.00O 44.200 L20 SHIPMENTS. Cattle, Hogs, Sheep, Horses, head.

head. head. head. 1.380 6.430 3, tWO 1O0 2.52U 13.850 8.20O 1M 920 2,650 l.OOO 60 1.0O0 8.400 8.80O 18) 2.160 8.850 8.600 80 2.C20 9.600 4,600 160 11,500 49.200 25.400 1,420 14.120 67,750 83,700 7W0 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thnrsday Friday Total thus far Last week Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thnrsday Friday Total has far Last I CATTLE. The offerings were fair, about seven loads, mostly of the light fair order of branded cattle and one or two loads of medium quality steers.

The market ruled fairly steady to firm with the opening price of the week, and nearly all were sold. Salesmen considered the prospects good for all kinds of fair to good cattle and do not anticipate a much heavier supply tbaa last week, aa tbe better paaturago since the rains will natnrally have a tendency to bold back a good many of the commoa. thin, and green kind that otherwise would have been actually forced upon the market. About all the offerings were sold and the market closed firm with the outlook fsvorable. VEAL CALVES.

The receipts were very light again to-day and tne market waa active snd firm for all kinds at iron iiuu. i.fiiii", Wadenai Tower. Cleared-Pamell, Buffalo; Bartlett-and consorts, Ashland. Alpena, Sept. 21 Arrived Cleveland, Stanley.

Cleared Manlstlque. Chicago. Cleveland. Sept. smith.

Choctaw. Cleared-Coal, I'Madcn Emory Owen. Alta. Duluth: Drake. Milwaukee; Camden.

Hanco*ck: loklo. Gladstone. Toledo. Sept. 21.

Arrived Columbia. Gilbert. Clearcd-Wheat, Hammond, Cape Mn-cent; coal. Washburn, Cambria, feuperlor, Fryer, Duluth. Escanaba.

Sept. 21. Arrived Bertha Barnes. Cleared Outhwalte. Barr.

Yukon, Sitka, Pabat, Niko, Churchill. Lake Erie ports; H. S. Plckands. Marengo.

Detroit; Hersehel. Chicago: Merrlmac, Milwaukee; Pcntland, Grand Haven. Manitowoc, Sept. 21. Arrived Wlnslow.

Ashland, Sept. 21. Cleared Ore, Plckands. Chicago; Comnberry. Paige, Thompson and barges.

Lake Erie ports; lumber, Shores, Constitution, Chicago. Ashtabula. Sent. 21. Arrived James Lock-wood, Siberia.

Helena, Kelly. Hurlbut, Watson. Cleared Coal, Pease. Planet. Marquette; Kalelgh, Chicago; light, Pontlac, Two Harbors.

Cheboygan. Sept. 21. Arrived Col. Ellsworth, Sicken, Melvlna.

McVea. Port Arthur, Sept. 21. Arrived Hall. Erin, Arabian.

Cleared Algonquin. Ogdensburg. Milwaukee, Sept. 21. Arrived Rust, Langell Boys, Comstock.

Business. Dnluth-Snperlor, Sept, 21. Arrived Roman. Fny. Bradley.

Matoa, Spencer. Vega. Pennington, Castalln. Nlmlc, Owen. Cleared Williams, Hawgood.

Vulcan, Gladstone and consort. Corsica. Germanic Hutchinson, ore; Fedora, wheat. Buffalo; Perrett. Corry.

Judd. Darley. lumber. Chicago; Republic. Ashland; Mohican, Mlngoe, lumber, Tonawanda.

Erie. Sept. 21 Kershaw, Mont-eagle, Marina. Cleared Columbia. Cleveland.

Marquette, Sept. 21. Arrived Cormorant, Wall. Cleared Ivetcham, Becker. Ashtabula; Aberdeen, two Cleveland; Queen of the West.

Buffalo; Rube Richards. Kair-port; May Richards. John O'Neill, Toledo; John Martin, Tonawanda. Chicago, Sept. 21.

Arrived Iron Duke. Iron State. Cleared Sturges. two Boyces. Port Huron; Buttironl.

Oswego; Rhoda Emily, Kingston; City of Rome, Arliona, Buffalo; Shrlgley, Hanco*ck. Kalrport. Sept. 21. Arrived Magnetic, Ionia.

Cleared Coal, Harper, Peek. Duluth. Conneaut, Sept. 21. Arrived Waverly, Hopkins.

Cleared Coal, Specular, Marquette. PORT OF BUFFALO. Entered September 21. Str State of Ohio. Cleveland, mdse.

Prop J. W. Moore, Green Bay, oats. Hour. Prop FA Smith.

Kscanaba. iron ore. Prop John Duncan. Milwaukee, barley. Prop Buffalo.

Milwaukee, flour, feed. -Prop Conestoga. Chicago, light. Prop II. E.

kunuells. Sault. copper. Prop Niplgon, Houghton, light. Prop Nortuern Light, Superior, Iron ore.

Prop Sam Mather. Duluth, Iron ore. Soar W. II Moore, Suspension Bridge, light. Schr Seuator, Detroit, wheat.

Schr R. L. Fryer, Escanaba, Iron ore. Schr S. E.

Marvin. Escanaba, lnn ore. Schr Iron City. Chicago, corn. Schr Melbourne, Houghtou, light.

Schr Delaware, Houghton, light. Schr C. G. Fillmore, Escanaba. lrwn ore.

Bge 118, Duluth. iron ore. Cleared September 21 Str State of Ohio, Cleveland, mdse. 1'rop D. M.

Wilson. Chicago, merchandise. Prop Harlem. Chicago, merchandise. Prop Mohawk, Chicago, merchandise.

Prop J. W. Moore, Chicago. 2O00 tons coal. Prop Conestoga, Chicago, merchandise.

Prop John Duncan, Chicago, light. Prop E. Wilbur Milwaukee, light. Prop H. E.

Lake Linden, light. Prop Sam. Mather, Superior, light. Prop Florida, Chicago, 10i tons coal. Prop Quito, Chicago, 1550 tons coal.

Prop Progress, Chicago, 21X) tons coal. Prop Niplgon. Milwaukee, 1000 tons coal. Prop Grand Tm verse. Green Bay, (JX) tns coal Schr Manitowoc.

Ohlcaga, merchandise. Schr Delawsre. Milwaukee, tKV tons coal. Schr Melbourne. Milwaukee.

1050 tons coal. Schr Iron City, Chicago, light. THE ERIE CANAL. Cleared from BufTiUo Sept. 21.

r. McQppoo, Nancjr Mndlann. 8AH4 hn corn Alfwiiy ItelSiluntA: M. Nancy K10O lm corn do J. P.

Hall, Poland. Bfloo bu corn T. Sturgea, Boland. 8(KX) bn corn 3. F.

HawUlne. Salmon. SS00 bn corn J. O. Mfj-cr, Snlmon, 8300 bn corn IC.

Fillmore, O'Lmko. U.fWO bn oats A. A. Diamond, 12,212 bn cats W. Bradshaw, Tucker, S247 bu corn V.

II. Prvor. Tucker, S2X hn cot R. H. Doherty, Bolan, 800 bu corn Jas.

Campbell, Campbell. 12 bu oats SUrer Glass, Campbell, 10,550 bu oats Frank Brown. Oreen. SCO) bu com A. S.

Chapin, Green. 8400 bu corn IT. G. Hagin, Flannery. 76S5 bu wheat Tim Raferty.

Flannery, 7800 ba wheat Oswego. Fldler, 8279 hu cora Syracuse. Fldler, 8762 bn corn do do do do do do do do do do do do Fulton do Albany do S. V. Tenbnieck, R4.VI tu what Rochester Juo.

P. Dodds, Arllu, S(Xs) hu wheat do Cox Goodslr. bu wheat Allany A. L. Dimmers, Goortfiir.

7000. bu wheat do Cleared from Tonawaoila Sept. 21. II. Ornne, McDonald, lumber Syracuse Ouwper GrcKory, McDonald.

lurnter do H. A. Mulholland. lrd. lumher Kldea II.

Yk. Lord, lumber iadle L. Ronekcr, Smith, iiir.ihcr IIhitt B. Tout, Smith, lumber Alfred Hall. Harmon, Albany do do do Lock port Buffalo Willie Fraukle, Sanders, stor.e AND TRADE.

NEW YORK. Sept. 21. (Special.) Today's stock market was Irregular. Its opening tone was firm and In -some stocks, even In the Grangers, there were advances over yesterday's closing figures.

This was, however, wholly caused by the purchases of petty speculators, for neither the larger market Interests nor London houses made any demonstration. The news of the Rock Island quarterly dividend reduction from one to one half of one per ceut. turned most of these surface speculators luto sellers, for. as has already been noticed, most" of these financiers have reckoned on a full Rook Island dividend. That they should to-day have broken uown tue price of both Rock Island and of the other Granger stocks Is as natural as It is unimportant- The average board-room speculator pins his faith to companies like the older Atchison, whose managers, themselves imbued with Wall Street notions, distribute dividends up to the very brink of the financial precipice.

Auother effectual motive for to-day's operations was the traders' longing for something active in the market. This forlorn search for adventure brought the whole professional contingent Into the Granger stocks, to the exclusion of pretty much the entire outside market. At the close, however, weakness was general. The true significance of the Rock Island dividend reduction rests not in the actual saving for the quarter that figures up barely $250,000 but In its clear intimation that the Company's management will in the present situation follow the principles of sound and conservative finance. A declaration of the full October dividend would have worked double mischief; la one direction by awakening false hopes, In another by its own actual abandonment of true economy.

The directors have taken tnut course whlou notliies the inviting public, that it appreciates nnd is ready properly to face the needs of the situation. J1 8 en moreover, a somewhat novel sight in the course of such a move as this is the absence of the Rock Island "Insiders prior to their action on the dividend, from the spoculatlve market. Tuev may well congratulate themselves on figuring in no such soBIal as surrounded the St. Paul -Insiders when those experienced speculators passed their dividend in ISNs. in til this week practically all of the year peremptory dry goods sales the real test of that market condition have resulted In heavr sacrifice of value.

The jKi.0iW.Ukki blanket sale of April will especially be recalled, when a forced reduction of 15 to 30 per cent, from previous market prices utterly demoralized the trade. It is this fact which lends special slguincanee to yesterday's auction sale of silks, the result of which was In advance assumed as a proper index of general trade condition. Judged on this basis, the very free distribution of the goods of yesterday and Wednesday, at prices averaging 15 to per cent, above last season's levels is a trade indication of considerable consequence. The very fact that this sale nxe values for the entire coining season" shows that In one important branch of commercial trade confidence in revived activity has returned. The Increase of or nearly i per ceut.

In this week's total dry goods imports over those of the week preceding, points reasonably in the same FINANCE THE AIR BAGS A FAILURE. jVw Captain on the Atwater The Colombo to Ran Another Vessel Passages Generaf Marine Intelligence The situation along the docks was remarkably quiet yesterday Outside of general routine work there was very little If anything going en, and the quite large list of arrival caused no. activity. The incoming fleet Included tne Vanderbl.lt. H.

J. Jewott. India, John C. Gauit, Nlcol. N'lplgon, Melbourne, Delaware, Samoa, Sam Mather, 118, State of Ohio, Ed Smith.

II. L. Fryer, Marvin. Fillmore, lice. Kingfisher.

Allegheny, W. H. Gratwlck. and H. E.

Runnella. Cnpt. Walter Robinson has again taken command of the steamer Chemung, which lie relinquished recently on account of sickness In Ma family. For nearly" a score of years Capt. Thomas McDerruott.

had command of the schooner Atwater, but owing to his advanced age he surrendered the mastership of the vessel and his eon Capt. Thomas McDermott, Jrvswas yesterday sworn in to command the TbejE. Pope was reported yesterday as being bushels short In her wheat cargo from buluth on her last trip. Aottee to Mariners. Notice la hereby given that on or abont October 15, 1894.

the Marquette breakwater lighthouse will be moved about l.lsX) feet to the outer eml of the recently constructed breakwater extension. Marquette harbor. Lake Mich. luiing the time of removal the light in the tower will be extinguished, and in its place a tlscd red lantern light will be exhibited from a post at the outer or south' end of the breakwater. FREIGHTS AND CHARTERS.

There was a fair number of boats placed for Milwaukee, but outside of that business was very quiet. Charters Ed Smith, Fryer, Marvin. Fillmore, lMankinton. Veronica. V.

II. B. Owen, aud W. P. Ketchnni for Milwaukee at 50 cents; Xor-walk for fuluth at 'M cents.

Canal freights quiet and rates steady at 3 cents on wheat and oi, cents ou corn to X'ew York. Lumber freights quiet. Bates from Buffalo aud Tonawonua $1.75 to New York and $1.35 to Albany. Chicago, Sept. 21.

The Buffalo wheat rate went back to lMi cents and held strong at that figure. Charters To Buffalo. Lewlston, Ira H. Owen, wheat; Parnell. corn; est or, barley; Schoolcraft, clipped oats, at 1, cents.

Cleveland, Sept. 21. Three cents was paid on two wheat cargoes from Fort William today and 4 cents was paid on wheat from Uuluth to Ogdensburg. Ore freights hold steady, but the feeling is not as strong as it was early in the week. There was no change tn coal freights, ''barters Ore.

Bart-Jett, 116, 134. Everett. Sophia Mlnch. Escana-ba to Ohio ports, SO cents; wheat, Fairbanks Duluth to Ogdensourg, 4 cents; Colonial, Jralg. Fort William to Buffalo.

3 cents; coal, Schlesinger, Toledo to Milwaukee. 50 cents; Oneonta. Cleveland to Racine. 05 cents; Lyon, Horace Turtle, Philip Mlnch, Tom Adams, Ohio ports to Ouluth. 50 cents: Three Brothers, Cleveland to St.

Ignace, 40 cents. GENERAL MARINE NEWS. fV, Ol hnnA ae O'Nell elevator at South Chicago goes to the barge Nestor, wnich loads bushel9 of barley there at IV cents to Buffalo. Chicago. Sept.

21. The season of the whale-back Christopher Columbus has been extended another week owing to favorable weather. week she will run to Milwaukee Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday, closing the season on the last named day A dredge and a pile driver are at work today trying to get the nreboat Yosemite Into shallow water. The air bags scheme wholly collapsed, as several of the bags burst when the attempt was made to raise the boat fast night. VESSEL PASSAGES.

Sault Ste. Marie, Sept. 21. Cp Elphlcke, North Wind, 7 a. Sawyer and consorts, W.

B. Morley and consort, lo. Down Cranage. 6 a. Adams.

rrsa! Kearsarge. Onoko, Audaste, Samuel Mitchell, 11; Portage, P. Later -L pSelwyu Eddy, noon; Ilovt and consorts, 1 p. North West. Foster, Athabasca, La Salle.

Masaba. Centu-rlaa, Morau. Neosho, 0. Down Two Parkers, 11 a. Northern King, Alberta.

1 p. Wnuaker and consorts, Maythara, Australasia and consort, Langell and consort, White Star and consort, 8. Mackinaw, Sept. 21. Down Owego tfMU 10:30 last night; Rugee, Chicago, 3a0 a.

Schlesinger, Nebraska, Blaine, i'P Wyoming. 2:30 a. Dyer. Burton, Oak Leaf. Neshoto.

10:20. Later Down-Marion. 11:20 a. John Kddy aud consort, Canton, 1 p. Gov.

Smith. Medora. Tecum sob Porter and fonsurt, Flanklnton. Cp Seneca. 11:20 a.

m. Mosher. 1 p. Manhattan, Carter. Arnold and consort, Friant and consort.

3:50: Mono- nansett, Onoko, New York, uueii ana consorts, Armour, 8. Calm, clear. Tort Huron. Sept. 21 Up Grecian, n.

E. Packer. Northern Wave. Wright, lO Inst Bight; Yakima, Merlda, Newaygo. Milwaukee, midnight: Hodge.

Doty and consorts. 7 a. Hadley. King and consorts. Pioneer.

Curry, Benton and consorts, 0:30. Down Kelton, Superior, Panther, midnight; Leuty, la. Donaldson, Volunteer. lenver. Marlska.8; Kalkaska.Cayuga, Vail.

Cnlted Lumberman and consort, Bristol. 0. Later Cp Gordon Cambpell, SchuvlktU. Cnnlsteo and consorts. Jackson.

11 a. Pillsbnry, 11:20: Cherokee and consort, noon; Alva, Blelman, 12:10 p. Maruba. Turner and barges. 2:40: Naples and contorts.

Elflnmere and consort. America 3-Gratwlck (wood). 3:40: London and consort, James, H. B. Tuttle and consort, Wll-helm and consort.

Washburn. Maaee. 5-Inter Ocean and consort. Nicholas. Flta-gerajd.

Colgate and consort. 8:20. Down Bracil. 10 a. Philip Mlnch.

Africa and consort, Tampa. Wade towing disabled steamer. William Chisholm Axtec and consort. City of Glasgow and consorts, 12:) p. Garden Cltv and barges.

Tuaearora. 1:30: Charles Eddv. Egan. Owego. H.

E. Tuttle and consort. 7:40. Wind west, light. Detroit.

Sept. 21 Doty. Jeanette 9:20 last night; Hesper. Southwest. Hadley Turner and barges.

11: Benton and barges," Gordon Campbell. 1 a. Elflnmere Hallaran, Pioneer. Curry. Chippewa.

Wilhelm. Galatea, Nirvana. Schuylkill. Excelsior. Snn-ahine, Ishpeinlng.

Pillshurv. Naples, Verona. Inter Ocean. Wlnalow. Alva Mamba.

Jnme. Cltv of London and consort. 8:20: America! Gratwlck wood. 9:10: Sallna and barges. Down-John Mills.

9:15 last night: J. C. Lockwood. Ketcham, Owen. Veronica, midnight: Arerell.

2:20 a. Kei-ton and barge, 5:20: Superior. Tanther. MassAsolt. ft; Denver.

Mariska. Caynjra, -30: Defiance. Nlairara with Porter Chambwrltu (arrived). :40. loiter Up Osdes, Relwtng, Snn Diego.

Foreland. lO a. m. Nlrholas, 10:50: Fltnecr-ald. 11; Colgate nnd consorts, 11:10: Wash-bum, noon; Davis.

1:50 p. Pawnee, Toung. F.dwards. Racine. 4: Anrora.

Adsros, Case, 4:30: Frver. Mohawk. bria. 7: Hiawatha, Sheldon. Niagara, Emerald.

Down Vail. 12:30 p. Kalkaska. 1: Twenty and barges. Donaldson and barges.

1:40: Clarion. 2: BraxlL Mlnch. 'W: Volunteer. Tamoa. Wade.

Wllllem Chlrlm. Lumberman and Barges. 6: Tuscarora, Africa end barge. City Glasgow. Paisley.

Toltec. Miztec, 7:: Owptn. Charles Eddy. SUM). Port Colborne, Sept.

21. Cp Langdon, HnskelL Do wn Esca naba. ARRIVALS AND CLEARANCES. South Chicaea. Seot.

21. Arrived Nestor. taKen itl, nd the mints were largely nianlrtI7e, and short interest furnished the hasls for rallies from the lowest prices. urn.u..n..-C however, had little effect on raUroad stocks or on the general s-ock list. There is still an absence of public interest, while London fallB to show any favor toward American stocks.

The professional interests which control the market are generally bearish, bu cannot apparently force ah- fmn of real stock at present. As a result attempts to Scores quotations for rnilrcid shares resulted In an Increased short interest and supplied spasmodic buying, which en eked any marked decline The reduction of the Rock Island's Quarterly dividend from 1 per cent, to one half that figure resulted, however, in a sharp depression of the Granger railroad stocks, although the extr-'tne decline had everv appearance of a raid by the bear traders. The decline In Distillers from 14 to 0 (the lowest price the stck ever touched) was partly manipulative. At the same time the situation of the Company in conjunction with the outstanding rebate vouchers Is regarded as critical. Kmphnsls was given to this by the resignation of Mr.

Nelson Morris, an original director aivl one of the few capitalists of standing connected with the onnnv Personal differences with other members or tne manacemem urr nm dictated his course, but rumors were afloat that other changes In the personnel would occur, while the decline In the price natural-lv caused fears that a receivership Is In prospect. The Incorporation of a new distributing company silso promises to create additional competition for the Company. The short Interest in the pri-e was, however, sufficient to rallv the stork to 11 3-S. The manipulation In was evidently for lower The stocks sold on Monday, which took four ier cent, from the price and after selling at 102 on Monday, morning it was allowed to decline to 00 3-4. The bear oarty were active in the movement, and covering of shorts caused a rally on Friday to 97 The pool, however, appeared to have withdrawn all support, and It is stated thaf lower prices are favored by the insider? In view of the approaching elections.

In which the question of "trusts" will piny a part, nnd of the probable attempt to pass the bill reducing lined mgar to the free list. It Is also alleged that the oonijwtltlon of foreign ref.ned sugar under the present tariff Is affecting the Company's operations. Chicago Gas. too, has been under bearish manipulation, the developments including one of the fatnlllar applications for a receivership of the separate oomi'anles. This, it Is claimed, was part of the bear programme, and the selling which carried the price from 72 down to 67 l-4e was based upon previous knowledge of the Application.

The insiders seem, however, to have supported the stock and forced the bears to as the price advanced rapidly on Thursday to 71 l-4c. Chicago interests, however, tire bearish on the property and stress upon the fact thit tho new competing company. Jthe. Cnl-versal Gas Company, is proceeding to establish a large plant. The other Industrials were not prominent: though Cordage was nn-steadv and General Electric fell 1-'2o on the adverse decision of the Cnited States Court in the "Feed and Main" patent cose.

The railroad list has. as already stated, been steady. In the face of the efforts of the bear" to depress them, and did not sympathise with the weakness of tbe Industrials. The large short Interst and the scanty offerings of real stock seem responsible for "this. Burlington, for Instance, declined a point from 75 7-Re, but rallied to 70 1-rv.

and St. Paul, after fnll-lbK from to 64 3-4c. recovered to Ofi 3-4c. The question of whether the Koek Island i comnanv wouiii declare the regular I per cent, quarterly dividend or a reduced nmomt. was subject of much discussion, but the stock after a decline from 04 3-4e to Clc.

advanced to 4 l-4c nnd remained steady ct nrovnd that figure, rising to on' Friday, when the announcement of the red icCen alrendv referred t. caused a sudden decline to CO at which figure the stock closed on Friday. The sneeinlttes have been neglected. Western I'nlon declined with falling from 01 to 80 3-8o. Rending was depressed from 21 5-S to 10 l-8c on the announcement that the reorganization plan will include nn Assessment on both the stock and the Junior Itonds.

The latter were also depressed, but after selling bv people who had bought on anticipation that an assessment would he avoided had ev- hnnsteel itself; buying support appeared and the stock rallied again. BUFFALO MARKETS. ECFFALO. September 3ft. SPRING WHr.AT-Tliere was very little doing yesterday, although buyers generally were of opinion pri'-es were reasonable.

The market ruled quite steady and fluctuations were within a narrow range. Closing prices were about the same aa on the preceding day, but limits on several grades were afTBln advanced. Sales-Spot, old No. hard; 8,000 bn at 044c, 3.500 bu at C4V: Chlcngo No. 1 northern, 9.000 bu at'5Se to arrive; rid No.

1 northern from Gladstone, 2.000 bn at Hoc. Limits Spot, old No. 1 northern 3c over New York December, new No. 1 hard 3c oyer, and new No. 1 northern 2c oyer.

C.l.f., old No. 1 hard 4c over New York December, new No. 1 bard 2VjC over, old No. 1 northern 2c over, and new No. 1 northern le over.

Closing Spot. old. No. 1 hard 04c flat, old No. 1 northern 61V.

new No. 1 hard 02c, new No. 1 northern 6lV. C.i.f,, old No. 1 hard C2c; old No.

1 northern 60Tc, new No. 1 hard new No. 1 northern. 580. Chicago P-ecemlK-r wheat opened at 55c and closed at 55V under the final price of toe preceding uaj.

npw York December opened and closed at sam as on the preceding day. WINTER WIIKAT-Prices were lower yesterday, although the supply la very light. Only a moderate demand was uuufest and the marset cloaed quiet and steady. 2 rpd. 2 ears st SOjc.

4 cars at 58c; No. 1 white, CBr ar jlSc on track. Closing No. 2 red 50c, .0. i white 58c on track.

Detroit No. 1 white, cash, opened and closed at o.c; No. 2 red, cash opened at 62Ve and closed at 52c. CORN The further decline In price had no effect upon buyers and the market ruled quiet and slow, spellers still held oh to their old limits for stor; offerings 5c and 44c over Chicago September com. for No.

2 yellow and No. 2 mixed, respectively. The market closed dull and with a weak tone. Sales No. 2 yejlow, cars at 50c; 5No.

3 yellow, 2 cars at on track. Store Sales were: No 2 mixed. 2.6UI bu at 67c and U.OOO bu at CTVic. Closing No. 2 yellow HSe asked on track.

57e in store; No. 3 yellow 5oc on track. No. 2 mixed Die in store. OATS Although the offerings were quite fair and prices aa a rule easier, the demand was again ver light.

The market closed quiet and steady. SalesNo. 2 white, 12 cora at 35c, 1 car at 3.Vie: No. 2 mixed, 1 car at 32c, 1 car choice st 33c. Clostog-Xo.

2 white 35c, No. 8 white 34g34c, No. 2 mixed Z2c on track. RYE Quiet. No.

2 held st 51Hc on track. BARLEY Lower. Quoted: Western No. 1, 01 62c: No. 2, 68c: sample, 55.367c; Minnesota.

61o. FLOUR Steady. MILLFEEI Quiet and easy. CANAL FREIGHT BATES Wheat 8c, corn SHc to New York. Following are yesterday's closing wholesale quotations: FLOUR Patent spring.

3.607Z4.00; bakers' straight, 8J.2i'j3. 50: ditto rye mixtures; J2.5O0J cler. 2.753.00; patent winter. $3. So "lt't.

SJ.Ooii3.23; amber. S2. 753.00; CC.k'. Kraham, OATMEAL Akron, jfa.OO; Western, Sd.OO per AvUffl ln 72 $3.25. COBNMEAL-Coarae, fine.

Sl.20a 2 00 1 MILLFEED-Bran. coarse winter, $15.7518. T5; medium. coarse spring, at $14.73 15.50: medium. middlings, choice.

fine. Sie.50fttl7.50; medium, 1S.217.25; fine spring, rye feed, $17.00 per ton. flONEY-Wnlfe, i-th. sections, fancy. fair to good.

lGUlle; larger sections, 1212 Vie; dark. StlOc per lb. beeswax. 25330e per lb. BEANS Marrow.

medium, 2.40; pes. $2.252.40. BUTTER state creamery. fancy. XS25c; choice, J3e; extra Elgin creamery snd Western, 24g2ic; choice, 23c; State dsirv.

fancy, 2223c; choice, lgl9c; Westers dairy, 1731e. CHEESE New choice. t'ilOc: fair to good, 8 part cklms, 50c; full skltna, EGGS New Isld, near by. He; JState. 1616c; Western, 14Xl6c.

XPFLES-Choica sweet. S) JHM21.73I Plooliaa. lS(SOc ncr lb HIDES Green steers. 24J3c; cows, 2c; bulls 2c; cured, higlier. Dealers pay for sheep.

2540c; lambskins. 10 15c; shearlings. SALT Warsaw One. Syracuse fine, 85c; Diamond C. Diamond F.

90c; table, 2.10 per barrel. TRACK INSPECTION. Chief Inspector Conway W. Ball reports the following cars Inspected on track for the 24 hours coded September 20: Wheat 1 car No. 1 white.

5 ears No. 2 red. Corn 1 car No. 2, 3 cars No. 2 yellow, 2 cars No.

3 yellow, 1 car No. 2 white, 1 car No. 3 white. Oats 9 cars No. 2 white, 1 car No.

3 white. RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. LAKE RECEIPTS for the 24 hours ended yesterday afternoon, a per Custom House reports: Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu Barley, bu Mait. bags Flour, brls Millfeed, sacks Copper, tons Iron, pig, tons Iron ore. tons.

Lard, pkgs Seed, bags Shingles, number 20.000 48,500 60,000 75,000 Ali 26.5O0 6.S20 1,207 1(10 9,454 430 LAKE SHIPMENTS for the 24 hours ended yesterday afternoon, as per Custom House ieiorts: Coal tons 10.S50 Cement, brls Salt, brls 10,330 Sugar, brls OoO CANAL AND RAIL SHIPMENTS for the 24 boura ended yesterday evening: By Canal-Tidewater Rochester Fulton Total By rail Wheat. Corn. 107,202 10.4."iO 15.485 Oats. Barley. 47.004 47.735 107.2'J2 2S.O.M) Sl.UOO 47.064 4U.0OO Grand total 75.735 96,064 Following are the receipts and shipments during 24 hours at Western points: RECEIPTS.

Wheat, Cora, Oats, Barley, Rye, bu. bu. hu. bu. bu.

Chicago 130.1 211. 00 178.000 118.UOO 8,000 27.IX-0 St. 41.1XK) Toledo 3.0UJ aa.ooo 134, oo 4.000 U.OOO 06,000 2.oOO 2.1ASJ 1,000 letrost Duluth fcl.vM) Mlnne'polia SHIPMENTS. Wheat, Com, Oats. Barley, lm.

bu. bu. bu. Rye, bu. Chicago Milwaukee.

St. Toieuo Detroit Duluth Mlnne' polls 81.0U0 134.UA) l.lSW yv.ooo 104.000 12.OO0 IMS! 93 IMllI 5,000 THE DRYGOODS TRADE. NEW YORK, Sept. 21. The week In the dry goods ti-aue Is with littie variation from the feuture noted during tue past tew uays.

More trade is quiet tnrotignout, ouiy a moderate nuuioer vimuuk uun uvmg around, and their operations cviuently con-hued to meeting current requirements. Trade on the road is also comparatively quiet, tue orders from salesmen and otners being neither so numerous nor so voluminous as a short time ago. And yet from the diliereut prominent distributing centers reports come of a decidedly hcalmy business hi progress, whilst urgent demands fr immediate shipment of recent purchases come to hand with every mall and frequently by telegraph. There Is a disposition in some quarters to exaggerate the tailing off from recent activity, out in doing this the fact Is overlooked that even ln seasons of gooi normal trade the primary market Is nearly always dull Just now, and that, as it is, the majority of houses will supplement their excellent August business by an unusually good record for September. Buyers must have time to move off Uequirod sup-', plies to some extent, but there are solid rea- sons for believing that these supplies will.

far frm adequate to meet the consumptive demand between now and the close of the fall season THE GENERAL TRADE. NEW YORK, Sept. 21 Bradstrect's says: The condition of general trade this week is nn improvement over a week ago ln that favorable features reported then nave been maintained. The surprisingly good reports of business Sou i It and. with some exceptions, Wtst are tndicnted by s-peclal advices from P.aiti-mote.

Cbicigo. St. Loals. Portland. San Baltimore Jibbers in all leading lines report tne volume of merchandise distributed in excess of expectation, especially dry goods ln South Carolina, Oeorgla.

and Alabama, except tn fruit and coal regions. Other Southern products being In good supply, orders continue liberal and mercantile collections easy. Nashville, while reporting no Improvement over favorable features made last week, notes their continuance and that collections are prompt. One sale is reported of tons of Southern pig iron this week. Activity reported ln almost all lines at Chicago a week ago is continued, merchants being satisfied with the volume.

Far Western buyers who used to buy In Eastern markets are purchasing stocks at Chicago. Greatest activity Is shown in dry goods, clothing, millinery, nnd shoes. Wool, too, is active, one lot of TUO.OW pounds having been sold to a Rhode Island manufacturer." St. Louis manufacturers and Jobbers of clothing and hats report business heavier tnan ln their preceding experiences in like periods. Sales of millinery and dry goods are large, as well as those of lumber.

The season's shipments of wheat from Portland. and San Francisco have begun. General trade at larger cities on the Pacific Coast has Improved ln leading lines. Receipts of lsska salmon have been very heavy and exports promise to be correspondingly large. The fsvorable features of trade which characterize the large areas are corroborated by the bank clearings total for the week S1KMMJO.Uikj, or 5.4 per cent, more than last week, 12 per cent, larger than In the third week'of Septemoer, lJft3.

but 24 per cent, smaller tnan in the like week of Another favorable feature Is found In larger sales of steel rails by Northwestern mills to Western railroad companies and by increased demands by railroads for car iron and the like. Heverses are seen in the increase of production of pig Iron last month, when It overtook dpmand, depressing prices. Bessemer pig has sold off. as have steel billets. Heavier exports of wheat from New York City.

San Francisco, and Montreal have further increased the-weekly total of wheat (and floor as wheat exported from both coasts of the United States and Canada within six days, such total being 3,537.000 bushels. Last week the like aggregate- waa 2.7Sil,0O0 bushels. There are 218 business failures reported ln the Cnitea States this week, against 223 last General trade is less active at Toronto than last week, due to demands for fall stocks having been satisfied. General trade at Montreal is -fairly steady ln tone, and prices of most staples are rtxoncer. At Ouebec city the United States, against 321 last year, and In Canada 48, against 40 last year.

GENERAL MARKETS. NEW YORK, Sept. 21. Cotton, spots quiet; unchanged; sales 2'JO. bales; uplands, 6 ll-10c; Gulf, 6 15-lOc- futures easy; sales 153,000 bales; September, 6.22c; Oetoler, 6.22c; November, 6.27c; December, tt.32c; January, 6.88c; February, 6.44c.

Flour receipts 31,000 brla; exports 5,000 brla; sales 9,000 brls; dour market waa quoted weak. Winter wheat, lew grades, do fair to fancy, do patents, 12.rt.Va3.10; Minnesota clear, 2.2.V(2.65; do straights, do patents, low extras, S1.85a2.40; city mills, $3.45: do patents, re mixtures, J2.10fri2.53. Rye flour steady; $2.603.10. Cornmeal, steady; yellow Western, $3.003.10. Kye, nominal; Western, Barley, quiet; Western, No.

2 Milwaukee, 81ftt2e. Malt dull; anada country made, Western, 653 70c; two-rowed State, 704j72y; six-rowed do, 75 6i80c. Peas, Canada, nominal st 68c. Wheat receipts 2119,000 ba; exports bu; sales bu futures: 128,000 bu spot. Spots, firmer; No.

2 red, store and elevator, 5iyaWWic; afloat, 60At(j 57c; f.o.b:, 57V(i5Se: ungraded red, No. 1 northern. C2c Options, firm; No. 2 red, September, 5o-se; October, r6c; November, 57; December, oStie: May, 6314c. Corn receipts 60.O00 bu; exports 1,000 bu; sales 660,000 bu futures; 33,400 bu rpot.

Spots, easier: No. 2, 59'i60c elevator; afloat. Options, firm: September, 59c; Octeber. SKc; November, 58Vfce; oV; May, 55c. Oats receipts 182.000 bu; sales 335.00 bu futures; 94.000 bu spot.

Spots easier; No. 2, 33V43Se; No. 2 white No. 2 Chicago, 84c; No. 3 do, No.

8 white, 35Mic; mixed Western, 324g34c; white do and white State, Options, lower; September, 33c; October SSc; November, 84c; December, 35c; May, 38c; No. 2 white oats, October quoted at 30ac: No. 2 whtle, November at 37MiC Feed, bran, 77V8S5c: middlings, rye feed at 11a v. steady: 7oftiOc. Hops weak; State at 5frimc.

Beef, nominal; family. $10,004 12.00: extra mess Cutmeats, knlet; pickled bellies, SVultSc; do shoulders, 7c; do hams, ll-itllc; middles, nominal. lard, firmer; Western steam. refined, dull; Continent at S0.6O; compound. 7tti7c.

Pork steady; ui, l.Y5O?16.O0: extra prime pork, at Butter, firmer; State dairy, 14Si22Vc: do creamery, lSlj24Vc; Pennsylvania creaiuery. 18if24c: Western dairy, 13iitl7c; Western crirsoery. 159 25c; do factory, 12ai0c; Elglns at Cheese steady: State large. fiWlOc white, do colored. itiT small, 8H3 10-V-; part skims.

tXl sV4lms.Vi3c. Eggs, firm: State and Pennsylvania, rwsptt 19c Icehouse. Western fresh, lCW'tlSVie. Tallow, strong; ctty, 5c bid; sales- 75 hbds; coantry, Petroleum, qntet; refined. So.

15; rto ln bulk, Potatoes, steady; New Jersey, S1.2.W1.87: New York. Sl.62fti2.00; Long Island, sweet potatoes noted at Rlre. firm; domestic, Molasses steady; 27ri36c. Coffee on Ions were easy: sales were 25,000 bace: Including September, $1 4.00014.15; October, 40: November, December. $12 3.Kffl2.o: Jamaary.

33: March, May $12.00. Spot at lWic. Sugar, dull: standard 4sft4 1316c; confectioners' A 11-lfie; cntloaf and crushed. 5 3- 16i 5c: powdered. 45 110c; granulated, $4 4 13-ICc.

I. CHICAGO. Sept. 21. Wheat was lower to-day on large receipts and lack of elevator room, closing He under yesterday for cash with December unchanged.

May corn lost and cash tlTlc on the day for slmllar reasons. Oats declined VaVrC. Provisions were easy. Estimated receipts for to-morrow: Wheat. 160 cars; corn.

400 cars; oats. 270 cars; hogs 8,000 head. Freights Wheat to Bnffalo paid lV4c snd corn me. The lendintr futures rinsed sa follows: Wheat Seiitemtwr, f.2fir2V,c: December, JVfft5rt; May. iVXTjCCc.

Corn September and October. 52e; Decemlwr. Mav. 5211c. Oats September.

2c: Octolier. 2tVfec; Mav. 340. I'ork January. $13.05.

lard October. Jsnuarv. Shirt ribs October. January, $8.07. Cash quotations were: Floor slow: No.

2 spring wheat. 52f54c: No. 3 do. No. 2 red.

52552Uc: No. 2 corn. f2c: No. 2 oats, 2ft52rm.c: No. 2 rye, 4iAc; No.

2 harley. 54c; pork. $13.75 00; lard. SS.87Mifi.50: ahorr ribs sides, $7.55 (P7.05: drv waited sbonlders. short clenr sides.

whisky. $1.83. Receipts Floor. 22.000 brls: wheat. lSO.OOo hn; corn.

211. OOO bti: oats. 178.000 bn; rye, 8.000 bu; barlev. 116.0OO bu. Shipments Flour, 10.000 brls: wheat, 84.00O bu: corn.

134. 00O bn: oats, 200.000 bn; rye, none; barley. 25, OOO bu. CINCINNATI, Sept. 21.

Pork st 14.50r15.75. Lard, 0Viaie. Bacon. 7dfe. Whisky.

$1.33. ST. I.OCIS. Sept. 21.

Flour dull: wheat higher; September. 4SPAc: December. 51Hc: May. 57e. Corn higher: September.

Me; December. 48t48Hc: Mav. 40c. Oats, lower; September, 80c; October, 2tc: May. 85c.

MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 51. Wheat stesdy: closet December. 55c: May, No. 1 northern, at 55ic: No.

2 northern, C4ic. MILWAUKEE. Sept. 21. Wheat, lower; closed: December.

Parley, steadier; No. 2. 521 r2i4e: extra No. S. frftVlHc.

Corn, lower: oats lower: No. 2 white. SlVH81e. Kye, steady, PEORIA. Sept.

21. Corn, lower: No. 2, 53c; No. 3. 52V4C.

Whisky, steady; $1.33. PCLCTH. Sept. 21. Wheat, steady; close: No.

1 hard, cash and September, 57c: No. 1 northern, cash and September, 55; December. 56c; May. No. 2 northern.

53c; No. 3 northern. 50c; rejected, 47c- to arrive. No. 1 northern, 65-c.

TOLEDO, Sept. 21. Wheat, dull; No. 2 red, cash, 524c: October. 52c: December, B4c; May, 50Mjc.

Corn, doll, Oats, nominal. DETROIT Sept. 21. Wheat. No.

8 red, R2c; No. 1 white. 5fic. Corn, No. 2 mixed, 60c.

Oats, No. 2 white, 33Vc. PETROLEUM MARKETS. NEW YORK. Sept.

21. National Transit certlfl-cates, 83c bid. NEW YORK, Sept. 21 Petroleum, quiet; refined, do ln bulk. OIL CITT.

Sept. 21. Petroleum, dull; quoted at 62TsC bid. FOREIGN MARKETS, P. 21 Wheat, easy; demand poor, holders are offering freely.

Cora, weak and lower; demand poor. Following are the closing grata sod provisions quotations: Spring wheat 4' Red wheat 4 No. 1 California, wheat 4 corn Peas Pork, per brl Lard, per 112 lbs Tallow Racon, II. A Cheese 4 6 72 24 42 61 Receipts of wheat for past three days 883,000 etla. Including 123,000 die American; com, same time.

none. Fin eauanmnal weather. Beerbohm Floating cargoes of wheat wet quiet; maize, none. Cargoes an passage-Wheat and mais rather easier. Mark Lase Wheat vary slow; mala Inactive; flour very quiet.

West her in England Fair: Liverpool Spot wheat slow; maize hardly any demand. No. 1 California wheat 4s Od; Wana Walla wheat 4s 6d; red wheat 4 Sd-all cheaper- India wheat 4s d. no recent price for co 31 part son; tpring wheat 4s 61: flour 14s Cd both unchanged imale 4s bHd-Vid cheaper; peas 6s 2d: no recent price for comparison. Liverpool Fot area Wheat quiet: mats flat.

Red wheal 4.3. October; 4.4. November; 4.6. December; January; 4.8. May.

Marra 4.9 September, sellers; 4.64. October, November, and December; 4.4, July. Antwerp foot wheat weaker. Red wheat 11.87. wss 12.

11 Paris Wheat and floor steadv. Wbaat 18.70. d. s. (14 8 8 ft 4 4 9 4 10 wTt-.

4 ai 6 44.. Per ct. Pr ct. inc. dec.

11.1 2.0 13.1 2V4 22.7 3.B 22.2 au.3 9.4 27.3 11.0 13.1 13.9 18.1 63.0 26.4 18.4 22.1 34.8 35.4 12.2 SS.l 4.4 77.5 05.1 34.1 20. 35.7 27.7 6.2 .1.6 55.6 1.7 .0.7 9.4 27.3 19.8 7.0 37.6 8.8 5.1 5.0 20.9 1.2 25 K- m.o 40. 8 13.4 61.7 25.2 367.8 65.3 33.3 05.9 12.0 35 .2 14.5 42.6 70.2 169 54.7 3.7 12.0 13.5 12.1 11.6 10.1 3.8 unchanged prices, SHEEP AND LAMBS. There waa a fairly liberal supply on sale, about 10 loads of Canada lambs and 15 loads of native stock, Including a few held over. The market was strong for sheep, especially all offerings of export stock, and a shade higher for good lambs with ordinary fslr to good selling at steady former prices.

The export demand was auother strong feature of the trade to-day and all of the offer-logs suitable for this trade were readily taken at the full strength of the prices quoted. Order buyers for the East and New York trade took about all the best lambs at shoot foil strong to a shade advance for some of the beat Cans das, and with a fairly good local butcher demand iho pens were well cleared of sale stock. Good 69 72 lb. native lambs sold at no very choice or weighty ooes being on sale and fair llitbi lots sold at 13. 504 75.

wlia cull and light butchering stock at $2.7573.25. Good to prime export wethers brought and fair to good heavy export ewes were steady at good mixed sheep sold steady at $2.6538.13 up to $3.25 43.60 where they were all good yearlings aud wethers of 00 to 105 culls, common sheep Caasda lambs acre la fair demand at for fairly good best lota. HOGS. Receipts of sals stock were fair again to-day, all of 20 cars wnen all were ln. The market waa slow and lower from the start and before noon, with advices of a decline of from Chicago, buyers held off snd offered still lower prices and quite a numlier of the offerings were then unsold with the outlook unfavorable.

The York demand was not over heavy to-day and only for lota; all kinds of grassy and thin, light bogs were very hard to sell at any kind of decent price. 7 and np to a late hour the bulk of these kinds -were unsold and with tbe unfavorable Western advices buyers 'ought shy of tbem altogether. Yorkers, good to choice corn-fed, brocurnt g5.9oj 8.00; sTassers and Michigan. $5.055. 85; good pigs and light, thin hogs 'mixed, good corn-fed mixed, 190 to 210 20; good me-dtrms and heavy, $6,3016.40.

No very choice heavy here, but a few extra clear pork of 265 to 300 lbs. would nave brotigbt snore had they been here. Boughs were S5.otX.ift.50; stags. 4.Si'4.75. The market cloaed weak at tbe decline for ail kinds with several loads of common, light and green stock going over unsold.

Now York Chicago liiMion Philadelphia llaltluioro Francisco Pittsburg Cincinnati Kiunns i'Uy Jew Orlcana LuiiUrlllc Lvrrvlt Omaha Minneapolis Buffalo Cleveland Providence Milwaukee Columbus, 0. Indianapolis St. Paul Denver Richmond Do Has Hartford Puiuth Memphis Savannah Pecrta Washington St. Joseph Rochester New Haven Fort Worth SprUigfleUl, Mass. Worcester Portland.

Me Atlnnta Portlanl. Ore. lies Moines Norfolk Los Antreles Syracuse (irnnd Rapids Fall River Wilmington Sioux City Ixwell Taeoma Sent tie Topeka Lincoln Jacksonville Wichita New Bedford Lexington Bingh.nrutou Birmingham Spokane $81). 177.038 KJ.a5i.iOD 7U.1W4.742 67. 808,81 1 21.UU4.Sn2 I4.i3a.nau i4.aoa.tKtt 12.778,524 11.800,7'JO U.567,558 0.

6.09S.610 5.4i4,Oo4 8.81,540 7.870,734 8,843,667 4,951, 8X 4.235.530 2.986. 70O 3.941.318 3.410.812 2.023,2 2. 151, 7o3 1.7o7.82 2.688. 27'J 1.122.727 1.650,887 1.511.984 1.526. 14 1.25H.86H 1.236.508 l.Ottit.838 1.216.1S' 1.242.233 1.246.707 SS4.650 1.

101 781 .21 M.1,4!'H 6S7. 7W.7S7 P85.02.1 55K.110 4S2.377 432 947 388.566 23 32S. 88.1 331,316 333.315 2i.2.S64 3 201.060 201.834 173.155 244.351 158.702 165.6i 131. 01 2 T.3.00S nV) 108 1,163.700 612.2S1 853.220 7OR.045 244.085 1.257.315 5.06.C7O 4.821.545 Saginaw Ray City Chattauoojra Akron Springfield, O. Canton Sioux Falls Hastings Fariro Fremont Pnlt Iake Helena Nashville Scracton KalaniMoo Waco Houston Galveston Totals C.

S. $000,287,045 Outside New York $411,109,507 Kraiinlon of Canada-Montreal $12,007,507 Toronto 4.743.064 Halifax 1.023. Hamilton 743.321 Winnipeg 929.753 Totals Not Included In totals. MARKET POINTS. The following market messages were received by Mclntyre Wardwell lA.

J. Wright) at their office, Noa. 37 snd 3S Erie County Bank Build-tag: RAILROAD STOCKS. NEW TORK, Sept. The feature this afternoon was the heavy selling of Rock Island on the rejection of the Company's quarterly dividend to per cent.

This action was not altogether unexpected, but as reliable opinions had been expressed tiiat the regular rate would be paid niuy people seem to have been astonished tiiat the Cowpatiy dbl not follow the example set by the St. Pun! and Burlington managements. In view of tho rop failure and the general depression of trade it Is unquestionably the right and conservative course for the Rock Island lo pursue and It will eventually bring the read out ahead of its competitors who are straining all their resources to maintain the pnymeut of dividends at the usual rates. Towards the close the rangers were severely raided by bear Interests who are probably preparing to open the market a low aa possible to-morrow la order to buy hack whatever stock this news will dislodge as cheaply as possible. Reading was strong on Philadelphia buying sad Louisville also showed considerable strength.

Chicago Oas maintained most of its advance on what appeared to 1 covering. Sugar held well and Distillers was affected by the presence of a number of largo buying orders which absorbed the. scattered selling throughout the day. The attack on the Grangers gave a weak tone to the entire market at toe, M. A W.

GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. CHICAGO. Sept. 21 Wheat continued weak to-far; although the decline met considerable caW yiuwui, ouu.uw nur.eia or spring wneat. Early there was continued llnniitsHnn nt im iiiw but on the He break on the reported export business there were large purchases of the futures.

Cables were lower. The weather was perfect. There was some talk of a wheat blockade her because of the condition of the elevators. Winter wheat, irarifcta even wjjero vera weak; aortas NEW YORK, Sept. 21.

Beeves receipts 2.398 head: market steady. Export steers, Colorados and rangers, poor to good natives, $3.4005.10: scrubs, oxen and stags, $2 bulls. $1 cows. heifers, city dressed native sides. 6 tHc.

slves receipts 260 bead; market stesdy. Maryland calves, State veals. grassers and buttermilks, dressed do, OalOc for country dressed veals; 7V311c for redressed; for grassers aad buttermilks; 3Mi tZOsc for little calve. Kbeep and lambs receipts 4,020 bead; market for sheep steady, lambs easier. Poorest to best lambs, medium to prime sheep, dressed mutton, 4W-J 6c; choice do, 7c: dreaeed lambs, Hogs receipts 2,340 head; market strong.

Sales at country dressed steady at TVrJc- CHICAGO, Sept. 21. Cattle recelpta T.OOO head; market firm and higher. Commoa extra steres, 88.266.60; cows and balls. 81.S.VTA-(tO: stackers and feeders, calvea, Hoga receipts 15.000 bead; market dull and lower.

Heavy, common to choice mixed, at choice assorted, 15.S0ta.9t; light, pigs. $3.00.00. Sheep recelpta 6.000 bead; market firm aad higher. Inferior to choice aheep. 81.004SS.OO: do lambs.

S2.O0tH4.9O. ST. LOCIS. Ma, Sept. 11.

Cattle receipts 8.748 head; market steady. Southern steer. cows, Hogs receipt 1.703 head; market weak. Heavy, fair sod good light, common to medium and mixed lots, Sheep receipts 4Vt bead; market was quiet. Native mixed, Southwestern mixed, 15.25.

KANSAS CrTT. Miv, Sept. tl. Hog receipt 4.800 head; market alow. Heavy, medium, Ufbl, pigs, 540.

Cattle receipts head: market steady. Bet native steers, 4.tsl.ia; fair to good, $3.20 4.60; best ca ad belfera, fair to reed. 20; rockers and feeders balls, Sl.40Ata.10; TVxss steera, tl.TO2.73; calve st Sbeen receipts 2, OOO head; market steady. SOUTH OMAHA, Sept. XL-Cattle receipts 5,000 bead; market strong for best; ether steady.

Steers, feeders, 11.5048.50; cows, common. fl.0tsvt8.lsX Hogs receipts 8.500 bead; market closed weak, tee, light mixed. heavy, XA.5hHKV.S0; pigs. 3.60f.iV.om Sheep recelpta aosss. EAST LIBERTY.

Sept. II. CUl reelrt light; market for food grades Arm. llixs 5.60; good, avsM tHitceera, 8.V4 83; rough fat, fair light atwa. ei Svv.f 8.10; balls, stags, and bologna eswa, 1 soa Hogs, receipts light.

Philadelphia. $, SViVo: best Yorkers and mixed. $A-KVyA wnm ts fair Yorker. $5.6545 80; pigs, gnod sowa, stag and rough sow, 5.00. Sheep receipts fair; demand fair.

Extra, at $3.803.50: good. fair. tl.txJv.i2.25; common yearllnga. tl ooaS.bO: lamb. t2.25fa-4.00; veal calves, X5.5tsJ,0v; fceavjr and tii obM.

aiLomaaaa XEW TORK, Sept. 21. Money on call easv At wnh 1'r'me mercantile paper 46J 41-2e, Bar silver t53 l-2c. Sterling exchanga.

Buffalo Courier from Buffalo, New York (2024)
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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

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Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.